Random Journal Day: "Thanksgiving Precedes the Miracle"

 Today, I'm sharing from my journal writings and from my heart. I'll be linking over at "Be"neath The Surface: Breath of Faith: Random Journal Day Link Up"
as well as several other great blog hops (listed at the bottom of this post)
Thank you, Dawn, for providing this great link-up!
click on picture to go to her site.

On Wednesday, I shared a little bit about what is currently happening in my life. I've copied and pasted it here, just in case you didn't happen to read that post:
This week has been a bit of an intense week for me and the hubs. We have been waiting patiently for about 9 months or so to complete the sale of our house and move to a lake cottage nearby. We've come close a few times, but something always has fallen through at the last minute. We have been in constant prayer over whether this is the path God is calling us to or if He has another. I have asked the Lord for some kind of confirmation that, even though we have waited patiently, that He will complete this process soon. A few weeks ago, I read in Ann Voskamp's list for the April (specifically on the 26th) JoyDare that I am to write down 3 gifts from God that are moving! I honestly am not one to test God or read into things, but I have felt that God was speaking to me about our move. Well, He's making me trust right up to the day! Tomorrow is the 26th. I'm trusting God to come through for me!! Won't you also pray for Him to receive glory and our faith to become sight? Whatever happens, tomorrow, I will be praising God for 3 gifts that are moving!!

To read all of that day's post, go here

It seems like all week God has been working in my heart on this subject. I'm also sharing from yesterday's writing in my journal, since it is so fresh on my mind and in my heart.
 Thursday, April 26, 2012
Today is the day I have felt that God was is going to do something very special in my life - the gifts of 3 things moving. Yesterday, I think the devil was trying his hardest to oppress me. Ken finally talked to our realtor, who had no good news about the buyers who are still trying to sell their house first and she actually tryed to work us to consider dropping our price again on our house(so that they can drop their house price), even though we have already worked out an agreed offer. By the end of the day, both Ken and I were feeling down in the dumps, feeling like there is very little chance that this will work out. 
Been reading Ann Voskamp's book again and I'm reminded, when she writes,  
"Eucharisteo -thanksgiving- precedes the miracle. I humbly give God thanks for the gifts He gives. And in that place of humble thanks, God exalts and gives more gifts and more of Himself."  
All week, I've been reminded of my need to be meek and humble before God. Oh, this is not easy, to lower myself of my will and to fill myself with God alone! His love - I can trust, let go, surrender all - and give thanks for what is given - JOY! I will give thanks, no matter what is given, because God IS my joy! 

Oh, Jesus, in Your mercy and love for me, bring me to my knees in EVERY circumstance! Show me joy for YOUR gifts today - this is Your day to me!!

Even though the 26th has passed, with no new news to give, I will still trust and praise God! I've had this song in my head all week. We sang it in church and I just keep finding myself singing it over and over.


Linking over at these Blog Hops:


  1. Whatever else God is doing, He is always interested in transforming your character. That is His business. In that you can rejoice. I stand with you about your circumstances but rejoice with you that He loves you more than those circumstances. Hope.

    1. We've put it in His hands and He doesn't make mistakes. My lack of patience and sometimes wanting to know the outcome tend to be the problem. So, you are so right! My character definitely needed building, no matter how tough it gets! Thanks for stopping over and sharing!

  2. Oh Ann, waiting is so hard, yet we trust that God is working all things for our good. There were three families from church who lived in the same neighborhood. All three families put their houses on the market. The first couple's house has not sold. The other two put there houses on the market months later and both sold right away. I made a comment that when things happen so quickly we just know God's hand is in it. However, I stopped and pondered, when things move slowly God's had is also in it (for those who put their faith in Him.) His ways are always best and while you may not see things clearly right away, one day you will look back and see that His timing is perfect.


    1. Definitely, Joan! He is teaching me so much by making us wait. And, even if it doesn't turn out the way I thought it would, He is still in control! And the house across the street from ours did the same as your church friend's houses. They put theirs on the market after us and we already have new neighbors! I can't wait to look back and say many thanks to God for His perfect timing!


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