Secret Sorrows and Reasons to Be Thankful

 Thanksgiving is just a few days away, but I find myself struggling this year because of a great loss. The loss isn't due to a physical death, but the death/loss of a relationship that was very dear to me.

I know it is often difficult to praise the Lord in the midst of grief and loss. Suffering reminds us of our dependence upon God. Oftentimes when we are well and strong and "living in the sunshine" as it were, we are self-sufficient. But when suffering comes we must depend upon the Lord. Isaiah wrote: "In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength" (Isa. 30:15).

Many Bible characters experienced deep loss and sadness, followed by great and wonderful examples of how we should respond to loss and sorrow
  • Job - 
Suffering silences Satan as we see in the life of Job. God gave Satan permission to lay his hand upon His servant and his praise silenced Satan. Instead of complaining this humble servant praised the Lord saying: "The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD" (Job 1:21).  
  • Naomi -   
In Naomi, we have a mother who is grieving.  She is grieving the loss of her husband, and both of her sons.   But she is also grieving over her financial loss, because she no longer has any means of supporting herself. And Naomi is also grieving on a social level of being alone, with nothing. But Naomi had hope that, somehow, someway, she would be cared for in Judah, Because of God’s gracious action in her life, all of Naomi’s circumstances had changed.  In the biblical account of Naomi, we have displayed before us the best qualities of mothers who loved:  The loyalty, the dedication and the servanthood of Ruth; and the striving of Naomi to do what is right and best for her family even in the midst of very challenging times
  • Hannah - 
Hannah desperately desired a child but could not conceive. To make matters worse, Peninnah taunted Hannah concerning her barrenness. Hannah cried out to God about her situation. She promised the Lord that if He would give her a son, she would dedicate him to God.
Hannah’s story gives us insight into God’s heart. God does not despise human desire. Hannah’s longing for a child was obviously placed in her heart by God Himself. This teaches us that God can use our inabilites to accomplish great things. Samuel, Hannah’s son, grew up to be a great man of God. Her inabilites, her trust in God as she turned to Him, the fervency of her desire, and her faithfulness in bringing Samuel to God as promised are all evidences of God working in Hannah’s life. Her tears were ordained to be part of the glorious story of what God was doing in Israel’s history.
  • David - 
King David of Israel went through a period of deep grief over the fact that his first child with Bathsheba was very sick (22 Samuel 12:15). David prayed and fasted while the child hung between death and life (2 Samuel 12:16). However, when the child died, his actions were different. While the child was alive, he fasted and wept, but after the child is died, he got up and ate. David's response is evidence of a great hope in God and an acceptance of God's will in the death of this child. 
This example also speaks to the process of acceptance that we as humans must go through when dealing with grief. This is not something that may come over night as it seems to have done for King David in this instance, but it is a process that must be undertaken in order for the grieving one to proceed with life. He had a hope. Without this hope, it is harder to come to the place of acceptance and yet the realities of life and loss demands that this is the path to peace of mind and heart. Like King David, the time for weeping, praying and fasting ended and the hope and confident assurance in God as Redeemer and LORD took over. The grief process was begun and he found that God's grace and strength was sufficient to take him through.
  • Even Jesus mourned - 
Jesus delayed visiting Lazarus when he was sick, knowing that Lazarus would die. Though He could have healed Lazarus (even from a distance), He told His disciples that He was glad He was not there. Jesus anticipated the resurrection that He would perform as a sign to His disciples, that they might believe (John 11:11–15).
After Lazarus died, Jesus wept because He was affected by the grief of His close friend Mary and the rest of the Jews, who were lamenting with her and Martha.
But, in John 11:35–38, Jesus was weeping and still groaning within Himself, this time in response to death itself and the disbelief of the peopleJesus wept because of man’s sin and the death it brought.

- Jesus also wept over Jerusalem and grieved over mankind’s hard hearts. 

"Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it, saying, “If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes...because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.” (Luke 19:41–44)

As we can see through these Bible characters, grief is part of the human experience. Loss is part of life, and grief is a natural response to loss. There is nothing wrong with grieving.
  • Times of grief actually serve a purpose.Ecclesiastes 7:2 says, “It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting, for this is the end of all mankind, and the living will lay it to heart.” This verse implies that grief can be good because it can refresh our perspective on life. 
  • The sorrows of this life are too heavy for us to bear alone. As believers we are encouraged to come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. 2 Corinthians 1:3 reminds us that our Heavenly Father is "the God of all comfort." He is able to bind up the broken-hearted, to heal the most painful wounds, and to give hope and joy amidst the heaviest sorrows.
The Psalms contain numerous examples of pouring out one’s heart to God. Interestingly, the psalmist never ends where he began. He may start a psalm with expressions of grief, but, almost invariably, he will end it with praise (Psalm 13;Psalm 23:4;Psalm 30:11-12;Psalm 56). 
God understands us (Psalm 139:2). When we commune with Him, we are able to open our minds to the truth that He loves us, that He is faithful, that He is in control, and that He knows how He is going to work it out for our good. 
  • But,we need to remember that feelings of grief are temporary. “Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5). There is an end to mourning. Grief has its purpose, but it also has its limit. We have the hope of Christ, and we know that He is strong enough to carry our burdens (Matthew 11:30).
" that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope." 1 Thessalonians 4:13 

