The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful

Hello, friends in the Lord! I pray you have had a good week and as we begin a new week, may you find many new blessings to be thankful for. When I read the picture statement below, it made me think about all of the many different moments we experience each and every day.
This listed only a handful of the moments we can encounter in an hour, a day, or a week. It is amazing how our experiences can change from moment to one minute things are going well, then out of the blue a difficult situation erupts. Hearts (and mouths) turn down. Things may even get ugly, or dull, or just plain unglamorous. How easily these things can affect our mood!

A few moments later, we may feel inspired by someone's words or actions. We may read a scripture verse or quote and soon we feel uplifted and even grateful for the blessings we see, once again. 

This seems to be the circle of life...there are ups and downs...the good, the bad, and the beautiful. 

Today, once again I am trying to be thankful for the big and the small things over the past week. These things help me not only to look at all God has blessed me with, but also helps me to have a more positive outlook and hopefully be more positive in my words and actions every day. Feel free to join me in listing what you are grateful for, as well. 
#1800 - Being able to enjoy a steaming cup of vanilla chai latte' every day!!
#1801 - Spending an awesome day checking out garage sales and taking my friend out for lunch for her birthday.

#1802 - Enjoying my two I look back at past pics, in honor of "International Chihuahua Appreciation Day".
#1803 - Catching 4 nice bluegill off of our pier...having a fish dinner.

#1804 - Spending time with my hubby and not having to think about what my mom is doing, as she spent the weekend with my sister.(Some ugly with this also, but I will share about that another time.)

#1805 - Finishing the pergola we started putting together last week.(There still will be some changes/things added to this patio, but we did get the pergola up!)
#1806 - Another sunny day, even though it still is cool out for May.

For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude;(1 Timothy 4:4)

Have a blessed week ahead!!

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  1. I look forward to my cup of chai every morning too :) Best way to start the day while doing my devotions!

    1. I totally agree, Hannah!! I call it my "happy drink"!! And it helps get me off to a good start, when combined with reading God's Word!!

  2. Looks like a great weekend! Love the furbabies : ) Mine is cuddled up next to me right now! Thanks for sharing, Ann! #SoulSurvivalLinkup

    1. What would we do without our animal friends? God is certainly the all situations!! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. What a fun list idea, Ann! I love that you throw in "bad" because there surely is that in life...along with the good and beautiful. I could do with less bad from my end-of-school-year stressed daughters, but I'm hoping to turn out some good and beautiful homemade oatmeal bread this morning! Stopping by from Women With Intention Wednesdays.

    1. Yes, I'm reminded of Ecclesiastes 7:14 - "When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other." I pray that your stressed daughters and end of school year look at all there is to be thankful for and in the process, find peace and comfort. Blessings to you!!

  4. Ah, yes. Life is a little bit of this and a little bit of that. We need a little rain to make a rainbow so to speak.

    Enjoy life!


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