2015 - The Seasons of Life

Another year has begun and I find myself reading many posts of other bloggers who have chosen different ways to prepare their hearts for the new year. Some used the same old plan..choose a word...set goals...plan to make certain changes. Others have been quite unique and different. I personally have found it a challenge to do any specific planning or goal-setting. I think that may have to do with how things went for me in 2014. Nothing seemed to go as hoped or planned. Even the word I chose for the year, "fervent" seemed to fade from my focus about halfway through the year. If I learned anything last year, it was that God is in control and He will take us where He wants to take us. I learned that prayer is vital, but not to just get what I want or ask for, but more to help me grow in my relationship with Him. I learned that life is really a journey and as long as we let the Lord be our Navigator, we will be o.k., even along the bumpy, curved, chuck-hole paths. I learned that there is  joy in the journey, but we have to be aware of and not miss those "joy" moments....being grateful for the small things, instead of just waiting for the big things to happen. Each season of our lives takes us down different roads...some are much more difficult than others, and sometimes we make unwise choices, because of our own selfish desires. But God is faithful and true! We can always trust in His promises to us. 

This year, I'm not choosing just "one word" for the whole year! I'm choosing many words (and verses) that will help navigate me where I am able to focus during different seasons of my life (not literal seasons of the year.)

Winter - A time to rest and wait and listen
Contemplate; ponder; treasure up
But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. (Luke 2:19)

Let the one who is wise heed these things and ponder the loving deeds of the Lord. (Psalm 107:43)

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.(Matt. 11:28)

Spring - A time to start fresh and anew

in attitude of mind (Eph. 4:23; Ro 12:1-3); 
as a new creation, in knowledge (Galatians 6:15)
renewed like an eagle (Psa. 103:5); 
in strength (Is. 40:31);  
day by day...
 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.(2 Corinthians 4:16)

Summer - A time of hardship, loss, lonliness, and drought

In soul/spirit (to thirst after God.) 
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness.(Matthew 5:6)

Isaiah 26:9; Psalm 73:25 Psalm 63:1Psalm 107:9,  Revelation 22:17

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? (Psalm 42:2)

Autumn - A time to seek after Him 

A time to seek;
But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.(Deuteronomy 4:29)

1 Chronicles 16:11Psalm 14:2Psalm 34:14Psalm 63:1Lamentations 3:25Matthew 6:33

May the Lord also guide you and be your purpose in each and every season of this year and all of your life!!


  1. What a great idea, Ann! Different seasons...different focus/word! My word for 2014 was "courage" and as you know, I sure learned a thing or two about that! This year, my word is "expectancy". (You're the first person besides Roy that I've told so far!!) I am going to focus on expecting great things from God! Our God is bigger than we can imagine and He always does the best thing possible! So, rather than focusing on my disappointments, I'm having a joyful expectancy as I look toward 2015!

    Blessings Friend! Joan

    1. Love your word for 2015, Joan! I learned some things about that word last year, when I wrote a post describing the difference between "expectancy" and "expectation". (Here - http://christintheclouds.blogspot.com/2014/08/straight-from-my-heart-expectations.html
      - Expectation is premeditated disappointment, often characterized by unfulfilled desires.
      - Expectancy involves faith. "To embrace expectancy is to engage your faith that God will move on your prayers AND that He may come through in a way that’s different than you expect.”
      I look forward to how God will use our words to grow us in Him in the coming months!!

    2. I like that definition, Ann! Expectancy does involve faith rather than expecting the worst! Thanks!

  2. What a great idea, choosing a different word/words for each season. My word is content and I know that God has a few things to teach me in that area. Thanks for sharing at The Weekend Brew.

    1. Oooh, 'Content' should be quite a challenge, but such a rewarding theme word!! Can't wait to see how God guides you through a year of contentness....Thanks for stopping by, Barbie.

  3. It is good to know you've used your own way to make your New Year's resolution! It is true that God is in control of our lives. I sometimes still struggle to remember that but I'm trying really hard to. There are things we can't change, things we shouldn't be afraid of because our God is here. I hope you have a great year and spend a lot of time with God! :)

    1. Yes, last year was a hard lesson year for me. I'm praying God keeps growing me. Though, I'm praying this year won't be as difficult for me in the learning process. May your year be full of many blessings, too!

  4. That is a really great idea, Ann! It really keeps things fresh, I bet. I look forward to see how God reveals Himself seasonally to you.

    1. Me too, Jen! May you also find the coming year full of new and exciting lessons and experiences! May we all see just how much of an amazing God He is!!

  5. I love your photo of the seasons and your many words that will bless you through the varied seasons of the year and seasons in live. Thank you for sharing your inspiring post with us here at “Tell Me a Story."

  6. It can be disheartening when things doing go as you had hoped and the trials seem to outweigh the blessings. But I love what you said here: "I learned that prayer is vital, but not to just get what I want or ask for, but more to help me grow in my relationship with Him." Amen! That is a lesson that could surely carry you well through the year ahead. Blessings, from your Coffee for Your Heart neighbor.

  7. Ann,

    Thanks so much for sharing your journey and the verses that you'll be focusing on during the year...sounds like a great idea. Blessings and thanks for introducing yourself over at my blog :-)


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