Sorrow is not the final word, as the millions who have been saved will attest. 
In raising Lazarus, Jesus showed a small glimpse of this ultimate defeat of death(physical and spiritual). Jesus had the power to raise the dead, and soon thereafter He went to the Cross to defeat death permanently. Death has been defeated (2 Timothy 1:10), and one day it will be destroyed forever (Revelation 20:14).

One would think that suffering should make me more thankful for my blessings. But, this year, I am learning a new side of thankfulness.
Because God allows the hard things to teach me, to strengthen me, to purify me, to refine me and to make me into the image of His Son, I can be thankful for my thorns. (2 Corinthians 12:7-10) 
I am still working at being thankful for my trials, tribulations, even my disappointments, failures, and frustrations. I can be thankful that in my ever-present troubles, I have an ever-present Help. 
If you also find yourself having difficulty being thankful this year, due to some "secret sorrows" that you are going through, remember that even those sorrows have a purpose that give reason for us to give thanks.


  1. Suffering cleanses us and molds us into the person God wants us to be. We can always put our hope in the thought that our sorrows and sufferings are temporary but the glory that awaits us is forever.

    1. Very true! I so look forward to that day!!! Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Oh, Ann. I know...I know how it feels to be suffering great loss and still be trying to see my blessings. A year ago, I was a mess. Absolutely, utterly, and completely shattered. However, during this long and difficult year, God has shown me so much. The greatest thing He has shown me is His love...which has never left me. Even in my darkest moments, He was there. You are right, the sufferings that we feel now are temporary, though they don't feel like it. In Psalm 23, my favorite part is, "Yea, though I walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death..." We don't stand still in that dark valley, we move forward, and God is right by our side helping us along. I am praying for you, Ann. The pain of loss and rejection is severe. I know. Remember, you are not alone. God is with you as He is with me and in addition, He has connected us through the Body of Christ. We are sisters, ya know! Cling to Him and to His word. He will comfort you! His love is greater than any other.

    Through Christ, with love, Joan

    1. I truly believe our meeting here in our blogs was no accident, Joan! Even though our lives may have many differences and we live on opposite sides of the country - boohoo!! :(, I know God brought us together via the internet to find a "kindred spirit"and a true sister in Christ, through our painful life experiences with our children. Thank you so much for your prayers! There are days I still struggle, but many days I feel your (and others') prayers are helping! Already, I felt like a burden to do more to make things better has been lifted off of my shoulders...I know it can only come from God!!! Love you!!

    2. I am so thankful that God brought us together, Ann! I know that one day, we'll meet face to face!! I can't wait!!

      Love you, too! Joan

  3. Ann, this was simply beautiful. Yes, I can see how we were both thinking along the same lines this week. It is so very hard to be thankful in ALL things, especially when those things cause so much pain. But yes, we do know that somehow God uses even those things to bring about a good purpose. It's just hard, though, to hold on to that truth when everything is a mess and our hearts are broken. I love how you gave examples of real people in the Word who also struggled with this. In each instance, though, they learned to know God more intimately through the struggle. That's what I'm learning, too.

    Again, beautiful words. And though I am so sorry about the great loss in your life, and about the secret sorrow that you're bearing right now, I celebrate with you the very good news that we have a Savior who understands and comforts us with His dear Presence.

    Have a wonderful and thank-full Thanksgiving!


    1. Thanks, Sharon. Your heartfelt words of encouragement mean so much! I've always enjoyed reading your blog posts, when I stop over to read them!! May you have a blessed Thanksgiving, as well!

  4. Yes, there are times we are sad and grieve and weep too. I am so thankful that God promises to wipe away our tears and he assures us that JOY comes with a new day. Thank you for sharing your heart with us here at "Tell me a story." May you be encouraged and know that YOU are NOT alone!

    1. Yes, Hazel, JOY does/has come on many occasions. I pray my mourning will be less and less, as I see God working in my life and the life of my loved one!! Blessings, friend!

  5. Oh ... Ann. I know the hurt of a lost relationship. I've experienced that deeply. I think I cried for a year. But during that time, the Lord and His Word became sweeter than ever to me. It was, indeed, a purifying time. I pray that God accomplishes all of His purposes in your life through this. And that you know Him better than ever--and that your love for Him goes deeper than ever. <3


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