My Heart Will Sing.....(Part 2)

This is Part 2 of a 3-part post…due to the fact that there was so much to share, through pictures and words, of a giant tea party that took place in my home church on Nov. 19th.  To read Part 1, please go to this post….
  • 84 tables
  • Table settings for 8 people per table
  • Teapots and teacups at every table
  • Unique centerpieces
  • Decorations
  • Take-home gifts for each guest
These are just a few of the things I saw at our annual Ladies Holiday Tea. There was so much to see, that sometimes it was overwhelming to look upon it all! I have put together several “collage pages” to share with you, as it would be impossible to download each table and display of the entire event. So here a few of my favorites…(left click on pictures, to enlarge)

What an amazing event! If you have never been to a ladies tea party, I would highly recommend it! Have an amazing Tuesday!
For Part 3, the final post in this series, with more pictures of this holiday tea party, go here!

In His Love, 
 Linking up at Rose Chintz Cottage



  1. Hello Ann,
    that looks like a really big event with lots of work and fun. I hope you enjoyed this megaparty. The tables look very inviting.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  2. Hi Ann,
    Welcome to Tea Time Tuesday! I'm so happy to have you. The ladies tea at your church looks wonderful and I'm sure everyone had a grand time. I have that same white teapot with the lacy bottom. The centerpieces are very cute; especially liked the little white houses! Thanks for sharing the collages and joining me for tea today. A Happy Thanksgiving is wished for you and your family.


  3. What a fab tea THAT must have been! The photos are awesome! I used to host them at our church when mu husband pastored. A lot of work, but well worth it! Looks like it was a marvelous occasion! Nice to meet you!

  4. @Johanna-thanks for stopping by. The event is a lot of work, but since there were over 100 volunteers, all I did was decorate my table and pour the tea. It was LOTS of fun.
    @Sandi-I'm so excited to be a part of your teatime today! It's so much fun meeting other bloggers with similar interests as I.
    @Antiques and Teacups-I will take some time real soon and check out your blog, too! Looks like lots of neat "tea" stuff to look at!

  5. Wow, these pictures are awesome! Looks like the event was a blast!

  6. What a warm and inviting setting for a Christmas tea. I'm sure the women had a wonderful time of fellowship!

    (new follower from (in)courage)


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