Ever Lifting Me On Eagle's Wings

As Memorial Day Weekend approaches, I contemplate what this holiday means to me. . .

Memorial Day marks the unofficial beginning of the summer season in the United States. 

Memorial Day Weekend is a three-day holiday that is typified by the first family picnics and barbecues of the year. 

The Indianapolis 500 Mile Race takes place on the Sunday before Memorial Day.  

It also is a time for families to get together for ball games, swimming, and other early summer activities

Memorial Day is also a time to remember those who have passed on, whether in war or otherwise. Parades and memorial services take place all over the country. Many, many prayers are said for those who have lost a child, spouse, parent, or family member who died in the Armed Forces. 

My heart aches for those who have felt this great loss!!! 
Prayer on  Memorial Day
On this Memorial Day
Grant peace to the souls
of all those soldiers who died in war.
We remember the tears and grief of their families,

The pain of mothers, wives, husbands and children
Who lost precious loved ones.
To build a meaningful memorial to them,
We ask God to give us all the will
To work for peace around the world
So no more sons, daughters, husbands, wives, fathers, nor mothers
Are slaughtered by the guns and bombs of war.
memorial day 2012
To grant us the compassion and wisdom to affirm life
And honor the dead through forgiveness and peace making.
May God have mercy on the souls of the departed.
Grant them peace, O Lord.
May we have mercy on the living.
Grant us peace, O Lord.
In Your name we pray.

We also remember and pray for those presently in the military.
Prayer for Our Troops
Lord, please hold our troops in
your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for
the selfless act they perform
for us in our time of need.
We ask this in the name of
Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

This week, I'm reminded of God's great and awesome strength that carries me when I feel helpless and weak. My hubby and I were out trolling around in our boat, when we saw THE LAKE EAGLE! Everyone on our lake knows about the lake eagle; some have had the privilege of seeing him. And now I am one of the few who have caught him on my camera. He was hiding in a tree, but I did get a few great shots . . .

 As we continued around the lake, we rode by this carved pole in someones yard. . . a great image of an eagle in flight. It reminded me, not only those who have fallen, but of our God who lifts us up on His wings of love and strength.

I recently heard this song "Ever Lifting" by Christy Nockels
It encouraged me, and I hope it encourages you.

What does Memorial Day weekend mean to me?
 rest, relaxation, family, and friends. . . and


  1. Dearest Ann, I cannot thank you enough for coming by "Being Woven" for your visit brought me here today. This has brought tears throughout but each one was caught by our God. I will be writing of Memorial Day in the next day or two as it means so very much to me...for I lost my Daddy in 1960 while he was an active duty Navy doctor. No, he was not in a warzone, but he had been in WWII and then with the Manhattan Project after the war. Most likely his pancreatic cancer at age 46 came from exposure to radiation in his experience with the Manhattan Project. He was proud in his service to this country no matter what the Navy sent him to do, and I am so proud of him to this day. 53 years later, I miss him alot. I was only 12 with sisters of 10 and 7. Mama had her hands full. The photo of the young woman at the gravesite with her little blond son brought major tears. So many have been lost and those children will NEVER really know their Daddy or their Mommy.
    Thank you for sharing all of this through prayer and through God's sifting of your words, Ann. It is beautiful. Being blessed to see your "Lake Eagle" blesses me. A magnificent bird and one I am glad this nation has chosen to represent it. This nation needs the strength of God underpinning all we do and say and not just on an eagle's handsome and strong countenance.
    May He hold us each and all as we stand strong in the Lord each day.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

    1. Oh, wow, Linda! God knew what He was doing when He led me to check out your blog through the blog hop at A Holy Experience. I'm so sorry that you had lost your father at such a young age. Sounds like it is still as if it was yesterday to you. I saw the pictures above and it touched my heart also, even though I didn't lose a loved one who served...and I pray I never have to. Blessings to you!!! May you have a blessed Memeorial Day!


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