Purpose in Waiting On That Good Seed To Bloom

Spring is a time for planting seeds, expecting growth, and preparing for expansion; but sometimes waiting is crucial in the germination process.  This means that we should strive to be patient with our spiritual development, as God is patient toward us (James. 1:2-4).

Raising our children is like planting and sowing seeds of the precious gift of life. But, this is often a LONG calling for many parents...much longer than the 18 years required for most parents. Even though I know better, it's very hard to believe any sowing, watering, or fertilizing I did through the years(of parenting) was meaningful if I don't see flowers immediately. But I KNOW that is not the nature of plants. That's not how gardening works. A beautiful, blooming garden takes time and effort

Waiting For the Flowers to Bloom
When it seems that the blessings in my own life are few, I start counting my blessings every day. Fruit will come. But it's not likely to be today. And I don't need to keep watering and fertilizing on an issue nonstop until I see fruit. That will drown a seed. It's OK to sow a seed, water a little, and walk away. After all, any fruit is a result of God's light causing the growth. So I stand back and wait for Him to work. And seek peace in the waiting.

While We Wait 
God will make a way to grow His seeds of love! Remember who it is that we worship, and who it is that we serve!  I stand in my faith not literally, but through endurance of grace I make it through! Tribulation was never meant to be endured without God!

Embracing My Family
A family is like a garden. Older plants give seed to new ones. Some are different than others, but all have a very special purpose in their lifetime. So always admire the good things of each family member; for we do not know when their blooming will begin or ends. Today is the day we should call them, just to say that we love them. Today is the day we go and do something out of charity that we are not obligated to do. Today is the day we go and spend time with them just because.

God has a purpose. God has a plan. 
Are you waiting for a change or a breakthrough? Are you longing for a little relief or an answer to a long-awaited desire? Maybe you question why there are no flowers and green leaves in your own life. While we wait for our flowers and watch for progress, keep soaking up the water. Let your roots sink in deep. Allow the sun to shine down on the dry, crispy limbs of our lives. And wait. Our turn is coming. When God begins to produce blossoms in our life it will be better than what we had in mind in the first place.


And occasionally, the Lord lets me see how it really works. 
He hath made everything beautiful in His time. Ecclesiastes 3:11a

Listen to Waiting On That Good Seed To Bloom(Podcast) - learning to wait and see the good seed that was sown in God’s love to bloom and be a blessing to others (and you too!) is not easy to do, but the reward is worth the waiting, no matter the amount of time it takes.

You may find me linking up at any of the blog parties listed on the left sidebar.


  1. Such truth in planting seeds, and I've found with family it never stops. I still see our adult married children watching and changing. The more I change, the more I see them changing. God is constantly refining us and refining those around us as we plant seeds.

    Love you words.


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