A Mother's Love

"and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger," Luke 2;7

Every true mother feels a sense of awe in her soul when she bends over her own infant child; but in the case of Mary we may be sure that the awe was unusual, because of the mystery of the child's birth. The angel had said to her, "That which is to be born shall be called holy, the Son of God."

The night of her child's birth there was a wondrous vision of angels, and the shepherds who beheld it hastened into the town; and as they looked upon the baby in the manger, they told the wondering mother what they had seen and heard. We are told that Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart. (Luke 2:19)  While she could not understand what all this meant, she knew at least that hers was no common child; that in some wonderful sense, He was the Son of God.

A Hurting Mother ~ 
It’s hard to imagine the mixture of love and loss with which Mary’s heart throbbed. This dear woman had labored for Jesus’ birth. She watched over Him,  from infancy in a manger to death at the cross.

How deep and tender her love must have been!  How sweet and patient she must have been, as she moved about at her tasks, as she cared for the life which had been entrusted  to her for training and molding.

She had worried about Him (Luke 2:48), prayed for Him, loved Him, followed Him during His ministry, and supported Him through severe opposition. No doubt, she felt the guilt that resulted from her shortcomings in dealing with Him and her other children. She knew the burden of motherhood, even as it related to the Son of God.   

Mary is a model for us, for the way in which, in her own particular life, she fully and responsibly accepted the will of God ( Luke 1:38), because she heard the word of God and acted on it, and because charity and a spirit of service were the driving force of her actions. Oh, the enduring, steadfast, unremitting love of this mother!

This song expresses how immense Mary's love for Jesus was...

A Beautiful Friendship ~
Few things in this world are more beautiful than the most tender friendships as one sometimes sees between mother and son. The two enter into the closest companionship. A sacred and secure intimacy is formed between them. A mother who never forsakes her child and a boy who opens all His heart and soul to His mother, telling her everything; and she gives Him not a mother's love only, but also a mother's wise counsel and strong, inspiring sympathy. The boy whispers His inmost thoughts to His mother, and listens to her wise and gentle counsel with loving eagerness and childish faith -- O friendship constant, faithful, undying, and true!

The story of this blessed friendship would sweeten in Christian homes the relation of mother and child, if only the family members would take heed. It could make every mother a better woman and a better mother. It could make every child a truer, holier child. Every home could have its sacred friendships between parents and children. Thus something of heaven would be brought into our lives.

 “In the pure loves of child and mother
Two human loves make one divine.”
Elizabeth Barret Browning  (source)

No Greater Love ~
In His last moments of life, Jesus spoke to his mother. “Woman, behold your son” (v. 26). To John: “Behold your mother.” From that hour on, that disciple took her to his own home. Jesus is giving a new son to his mother to replace Himself. And He gives her the best son she could expect, the disciple Jesus loved.

Jesus’ love toward his own mother proves his love for us, His believing brothers and sisters. When you and I are in trouble, our thoughts tend to turn inward. But Jesus came not to be served but to serve. Jesus directs His thoughts toward those whom He loves. He is mindful of our needs just as He was mindful of His mother’s needs.

It is a sad thing to witness so many families today who do not follow this example of a true parent-child love relationship. It takes the hearts of both to be willing to walk in this kind of undaunted love. Oh, but our God understands where we lack and He can provide the answer for us!

God’s Love is Like a Mother’s Love ~
 “As a mother comforts her son, so will I comfort you.”       Isaiah 66:13
 Mothers – and anyone else that needs this reality – “God does understand your problems and He will comfort as a mother comforts.” (source)
We do grow weary in this life: In a day when there is too little love, we need to claim God’s promise to be a “Mother” to us
  • ·      To those who feel helpless, rejected and despised, we need to pray for new hope, a new realization of what kind of God we have.  We need to thank God for revealing His nature through the love of mothers and give us eyes to see and hearts to respond. We need to claim God’s promise to be a “Mother” to us. (source)
 Jesus Provides Pity for Motherhood’s Demands  ~
Motherhood can be a great burden. It places great demands on the emotional and physical resources of mothers. Jesus bore the heavy burden of the cross so that He could give us the light burden of the Christian life. Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). Everything that is demanded of mothers, Christ supplies through his life. We experience the comfort of His provision through faith and an intimate walk with Him.

