Advent(Dec. 19): Watch and Wait

I will take my stand at my watchpost
    and station myself on the tower,
and look out to see what He will say to me,
    and what I will answer concerning my complaint.
Though the fig tree should not blossom,
    nor fruit be on the vines,
the produce of the olive fail
    and the fields yield no food,
the flock be cut off from the fold
    and there be no herd in the stalls,

yet I will rejoice in the Lord;

    I will take joy in the God of my salvation.
 God, the Lord, is my strength;
    he makes my feet like the deer's;
    he makes me tread on my high places.
Habakkak 2:1, 3:17-19

Habakkuk saw how his people were turning against God. He pleaded to God to do something...
“As a watchman takes the proper place, especially in time of danger and distress, he was determined to wait patiently for an answer, and to continue to constantly attend to every motion and dictate of the Spirit of God, and take particular notice of what should be suggested to him: that he may receive it, The prophet retired from the world, and gave himself up to meditation and prayer – watching and waiting." (source)

God revealed to Habakkuk that the Babylonians, the epitome of everything Habakkuk (and God for that matter) detested, would become God's instrument of judgment on Judah. How could this be?
 Habakkuk did not understand. He could not explain it. For a time, evil would win over righteousness and bad things would happen to good people. God's hand would not move. His face would not be seen. Yet throughout this time of punishment, God reminded Habakkuk of correct living: 

"The righteous will live by his faith" (Hab. 2:4). 
Waiting patiently in expectation is the foundation of the spiritual life.”~Simone Weil
"Don’t the best things in life necessitate long waiting? Sometimes to find that which we seek, we must simply still… and wait. 
What if I laid down efforts and expectations, perfectionism and performance — and simply waited with arms and heart and eyes wide open?
Waiting is just a gift of time in disguise — a time to pray wrapped up in a ribbon of patience — because is the Lord ever late? Through the quiet rain of tears of water-buried prayers that are waiting for change - waiting for better things. Waiting — no, yearning— for the return of the King and all the perfection we weep for."
Waiting requires us to trust God, just as Habakkuk trusted God...when he didn't understand.  A closer look at the verses in the book of Habakkuk reveals some concepts that help us to trust God more.
  1. Habakkuk commits to praising God regardless of external circumstances. In spite of many hardships, the prophet says, “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord.”
  2. Habakkuk praises God specifically for salvation.“I will take joy in the God of my salvation.” God not only could save; God is salvation. 
  3. Habakkuk recognizes the Lord as His strength. 
Like Habakkuk, we can choose to praise God even in the face of desolation. Like Habakkuk, we can praise God for the salvation He provides in Jesus Christ.  And, by seeing God as our source of strength, we, like Habakkuk, can trust God’s promises.(source)
"Instead of chafing, we accept that waiting is a strand in the DNA of the Body of Christ. For this waiting on God is the very real work of the people of God in a world chomping to forge ahead. The promises wait in the distance where the pain waits. They wait together in the space where God is.
Until, in the fullness of time, His time, God’s good will emerges, unfolds.

And now, at Christmastime - "Waiting - all the world on the edge of its seat, dangling with bated breath…craning for the first glimpse of God on history’s stage? Waiting for Christ the Babe that comes on Christmas just as Christ the Savior comes on the Cross — seeking only our embrace.
Christmas can only come like Christ came: in the resting wait of gestation. Like a mother longing for the holding of the Child."
How can I slow today… slow in the midst of the holiday hustle… and simply do what Christmas is all about — finding more of Christ? See and behold the love of Jesus everywhere, and you are held.
the cross in christmas from tammi dryden on Vimeo.

Quick, go up to the top of the watchtower - and count all the GIFTS! And in the stillness, and in the wait  — our hearts leap! Joy! His coming! Love comes down.(source)
Soon, SOON, we will see the unwrapping of the greatest Gift of ALL!!!
Lord God, cause us to do our work, hard work: prayerfully waiting on You. And we trust You to do Your work: to make all things new. We live in wait: Come quickly, Lord Jesus, come.(source)
Come back again, as I share Day 20 of the Advent the book, "Unwrapping the Greatest Gift".(All quotes listed are from the book, unless indicated.)
I will be sharing each story in this beautiful book, as well as some of the breathtaking pictures. Won't you join me? Stop by each day to see the stories shared. If you would prefer I email you each days post, please leave your email in the comments section or send me an email at 
and let me know. I will make sure each post is sent to you.
To view the whole series on one page, go HERE

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  1. Patience and waiting is a trait I'm trying to learn and do well! Because I know everything is timed according to His plan. Thank you for this reminder today. Have a blessed and Merry Christmas!

    1. I know what you mean, Carrie. Patience is an ongoing challenge for me, as well. May you also have a truly joyous Christmas.


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