Strength and Courage in the Lord

Have you ever felt weak and full of fear?
Have you felt surrounded, and maybe even swallowed up, by the struggles and people who seem to be out to harm you?
I think most of us have at one time or another.
I have felt that fear and feeling of dread more recently in my sleep at night. I have woke up a handful of times with an overwhelming sadness and heartache. I know the moment I awake that the enemy has put fearful and lying thoughts into my head...yet they seem so real and true.
I pray fervently for satan to leave and for the Lord to fill my heart with peace and truth. I also read God's promises from His Word that we are not to fear, but to trust in Him alone, and remember that He is always with us. These things have been effective to bring me comfort and I am able to fall back asleep peacefully.
I am reminded that we constantly and continually need to be ready to fight against the enemy's attacks on our minds and bodies. I know that especially when we are in prayer and fasting over a loved one's salvation the devil comes at us with more force and drive. My hubby and I have been in daily prayer over our son's life decisions and that his walk with the Lord would be renewed. I believe that is why I have been attacked in my sleep at night. He tries to go after me with negative and fearful dreams, while I am not fully concious.(I am not usually a nightime dreamer, either.)

In times when we feel oppressed by the enemy, by feeling fear or weakness, I am so glad He has given us these promises:

Joshua 1:9  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Deuteronomy 31:6  Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

2 Timothy 1:7 For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

Psalm 27:14 Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!

Ephesians 6:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

What wonderful assurance we have that God will never leave us or forsake us. He is our strength and courage!!

Once again, I'm sharing for "Multitudes on Mondays", as I  Dare to Share some of the gifts that God has been so gracious to put into my life. 
#1807 - Eating fresh fruit(strawberries and cherries) from the local produce market.

#1808 - A warm breeze on a hot day.

#1809 - Safe travels when visiting our son in Detroit.

#1810 - A beautiful, sunny day at the zoo!
 #1811 - Colorful artwork on the wall of a Mexican restaurant we ate dinner at.
#1812 - The unique and creative kinds of animal life that God has created.


 #1813 - Being able to spend a fun and enjoyable weekend with our son.

#1814 - Cool evenings sitting with my mom by our lake, watching my hubby fish off the peaceful!!

#1815 - Spending a wonderful afternoon with my friend and sister-in-Christ!!  

Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous,

    and give thanks to His holy name!
Psalm 97:12

May your week be full of God's love and goodness!!

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  1. I understand just what you mean. It seems as though in the night, or early in the morning, the enemy will torment me with fear thoughts. I think he wants us to grasp on to those thoughts and let them rule our mind during the day. Like you I have scriptures that I pray and speak aloud to replace those negative thoughts. I'm so happy to have "met" you from the Growing Through God's Word link up!

    1. The enemy is coniving and always looking for an opportunity to bring us down. That is why we must continually seek God's presence in our lives. He overcomes ALL!! So glad to meet you too, Elizabeth! Have a blessed weekend!! :-)

  2. Beautiful place. I love seeing animals. :)
    And those are really encouraging words. We need to be strong and firm all the time especially in the face of the enemy.

    1. Yes, we definitely do, Lux!! Without the strength and encouragement of the Lord, I know I could not make it. So glad you enjoyed my pics from the zoo! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Oh, Ann, those grown children can sure help the fear creep in, can't they? I'm up worrying and praying in the night for my children as well. Will pray with you for your son. ((hug)) Love your dare to share thoughts...what a great idea. I might try to make a list myself, love that, thanks for sharing. Great photos! :) Glad to meet you this week, look forward to reading more. ((grace upon grace))

    1. Thank you for your prayers(and hugs), Brenda. I think most mothers can relate to being up/thinking about their children, when the are not close by. Writing down what I am grateful for has definitely helped me through some of the darkest days!! I am reminded that even in the difficult times, there is always something to be thankful for!!

  4. Ann - Oh fear - that nasty little bothersome thing the enemy uses time and time again - - I hate fear - and even thought, I know I shouldn't fear, I still do - One of my life verses is Romans 8:15 - I am not a slave to fear.... SO true - and I remind myself of that verse and stand upon the Scriptures and the ones you listed as well. - Thank you for sharing today at #TItus2Tuesday where we are neighbors.

    1. Great verse! Remembering the promises of God in His Word are so vital to help us overcome our fears!

  5. I love all your photos! I haven't been to a zoo in awhile; I'm definitely due. I'll have to grab a niece or nephew and go this summer. :)

  6. Thank you for linking up with Woman to Woman's Word Filled Wednesday.
    Yes! We must fight against the enemy's schemes. We must be courageous in the Lord. Thank you for sharing. <3


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