Hump Day!!

Hello everyone! How have you all been?
Me? Well, all I can say is
"'s hump day!"
The weekend is coming and I'm really looking forward to it! Not that I have anything planned, except to hopefully FINALLY get our new tub out of our living room and into the bathroom (yes, we are remodeling!). I'm just really looking forward to some time of rest and relaxation. Between the remodeling and work, I have been exhausted all week. Plus, some ongoing family issues have caused me to have difficulty getting good sleep at night, soooo, a little R and R sounds really good!

We've had some really extreme weather over the past few days, too. Yesterday was just plain cold, rainy, and gloomy. I always have trouble getting stuff done on days like that.
Today has been a whole different story. Sunny and in the upper 50's (which is good for us this time of year.)

How about you all? 
Do you have any big plans for the weekend?

Think I'll leave you with a verse and picture that will hopefully encourage you this week...maybe even give you a little energy. If you are like me, you may need a "Scripture boost".

"It is the Lord who goes before you. 
He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. 
Do not fear or be dismayed."
Deuteronomy 31:8


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for this scripture- very encouraging!

  3. Remodeling, is often not fun while everything is out of order, but as our lives there are times we also go through a time of restructure. Thank you for sharing your inspiring post with us here at “Tell Me a Story." I love your Autumn photo - it is lovely!

  4. Hi Ann! Well, it's Saturday already... I'm looking forward to seeing your before and after pictures! I've loved watching your cute house reshape over these past couple of years! And, I love seeing your seasonal decorations! Whenever I come to Christ in the Clouds, I ALWAYS click on the Cairn Cottage link to find out what's new! :-) Hey, we should do a blog Christmas Home tour again this year! But, I plans for this weekend: play with our new kittie, Sophie, encourage Roy as he installs a new exhaust fan above the stove, go for a walk...relax. That's about it! Blessings & hugs! Joan


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