
Spring Is In The Air!!

Well, it’s not “officially” Spring until March 20 th , but I’m already feeling that “Spring Vibe”!! It’s been a busy week for us….but first, coffee!!!     As, I stood out on our deck, I saw 3 deer grazing down by our flowing creek on our property. TIhe sound of the strong flowing water, along with almost tame deer is so relaxing!    There are also three trees on our property that I have always wanted. I think they are called “Italian Cyprus” ( ) We saw some of them when traveling through Arizona last year, but I never thought we would ever own one, let along 3. .   A Primrose blooming!!   We had “tree trimmers” come out and trim our big oak and pine trees, which really opened up the views from the deck. Glad Ken didn’t try doing this himself!! It was quite the harrowing job, climbing trees and sawing off giant limbs!!!!  As the season changes from cold, ...


art source:   What Is the Promised Land? In the Bible, the term “Promised Land” refers to a specific region of land that God endowed to His chosen people, as part of their heritage. The promised land of Canaan, eventually called Israel, was a fertile land with brooks and deep springs that gushed out into the valleys and hills. The rich soil produced wheat and barley, vines and fig trees, pomegranates, and olives. There, the Israelites would lac k nothing. Described in Scripture as “a land flowing with milk and honey,” the soil was rich for agriculture and shepherding, the mountains provided security and protection from the elements and their enemies, and the arid climate provided perfect conditions for livestock to thrive. (Exodus 3:17; Numbers 13:27, Deuteronomy 8:6-9) In Genesis 12:1, God tells Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you." God later confirms this promise to Abraham'...

CHRISTMAS AT THE COAST(and more bizzare events!)

  “ When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.” ( Isaiah 43:2 (NLT ) In our case, that has literally been where He has led us! First came the Bomb Cyclone, which I mentioned in my last post!  Then on December 5, a 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Northern California, which prompted a tsunami warning for parts of the California and Oregon coastlines. Praise God, nothing came of that warning. That was followed by a recen t UFO sighting on December 7th. Multiple pilots reported strange, red circular lights zipping arou nd in the sky during flights over Oregon. The sightings occurred near Eugene, with pilots describing the objects as moving erratically at various high altitudes and in corkscrew patterns at extreme speeds. But Air Traffic Control could not see anything in satellite images. The sightings continued along the Oregon coast, up through Washington and even into Alaska over a sh...

When God Takes You Into A Once In 50 Year Bomb Cyclone!!

I decided to take some time off from my "house hunting" updates, which is about the same anyway, to share what has been going on weatherwise close to our campsite. We've been in the middle of a King Tide(a common thing on the coast), as well as a "Bomb Cyclone"!!! "The powerful bomb cyclone, considered the biggest to hit the Pacific in 50 years, has brought severe weather conditions to the West Coast, particularly in California, Oregon, and Washington. The storm, which made landfall on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, has resulted in the deaths of two people and knocked out power for hundreds of thousands of residents. The bomb cyclone has broken records for rainfall and snowfall in several areas.   A bomb cyclone occurs when a cyclone undergoes rapid intensification, with a pressure drop of at least 24 millibars in 24 hours. This type of storm is different from a hurricane, as it forms when cold and warm air collide, often over cool ocean waters." Below i...

The Freedom to Live One Day at a Time

  Starting out on our moving adventure, I had my doubts about whether we made the right choice. We’ve definitely had our challenges getting here and the process of knowing where God wants us to settle has been anything but easy. But, I can honestly say that our time here has been a blessing from the Lord!! I find being an “Oregonian” relaxing and awe-inspiring. The pure beauty and variety of nature in this state has me wanting to get up every morning with energy and a readiness to try something new! From seeing giant waterfalls, to experiencing unique ocean views, I feel like we’ve often found paradise on earth. ⛰️🌲🌄 At this point, I don’t feel like we are on vacation anymore. But, I also don’t feel like a full-time resident yet. We are still on the search for the house and area we want to live. We have come so close, but the offer we made on the house we thought was possibly our new home was rejected. We are praying for a definite answer to finding where God wants us to ...