Aliens and Strangers Here On Earth

Have you ever felt like a "duck out of water"? Have you ever felt uncomfortable, out of place, like you just didn't belong here on earth?

The Lord tells us in His Word that
“Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from fleshly desires, which war against your soul.” 1 Peter 2:11
I also have always known that
"Our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,"  Philippians 3:20
Lately,  more than ever before, I have felt like I am a stranger in a foreign land...called earth. This world is NOT my home. I do not belong here. As a follower of Christ, this is supposed to be a good thing, but then why do I struggle with this so much? I think it is because of the earthly relationships and distractions that pull me away from putting God first. I think that, if we are honest, we all struggle at least a little bit with this.

According to these Scripture passages, God's people, Christians, should always feel somewhat out of place in this world. They ought to feel like strangers, pilgrims, aliens. We are not supposed to be conformed to this world, to share the same interests with the world, behave as the world behaves, watch what the world watches and have the same vision and interests as the world has. We are strangers and aliens here and we are not supposed to be integrated or conformed to this world (Romans 12:2) Yet, we are not to completely isolate ourselves from other people.(which, I have to admit, is tempting to do at times.)

Though we travel this land as strangers or temporary residents, the Lord wants us to do good and show others His love along the way. The pilgrim Abraham was a great man of faith, who interceded for Sodom and rescued Lot.(Genesis 18:16-33) Like Abraham, Peter urges believers to make a difference in this world for God and for good. All of us are called to be servants and witnesses for Christ. 

After living for awhile in a place, people often can become more and more comfortable. They adjust, and may even adopt some of the customs and traditions of their new home. In time, they no longer feel like strangers. Scripture warns us not to become too comfortable here on earth. (James 2:1-4)  The Bible does not promise us comfortable lives. It teaches us that our lives on earth are temporary, and that, spiritually speaking, even when we are in the world we are not of it.(John 17:16)  It informs us of the comfort that comes from knowing that we belong to Jesus.(John 16:33)

So, I suppose this feeling that I have, of being a stranger in a foreign land means that I am on the right track...this struggle between living on earth and looking forward to heaven will always be a part of my life. My comfort is and can only be in knowing and living for Christ alone!! 

May you also find comfort, if you struggle too, with knowing that we are not alone in this struggle. All our sisters and brothers in Christ are also aliens and strangers here on earth. 


  1. Oh, yes! Remembering that we are simply sojourners here on earth as we travel to our true Home, encourages me when I face struggles. It is also such comfort when I read the news and start to get depressed over the state of the world. This IS temporary and our feelings of unrest remind us of that! Blessings, Joan

    1. Definitely true, Joan! Without that hope of one day going to be with the Lord in our real home...heaven, our struggles would be in vain. And yes, seeing the horrific events going on in the world reminds us that that day is very near!

  2. Amen, Ann! This really speaks to my heart -- I am homesick for Sweet Beulah Land that I've never seen before, as that lovely old song goes. Thanks for the beautiful post and for your sweet comment on Saved by Grace!
    God bless,

    1. I'm so glad you were blessed by this post, Laurie. It is such an encouragement to be able to share in this hope of our lives beyond our earthly ones that we will someday spend in eternity together!!

  3. Wow! Ann, this is such a great post! It really spoke volumes to my heart! So happy to be your neighbor at Sunday Stillness! Thank you so much for sharing this! Infinite blessings to you, Love! :-)

    1. So glad you stopped by!! May the Lord continue to bless and encourage you, as well!!

  4. Wow! Ann, this is such a great post! It really spoke volumes to my heart! So happy to be your neighbor at Sunday Stillness! Thank you so much for sharing this! Infinite blessings to you, Love! :-)

  5. Thank you very much for this message. No we are not alone. We are all strangers here on earth. Sometimes it's hard but He is our Helper from day to day. God bless you. (great picture!!!)

    1. Thank you, Ariella, for stopping by! God is so good and He provides!! May He bless you, also!

  6. I'm your neighbor at SDG. I'm thankful for brothers and sisters in Christ as we journey through this life.

    1. Oh, yes, Elizabeth, me too! I have found so much strength and encouragement through my brothers and sisters in Him. We truly are NOT alone in this journey.

  7. Great post. I so agree with you. I love a quote from C.S. Lewis which says, "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You, too? I thought I was the only one!"...many blessings to you!

    1. So true! Love that quote, Beth! This common ground gives us all hope and encouragement!!!

  8. I try to never forget to keep my true home in view and remember that here on this earth, I am just passing through. :)

    1. Great perspective, Lisa!! This also gives us strength to carry on and persevere, while here on earth.

  9. Encouraging words for my heart today. Linking with you at Thought Provoking Thursdays.

    1. Glad you were encouraged. Thanks for stopping by, Ginger!

  10. Ann, it's so lovely to "meet you" through Thought-Provoking Thursday today. How amazing is it that we blogged on similar topics this week. This world is not my home. :Blessings to you, my sister. :)

    1. Amen, sister!! So glad t have "met you', as well!!

  11. You described this exactly how I feel now. I've heard recently when praying and worshiping that I'll be in heaven in the not-distant future. Since I'll be 70 in July, and my dementia is increasing and my stumbling and dizziness is increasing, too, I won't be surprised. He has healed my heart and other parts of my body a number of times in the years, not even when at a hospital. This time, worshiping and serving Him in a special God-job, I do it. BUT on the side, the other has been increasingly difficult on this earth. ALSO since I know the sinfulness in this world has increased so significantly... as I often say, Sodom and Gomorrah in that small area is now our world. And the sinfulness...some I was involved in as a kid and until He broke into my life when I was 20-- April 15, 1966 -- and I was a fighter and filled with significant sinful issues, and, in those years we knew those things automatically. In the mid-70s, much of the same sinfulness was set down and not accepted as sin. Since then, much has increased. SO being a worshiper and a "heart in heaven" person, and looking forward to being there with Him and many others, that's all that truly counts. You really shared beautifully. Thanks much!!

    1. All our earthly hardships and weaknesses are temporary....and I am so thankful that we will have perfect bodies and minds in heaven! Thanks, caryjo, for stopping by. May the Lord bless and give you strength, sister!


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