My Heart Will Sing.....(Part 3)

This is the 3rd post of a 3-part series I am writing that covers an annual Ladies Holiday Tea at my church. To read Parts 1 and 2, go to the following links.

The LORD is my strength and my shield;
   my heart trusts in him, and He helps me.
My heart leaps for joy, 
And with my song I praise Him
Psalm 28:7

I hope you are enjoying your Thanksgiving weekend! Mine has actually been quiet and relaxing, which is good, since the past few weeks have been pretty hectic for me. I decided to finish up this series on the Ladies Holiday Tea. I hadn’t realized how many pictures I had taken that day. It seemed like there was something exciting and new everywhere I turned.
 (left click to enlarge pictures)
Not only were the tables creatively decorated, but the program was also pretty amazing. Our speaker was a gal who is on our music worship team, but she didn’t sing that day. She talked about having joy and gratitude, and she mentioned a book that is on my list of top ten favorite books, “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp. I often post quotes from the book and even have a quote of hers on my Blog Header. 
We also got to hear about our service project this year….a local smaller church has been assisting people who are struggling financially with household items that we often take for granted and automatically go buy when we run out….ie. soap, shampoo, toothpaste, laundry soap, paper towels, and even diapers for some families. The church has been a godsend to many families and the need is growing to the point that they have trouble keeping their shelves stocked. For this year’s tea, guests were asked to bring in a donation to help out with this program. I was thrilled to see that we had an outpouring of women who willingly donated to this church! God is SO good!!!
There were a few songs played in the program by other members of our worship team. One of the songs they sang went with the theme of our program, “My Heart Will Sing”. I love the song and am sharing it with you here....enjoy!

 All in all, this was in my opinion the best year for this event, ever! God has done and continues to do great things to show His love through others! I pray we will always keep working in His service to share the love and mercy of our Savior! May you move this weekend from a posture of thanksgiving and gratitude into one of adoration, joy, and peace. Oh, what more could we be thankful for, than the birth of our Savior and King!

In His Love, 


  1. This looks like a wonderful tea time, all the better for the emphasis on serving God and one another in the community. There are a lot of good ideas here too.

    I like Ann Voskamp's writing also.She has a way of reminding us about being thankful for the many things we might take for granted.


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