Honey for the Heart: Joy In the Shadow

Well, so far, it's been one of "those" weeks.
Work has been stressful and I've been feeling quite melancholy. Time seems to have gone by, without me feeling like I've accomplished a whole lot. I had intentions of having another post ready for my blog by Tuesday, but that came and went. I think I'm having one of those "writers blocks" that bloggers often talk about.

So, I thought that it would be nice to post another "Honey for the Heart"....because honey is soothing and sweet. Sometimes that's what we need in our lives, especially when life gets tough.  So, won't you try some honey for your heart?
...where I share different verses from the Psalms!
 May you find truths about God, yourselves, and living life in the images and word pictures shared here! 
I love Psalm 63:7! The image of being in the shadow of His wings is so comforting. It also gives me reason to keep singing for joy, for I know He protects me under His shadow. If you have had one of "those" weeks, remember that you can find joy in the shadow of His wings.
 I love singing along to this Chris Tomlin song...a great reminder that we need to keep singing, no matter what!!

In spite of having a difficult week, God still has blessed me in so many ways. Sharing some of those blessings here: 
at "Multitudes on Mondays", as I  Dare to Share the gifts He gives!
1,740 - Getting to talk on the phone with my son! Always great to hear his voice!
1,742 - Watching my dogs tease each other and play like kids do!
1,743 - Having several days of gorgeous weather - no humidity, no bugs, not too hot, not too much rain.
1,744 - Having a pleasant conversation with my neighbor lady and friend!
1,745 - Another great weekend of fishing...finding an awesome spot on the lake!
1,746 - Heating pads...for an achy back this morning.
1,747 - Having the opportunity to work with some amazing people, who are supportive, when things get overwhelming at the office.


  1. There was an old hymn we used to sing, "There's Honey in the Rock for you!" Yes God gives us of His sweetness spiritually, and also honey is good for your health (in small doses). Mix with apple cider vinegar and water for a nice drink which is good for your joints and heart too.

    1. I don't think I've ever heard that hymn before, Hazel. But it sounds like the idea behind it and my post are one and the same. Thanks, also, for sharing some of the health benefits of honey.

  2. Hi Ann! Being in the shadow of His wings is the best place to be, isn't it? Thanks for this "Honey for the Heart" today!

    Blessings, Joan

    1. Absolutely, Joan! So thankful to know He is watching over us! So glad to hear from you again!

  3. Thank you for sharing your lovely post with us here at “Tell Me a Story.” At: http://letmetelluastory.blogspot.com/ and please do a search on YouTube for that song. I am sure someone still sings it. Honey in the Rock

  4. Most of the YouTube songs are difficult to understand, but here is part of the words:

    O my brother, do you know the Savior,
    Who is wondrous, kind, and true?
    He’s the Rock of your salvation!
    There’s honey in the Rock for you. Refrain:
    Oh, there’s honey in the Rock, my brother;
    There’s honey in the Rock for you.
    Leave your sins for the Blood to cover;
    There’s honey in the Rock for you.

    Have you tasted that the Lord is gracious?
    Do you walk in the way that’s new?
    Have you drunk from the living fountain?
    There’s honey in the Rock for you.

  5. Hi Ann! I love knowing that God hides us under His wing. It gets rough out there sometimes!


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