
People so often can be hard to figure out, can’t they?
I mean, life is complicated and full of change.
People often change not only their minds, but their hearts, too.
So, really, it shouldn't be a surprise when someone(my son) tells me the very opposite of what he just told me a few weeks ago. But it did...Long story, short...after many shaky months in a relationship(especially a few weeks go.) he now says he loves the woman he is dating...and he is very adamant about it!

Have you ever felt confused, amazed, or perplexed by what someone tells you? I looked up these words in a Bible word search and several Bible verses came to my attention. One that specifically caught my attention was Acts 2:12.
 Looking into the context of Acts 2, Paul was talking about the confusion the believers had about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. They didn't understand why and how this could happen. Was this from God or from Satan? Was this a part of God's plan or something else? It was all perplexing to them and they wanted to know more...

Other Bible texts that also revealed people who were in a state of confusion included:
Mary, Jesus' mother, when visited by the angel - 
·         (Luke 1:29) "But when she saw him, she was greatly troubled at the saying, and considered what kind of salutation this might be."

When Paul was brought before Festus and the charges against him couldn't be proven - 
·         (Acts 25:20)  "Being perplexed how to inquire concerning these things."

Paul's letter to the Galatians(as his new converts), showed his confusion and concern for them, when he was all at once treated as an enemy because he insisted on God's truth. - 
·         (Galatians 4:20) "...but I could wish to be present with you now, and to change my tone, for I am perplexed about you.

*An interesting description of Paul's relationship with the Galatians, as written in "Matthew Henry's Commentary" of Galatians 4:19-20, also made me consider how similar it is in my own relationship with my loved ones.(specifically, my son)
“That the apostle might the better dispose these Christians to bear with him in the reproofs which he was obliged to give them, he here expresses his great affection to them, and the very tender concern he had for their welfare: he assures them that he was their friend; nay, not only so, but that he had the bowels of a parent towards them. He calls them his children, as he justly might, since he had been the instrument of their conversion to the Christian faith; yea, he styles them his little children, which, as it denotes a greater degree of tenderness and affection to them, so it may possibly have a respect to their present behavior, whereby they showed themselves too much like little children, who are easily wrought upon by the arts and insinuations of others. He expresses his concern for them, and earnest desire of their welfare and soul-prosperity, by the pangs of a travailing woman: He travailed in birth for them: and the great thing which he was in so much pain about, and which he was so earnestly desirous of, was not so much that they might affect him, as that Christ might be formed in them, that they might become Christians indeed, and be more confirmed and established in the faith of the gospel.
As further evidence of the affection and concern which the apostle had for these Christians, he adds (Gal. 4:20) that he desired to be then present with them—that he would be glad of an opportunity of being among them, and conversing with them, and that thereupon he might find occasion to change his voice(opinion) towards them; for at present he stood in doubt of them. He knew not well what to think of them. He was not so fully acquainted with their state as to know how to accommodate himself to them. He was full of fears and jealousies concerning them, which was the reason of his writing to them in such a manner as he had done;”

What's more, in verse 11, Paul goes as far as doubting whether he made a mistake in his efforts and prayers.
  • Galations 4:11 - "I am afraid I may have labored over you in vain."
Wow! I am feeling a lot less alone in my confusion and perplexity when I read these Scripture verses! Even Paul doubted himself at times.
So many times, it is difficult to know about people and what to say or do in certain situations. Do I have all the right information? And if I do, is this God's will? Should I pray for the person to succeed in their decision or for another change of heart, especially when their current change of heart brings me much concern? I'm not sure if there is a straight answer to these questions. So many uncertainties are involved. I do continue to pray, but my prayers lately are much more vague and less specific. I also pray for wisdom, understanding, and enlightenment from God Himself. May He reveal to me(and them) His plan, as I continue to pray for my loved ones, thus ridding myself of some of the confusion.

Maybe you also are feeling PERPLEXED by a situation(or person) that is not making any sense...especially if you thought you were on track with where God was leading. May you also find clarity and may His will be evident.

As an end to my post, I wanted to continue to list some of the things I am grateful for, that God continues to allow into my life... for God is Good all the time!!!
#1816 - Relaxed summer days, watching lakers float by from my patio chair.
#1817 - Taking my sister out for lunch on her birthday, along with my mom.
#1818 - Beautiful early morning sunrises.
#1819 - Having my two doggies to hang out with at home.

#1820 - Taking walks and finding beautiful signs of God's creation.
#1821 - A day out in the boat, fishing with my mom and hubby.
#1822 - My hubby and I catching lots of fish on Father's Day weekend...a perfect gift for him to receive!!
#1823 - Cooking up a delicious breakfast for my hubby on Father's Day.
O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; for His lovingkindness is everlasting.
(1 Chronicles 16:34)

May your week be full of God's love and goodness!!
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  1. Yes! I too have been completely perplexed by another's words and actions. The only place I can go with my confusion is God. I may not ever understand the person, but He brings me calm. Loved your gratitude list, Ann! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Definitely, Carrie! He is not a God of confusion, but of love an peace.

  2. Ann, like you I have had time when I didn't know quite how to pray. I am thankful that the Holy Spirit can help us. Roman 8:26 has helped me. You shared some lovely pictures--what a great fishing trip! Have a blessed weekend.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, Carol! I have learned so much about prayer over the past few years, especially. And I am still learning, with the Lord's help!

  3. Oh, your photos speak so much about life and joy.
    The world never fails to perplex me honestly speaking.


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