Two Book Reviews, My Health, and Gratitude

Hello again, friends in Christ! I pray you have had a blessed week.
I have quite a few things to share with you today, so I will just get started.
Books: I wanted to share about two different books I will be reviewing in the next several posts.
  1. The first book is called “Happiness”, by Randy Alcorn. I wrote a few reviews of the book in January of this year, after deciding to make my word for 2016 HAPPINESS and purchasing the newly released book. I want to finish the reviews and also share how God has used this book/my word this year so far to grow my faith. Here is the first post I wrote on the book, called "Our Quest for Happiness" 
  2. The second book I'll be reviewing is called “Hope Prevails” by Michelle Bengtson. This book is being released this next week (August 16th). As soon as I receive it and read it, I will be sharing a review on this book, too.
So, I hope you will be returning to read what I have to say about these two interesting and informative books.
My health:
I also wanted to share some things that I have had to deal with. If you have been reading my posts lately, you surely know I have been through some physical challenges and hardships. Some have had to do with my digestive system, which had been compromised due to other prior problems. I have had to make some major changes to my diet, as well as other health choices, which has been difficult for me. I also have dealt for many years with ongoing female hormonal issues. Well, last week I met with my gynecologist and she has informed me that the only choice for me at this point would be for me to have a hysterectomy. I have been struggling a lot more lately with pain and am ready to have the surgery. So, please keep me in your prayers. My surgery is tentatively set for Septbember 27th and will require 4-6 weeks for recovery. This will be a perfect time for me to read and review the books I have mentioned above! Doesn’t God have amazing timing?

Gratitude list:
Lastly, I wanted to continue in adding to and sharing my gratitude list. I have realized over the years that, as I go through some of the most difficult circumstances, remembering my blessings has helped me to stay strong and be reminded of the goodness of the Lord, which, in turn encourages me and others that I have shared with. I am grateful for these things:

#1844 - What I see on this side of eternity is a mere reflection of what is to come. So many times I have been confused or discouraged, but in my limited and imperfect knowledge of eternity I cannot fathom God's ultimate plan. I'm so thankful He sees and knows all and one day I will fully see, also!
#1845 - Our son will turn 24 years old tomorrow - August 13th. Even though we won't be able to see him on his birthday, I put together and wanted to share all the many blessed times we have had with him over the past year. Praying we will be re-united with him again soon!
#1846 - GOD  IS OUR ANCHOR OF HOPE FOR OUR SOULS IN THESE CHALLENGING TIMES! We can rest in knowing we are safe and secure, as HE walks beside us!
#1847 - Memories are such wonderful treasures of life! Time spent with loved ones are so precious!
#1848 - Long summer days - My favorite time of the year is summer and I soak up every moment!
#1849 - Meaningful alonetime, which is a powerful need and a necessary tonic in today's rapid-fire world. Time with the Lord is precious!!
#1850 - For a wonderful doctor, who is very caring and assuring me that the next step I am taking is going to be a good one. God will take care of me and heal me fully of my illnesses!
#1851 - Books to read - to encourage us, help us live more godly lives, and educate us!!
#1852 - Catching up with a wonderful friend in Christ who is like a sister to me. True friendship is such a blessing!!

You may find me linking up at any of the blog parties listed on the left sidebar.


  1. Great timing on resurrecting the Randy Alcorn book, because happiness is certainly a key concept these days. I just finished reading Larry Crabb and Jennifer Dukes Lee on happiness. And I really enjoyed Michelle Bengtson's book!

    1. I have read a few Larry Crabb books already...great writer! Can't wait to read Michelle Bengtson's book!Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Prayers for your healing and a successful surgery, Ann. Such a wonderful gratitude list you shared. I'm a big fan of alone time as well and am incredibly thankful for every minute of it :). And those wonderful summer days. I can't believe they're already coming to an end.

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Candace! I'm soaking up every summer moment and wish there were a way to bottle it up for those cold, snowy winter days!! Have a blessed week!!

  3. Both of those books are on my must read list. I will be keeping you in prayer for your surgery. I love that you share your gratitude list. Blessings!

    1. Yes, I'm really excited to be reviewing both of the books! Thank you for your prayers, sister! Being thankful has helped me get through some very trying times.

  4. The Holy Spirit must be stirring up the happiness in the Body, because it keeps popping up everywhere! Sounds like a great read!

    1. Sweet!! I look forward to reviewing them both!! Am now reading the rest of "Happiness". Review to come soon! Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Hi Ann! I have lifted your concerns up the to Great Physician and God of All Comfort trusting that He will "accomplish all that concerns you".

    Your gratitude list was such a blessing to read. Thanks so much for sharing!

    This is now the third book about happiness I have heard about in as many weeks! I think the Lord is trying to tell me something. ;-) Be Happy!


    1. Thank you for your prayers, sister! I also trust that He will take care of everything and look forward to experiencing healing firsthand. I have also God leading me toward "happiness", as well as "hope". in every part of my life. Have a blessed day!

  6. Praying that your surgery goes well. I love the photos you shared, and your gratitude list. That verse from 1 Corinthians is one of my favourites. It is so encouraging to remember, when we face uncertainty or don't understand, that our view is limited but God sees the big picture and one day we will understand where he was at work in those things.

    1. Thanks, Lesley. Yes, it truly is an encouragement to know one day we will understand and our eyes will be opened! Thanks for stopping by.

    2. Thanks, Lesley. Yes, it truly is an encouragement to know one day we will understand and our eyes will be opened! Thanks for stopping by.


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