"Cultivating Contentment" - Do Not Complain

Yes, we have all done it from time to time. Things don’t go our way and we are complaining about this and whining about that. We make excuses. Yet the Bible clearly says that complaining is a sin. It shows an attitude that you are ungrateful and bitter. It often tests God’s patience.

 1 Corinthians 10:10 - And do not grumble, as some of them did—and were killed by the destroying angel. (NIV)

Our ladies Bible study group has been studying the book, "Cultivating Contentment" by Thomas Nelson. Our recent focus has been on complaining and what God says about it. Here are some excerpts from the book.

". . .in the morning you will see the Glory of God. Yes, he’s listened to your complaints against him. You haven’t been complaining against us, you know, but against God.” Exodus 16:7
  • When we lash out because we don't like our lives, our complaints are heard in heaven. In a sense, we are telling God He's not doing things right, and we want Him to d things our way.

After reading this, I had to ask myself, "Am I testing God, whenever I complain?"
"You must not test the Lord your God as you did when you complained. . ." Deut. 6:16 NLT

So once more the people complained against Moses. “Give us water to drink!” they demanded.
“Quiet!” Moses replied. “Why are you complaining against me? And why are you testing the Lord?” Exodus 17:2 NLT
  • Selfish, ungrateful, forgetful, cantankerous, rebellious, argumentative. . .
  • How could (can) God's children complain?  We are His chosen ones. He knows us. He loves us. Look at all He has done for us! He cares for us. He died for us. He has given us an eternal hope! No matter what inconvenience we face on this earth, we are assured of living "happily ever after".
  • The complaining we exhibit reveals the childishness of our hearts.
Things will go wrong in our lives. A pop quiz. A long term paper. A break up. A fight with a friend. These things happen. We can spend our time complaining, taking our eyes off of God, or we can find a way to make things better. We can remember all the other things God has provided. Not only will we be happier, but we will be a positive Christian example to everyone around us.

Ephesians 4:29 - "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." (NIV)
 I'm reminded, once again, even complaining about the small things that irritate me in life show my lack of trust and maturity in my relationship with God.

Continuing to count my blessings, one by one at  
1,356 - A beautiful, warm, sunny spring day.
1,357 - My knee feeling good enough to walk some trails with my friend.
1,358 - The sweet aroma of a field full of wild phlox.
1,359 - The pretty lavender color, spread across a field in the middle of the woods.
1,360 - God leads and directs our paths...
"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."
– Psalm 119:105 (NIV
1,361 -  An entwined, knotty tree, with many branches that form a frame for the wild phlox...God's perfect frame of His beauty!
1,362 - The goodness of God, as he reminds me, over and over, of His great love and how He blesses me every day!
1,363 -  The beauty and stoic look of a blue heron, standing on my neighbor's pier.

1,364 - Even when I'm feeling frustrated by other's unkindness or untruthfulness, that God provides me with patience and a kind spirit to the other person.
1,365 - A Cardinal, stopping briefly at the feeder to look my way.
1,366 - Finally getting to see my sweet, 2 month old great-niece!!
1,367 - The peacefulness of a sleeping baby.
1,368 - My aunt, the little one's great, great-aunt, also getting to see her for the first time!
1,369 - Adorable expressions!
May you find many blessings, through Christ, in the coming week!


  1. Good message! The photos are lovely & the baby is precious! Thanks so much. Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia

    1. Thanks, Cynthia! I appreciate your encouraging comments and prayers! I do love my newer camera and the photos they produce!! Blessings to you.

  2. Because of the pressures of this world we too often forget to thank God for the big and little things that He blesses us with daily. Thank you for reminding us that having a heart of gratitude is something that pleases Him greatly.

    1. Definitely important for us to remember! Thanks for stopping by, Audrey!

  3. Your post was such a beautiful reminder to me today. Thank you so much for sharing and encouraging me! Blessings to you and the darling new great-niece of yours too!

    1. So glad you were encouraged by my post and pictures. I stopped over at your blog and really enjoyed your latest post, "Vistas to Behold." You also found the beauty of God's creation on your roadtrip! Thanks for sharing here!

  4. A wonderful reminder and loved all the beautiful photos as you shared the reasons to be grateful. Lovely! Blessings to you.

    1. Thanks, Beth. God is SO good!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Cultivating contentment ... Thanks for drenching me in thankfulness. Your words and photos splash pure joy.

    Delighted to meet you today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to dip onto goodness.




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