2023: New Year. New WORDS, New Theme

 Hello all! Is it really 2023??? 

Well, COVID is at least unofficially over!! Praise God!! The past 2 years seemed to creep by, with the world fully engaged in the pandemic. My mom has continued to go downhill mentally and physically, but she is still with us. Over the past few years there have been some physical and emotional illnesses that continue to plague family members. There have been joyous occasions...like the birth of our great grandson! We have done some traveling, but not as much as I would have liked.

But, probably the most difficult part of that time for me has been, even after things started to open back up, that I was still doing a lot of things the same, day in and day out. Still visiting mom on a regular basis, making sure her health needs were met (still always a work in progress, as staff shortages continue in the nursing homes). Also, trying to know how to address some of the health issues at home. Praying continuously for healing over those who are suffering! But not seeing much change. Waiting patiently for years, but also trying endlessly to make the changes that are needed, when possible!(Which seemed rare to me) Many days, I have felt at the end of my rope, exhausted, and ready to give up! Of course, I am still here, so I always have found even the smallest bit of strength(only through the Lord!) to keep going.

With all that being said, I want to have a more positive outlook in 2023! So, I have once again been motivated to have a word to get me going....actually, I have prayed and felt that there are 3 words that have come to mind. 




With my chosen words of the year I also seek God for a verse to go along with it. 
With them all pulled together, I feel like God is saying, He is going to do something great in my life the coming year. Isaiah 43:19 really seemed the most appropriate!
 "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."

This year, I also have found a quote that really hit home for me...

As we continue into the year, I will be posting different ways that I feel God wants me to use these words, verse, and quote. I will be sharing some goals and hopes for the year. I also will look for ways that God provides and opens the doors to allow for change, moves, and miracles in my life.

Stay tuned for those posts....I promise I will be working harder at posting more often!!!! 

Blessings to you all in 2023!!!


  1. Ann: We all have been through the wringer with this COVID and other medical issues. But God has been with us ALL the time. I am looking forward to being able to get out and do some things I have missed and a couple of new activities. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. It definitely has been rough for all. I totally agree also, that it will be so nice to get out and do more this year! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your kind comment.


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