 Jesus Provides Pardon from Motherhood’s Guilt ~
What mother can live up to the expectations placed upon her? Because of its demands motherhood can produce much guilt. This guilt can be crippling, spiritually, emotionally, relationally, and even physically. In His death Jesus graciously tells women (and men), “You don’t measure up. You can’t measure up. That’s why I died for you!” Only Christ can measure up to the demands of the law of motherhood. When we take hold of Christ by faith ALL of our guilt is banished to the grave. Believers are no longer guilty in God’s eyes.

Jesus Grants Peace for Motherhood’s Concerns ~
What mother or father hasn’t asked these questions?
·       What is going to happen to my children?
·       How will they possibly turn out well considering my own failures and shortcomings?
A woman writes: “I experienced steady peace regarding my own salvation…but…I felt tremendous anxiety about my…family.This spiritual schizophrenia has often plagued me. How can I have such assured faith in Christ’s salvation, and yet doubt His providence? How can I rest my soul entirely upon Him, yet think I need to carry my family myself? At times…I was able to leave my family in the Lord’s hands, but mostly I felt deep concern for them…”
Jesus died on the cross to give us new life. The Apostle Peter reminds us that:
“The promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call”
(Acts 2:38).

God accomplished the salvation of his people through the treacherous acts of wicked men (Acts 4:27-28). God can bless our children through even our worst shortcomings. He can raise up children of faith from the stones of the earth (Luke 3:8). He doesn’t need our help. For less than perfect mothers and fathers with less than perfect kids, that’s the only message that can give us real comfort. (source)

As I meditate on the birth of our Savior, I find hope in knowing the depth of love that Mary(as an earthly mother), had for Jesus at His birth and throughout His life on earth, and how God walked with her. I pray someday soon I may enjoy this close mother-son relationship also!


  1. Many times Mary only silently pondered in her heart about Jesus and his growing up days. Then as he began his ministry she seemed to understand what he was about as she told Jesus at the wedding they have ran out of wine. Her heartbreak at his death, and sorrow that followed was turned to joy when she realized he had risen from the dead. At Pentecost she was with the 120 who were filled with the Holy Spirit. Thank you for sharing your awesome thoughts with us here at "Tell me a Story."

    1. I cannot imagine the full realm of emotions Mary felt over her son throughout her life. Your description, as well as what I shared, can only begin to help us understand that kind of deep love! Have a blessed Christmas, Hazel!

  2. Beautiful! The retelling of Mary's story and her love for Jesus is important as or family structures struggle in our world. I am blessed to have two sons and our relationships are as you described-a willingness to share deeply what is going on in our lives and a fierce love for each other. Blessed you joined The Weekend Brew.

    1. That truly is a blessing, Mary, as many families struggle to have that close bond with their children. Thanks for sharing, sister!! Have a joyous and peaceful Christmas.

  3. Beautiful words, song and picture. Thank you for sharing and inspiring during this time of year when we think even more about our Savior and His love and also a mother's love!

  4. I love the song, "Mary Did You Know?" Mary was a woman blessed above all other women...but, she was just a woman like you and me. I am reminded that though she felt ill-equipped for the incredible job of raising our Savior, God enabled her to do so. He will enable us to face the challenges in our lives, too, including the things our hearts long for. Blessings to you this Christmas, Ann! I pray for a joy-filled holiday!! In Him, Joan

  5. What a beautiful post, Ann! Thank you for directing me here, for as you know, I too have written about Mary and have learned much in the process. She is such a role model for mothers of humility, submission to God's will, and following His lead with every difficulty and with every blessing in the path. May God continue to bless you and your ministry in the New Year and beyond.
    Love in Christ,


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