
Showing posts from March, 2012

Preparing for Palm Sunday

                                                                                     Source: via Ann on Pinterest In ancient times, palm branches symbolized goodness and victory. They were often depicted on coins and important buildings. Solomon had palm branches carved into the walls and doors of the temple ( 1 Kings 6:29 ). Again at the end of the Bible, people from every nation raise palm branches to honor Jesus ( Revelation 7:9 ).   The Bible tells us that a week before his death, people cut branches from palm trees, lai...

Birds, butterflies, and Hearts

 Hello, friends! This is going to be a short post and is a little late. I'm feeling under the weather today. Have a cold and sore throat. Just sharing a few things around my house today. A Heart from a quilt I made several years ago. My blue tea for one pot and cup, a heart and butterfly piece that my hubby got me, and a "forever blooming" flower made out of material. A miniature butterfly teapot, a birdhouse hotplate, my pink flower fairy, and another spring flower. Close-up of my hotplate. Decorating my front door for the Easter season. I made this display all from stuff I bought at the Dollar General Store. I have a little flag holder in the front landscaping. My Easter flag is flying today! This year, my decorating has a mingling of many themes....birds, birdhouse, butterflies, flowers, hearts, and most importantly, the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ! Linking up over at these sweet blog hops: Tea Time Tuesday (Rose Chintz Cottage) Tea Cup Tuesd...

Relationships Take Work Series (Emotional Intimacy)

This is the fourth in the series of several posts I am writing on relationships, in particular, marriage relationships. To read the other posts go here Source What is Intimacy? Although the word ‘intimacy’ is not used in the Bible, the concept is found there. Husband and wife are to function as one rather than two. "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." Genisis 2:24 They need a way to relate to one another that does not cause conflict but encourages harmony. The meaning of ‘oneness’ can be further understood by the words used to describe physical intimacy or the sexual union.(This is often what people first think of when they hear the word intimacy). We will be discussing this topic in a different post. True (or emotional) intimacy has a lot to do with how much we share our hearts with our spouse. o     It takes a commitment of time and effort on both sides. Conversatio...