When the Small Things Start to Be Big

The past few days have been a bit of a challenge for me...
No big, drastic, life changing issues, mind you;
Just the little annoyances that pound away at me...
  • Repeated mistakes;  
  • Getting stuck in long, drawn out discussions with people who like to gossip and start arguments.
  • A headache that won't go away. 
  • A messy house that I can't seem to get caught up on cleaning.
  • Those little things that my husband does/doesn't do that seem to bother me more than usual.

It is easy for Satan to use my emotions against God and others, which is why Paul instructs us to "not give the devil a foothold."

Sometimes I wonder...is this another test from God?
Is He checking to see if I can handle the little things in life that wear me slowly down?

I start to wonder that if the little things in life start to become the big things, how can I ever become a true disciple of God? How can He trust me with the big things, if I fail so miserably with the small things that so easily upset me?

I know that through the Holy Spirit's leading, I can overcome the small things that start to be big. I'm reminded of the saying:
This is why; 
I refuse to let anger; disobedience; wrath; hurt, etc, remain on the inside of me.
I immediately; began to pray.
I don’t know about you.
I can feel; when an ill-feeling is rising up in me.
If it is not the fruits; that the Lord speaks about:
  • Galatians 5:22: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
I must stop allowing the enemy to control how I let my emotions take over and how I respond to these distractions/annoyances:

A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel.Proverbs 15:18 (NIV) 

"Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tem"pered displays folly." - Proverbs 14:29 

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." Ephesians 4:2 (NIV)

Below is a perfect song for my week!!!!!! 
(Maybe your week was like this too.)
It's a great reminder that God uses even the little things to help us grow in Him each day!

Today, I choose to have patience and I pray I will be the person who does the things that make life more positive. 

Lord remind me to keep things in perspective and not turn the small things into big things.   Amen.

Continuing to list all the blessings(gifts) Christ has shown me and rejoicing in Him alone!!!   at  "Multitude on Mondays"
1,334 - Two families of Canadian geese that stopped in our yard to have dinner.
1,335 - Catching fish off of our pier at our lakehouse.
1,336 - A fun Friday afternoon, shopping with my friend!
1,337 - Time with my parents and in-laws.
1,338 - Cool weather for Mother's Day...slowing me down to enjoy family time together
1,339 - My hubby, who bought me flowers, a sweet card, and made me french toast for breakfast for Mother's Day....even though he has had allergies the past week.
1,340 - A phone call from my son, who couldn't be with me for the first time ever on Mother's Day.(Oh, how I miss him!)
1,341 - Learning to daily live out the fruit of the Spirit, even with the small things.
1,342 - Enjoying a few minutes taking in a sunny afternoon, without any pressures or a tight schedule.


  1. Love your post today. Sometimes it's the small stuff that breaks us.

    1. So true!! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post, Rachelle!! Have a blessed week!

  2. Love your post today. Sometimes it's the small stuff that breaks us.

  3. I love that song -- one of my favorites. Great post! :)

    1. Thanks, Lyli! It is a great song!! So glad it blessed you!

  4. Hi Ann,

    Nice to meet you. I'm hopping over from Ann Voskamp's link up. Oh, I hear you, and agree about those small things that can build up in us, building bad habits in me of discontent, complaining, etc. I appreciated your verses here, and found some that especially grabbed me. My post "Running in my Head Like a Memory" from last week has me confessing some of the same hard things, and my go-to for help.

    Have a great week, Ann.
    Jennifer Dougan

    1. Oh, it's great meeting you too, Jennifer! I think this has been an issue for me on and off most of my life, but God sure has been working in my heart to change that...I know young eyes and those who don't know Christ personally are watching me...and God is too!!! May we find strength through Christ to overcome the difficult moments when the small stuff gets big and we react! Blessings!!

  5. What a great attitude, Ann! "Don't sweat the small stuff" is great advice...God is in control, we just need to get out of His way! :-) I love the pictures of the Canadian Geese, too! Thanks for sharing!

    Blessings, Joan

  6. Such power in prayer and scripture! Even in the small things we need to turn to Him in prayer. I love how whether small or big, He still wants us to come to Him. Happy to make my way here through Michelle's link-up.

  7. Good thought about holding feelings up against the test of the fruits of the spirit- I don't know that I've ever thought about it quite like that before! Thanks for linking up!!


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