A Difficult Week

In the past, I have shared some wonderful and joyful times in my life. I have shared how I felt God was working through me and providing me with many blessings in my life. I have also shared some times of difficulty and hardships. Experiences that took me to some great lows and prompted me to seek Him through diligent prayer and fasting. And I'm going to be brutally honest with you, now. I've also come extremely close to what I can only define as a "mental breakdown". 

Life is SO hard much of the time, isn't it? Even as believers, we can lose our sense of purpose and God's presence. We can lose faith and patience, and become discouraged. 

It's been wonderful to have my blog here, to write from my heart, and find some encouragement and support, as well as encourage others. Lately, though, (more like, in the past 5 years or more) I have felt like I have been on the ultimate emotional roller coaster ride. There have been highs and there have been lows. In the past year and a half, the lows have been getting lower, but the highs seem to be evening out. During these emotional struggles, I have prayed and believed that, in spite of not seeing or feeling like it, God heard my prayers and was walking with me and that He was going to someday answer my prayers, that I knew were within His will. (Most importantly, the salvation of others.)

Then, when something would happen that seemed to totally counter that faith, I struggled with staying connected with God and with other believers. My first response was usually to become isolated and anti-social. My thinking became distorted (or at least, over-sensitive). Smaller difficulties became huge roadblocks and I'd finally just say, "It's not worth the effort anymore!" "I'm tired. I'm wore out." "I just don't have the desire or the motivation to try to continue in my daily routine." 

Now, I'm sure at least some of us have moments or days where we feel this way. But for me, it's been more of a normal part of my life. What amazes me is how well I've covered it up in public, when I'm at work, or church, or the store, or even when I'm with friends. My hubby has seen this side of me often, but usually won't do much, but maybe avoid me, when I get down for longer periods of time. I think that's because I am so transparent about my negative attitude around him.(I truly feel bad for him, when that occurs.)

I guess the reason why I decided to discuss this now and here on my blog is because  I most likely will be taking another break from blogging for awhile. It was about 6 months ago that I took a mini-blogging break to spend some time in prayer and fasting for my son. I did that fervently and I came back from it at least a little more refreshed. I had been considering taking another break in the near future, when another "event" recently took place in my life that sent me rambling down the roller coaster full-speed ahead! And yes, it had to do with my son, again. I won't go into the full story here (maybe someday, I will tell about it.), but it has been an ongoing problem for him for many, many years. I've known somewhat about his "problem", but not to the extent that it has been taking place. 

Now as a mama and a woman of faith, all my life, I have prayed and wanted nothing more than a blessed life for my son. I've desired not only for him to walk in a daily relationship with the Lord, but to share in the joy of knowing we will spend eternity together and with our Savior!! So far, that has not been the case and it has been a very painful road for me. Because of my connections with many mom's in the blogging community, I know that some mom's out there have felt that kind of pain, too. I've been told that some parents have no contact/connection with their adult children, which has caused them extreme pain. Honestly, I'm not sure which is worse, not seeing your child make some very unwise choices in life and how they will reap the very, very, very dangerous consequences of those choices....or having a relationship with your child and having to see them make those choices, wanting to stop them in their tracks, and yet not being able to do anything about it because they don't want to change. 

O.K. now that I have fully depressed anyone who is a parent out there, let me express my apologies. You see, I'm at a point in my life where the negativity seems to have moved into my life. Sounds awful, I know, but that's just how it is (and has been) for me for awhile. I tried to cover the negativity up (put on the happy face, share encouraging words, etc.), but have felt like a total scam artist, playing the part of the "faithful Christian woman". I know, I still have moments that I will sometimes feel encouraged. When those times occur, I will definitely share them on my blog. But let's be honest, who wants to hear someone's constant complaining and sob stories in a blog post every week? Not me, that's for sure. I tend to not want to read those blog posts. 

Now, for all you concerned fellow bloggers...I have been to a Christian counselor when it's needed. I do not want to go the route of taking anti-depressant drugs. It's just not for me...mostly because of the very reason that I get down. (Again, someday I'll explain the reason more completely.) Anyway, if you are an avid prayer warrior, your prayers are greatly appreciated, not only for me, but also for my son, Tyler. 

Another bit of information that I wanted to share here with you today, was that it may be difficult(or impossible) to get ahold of me through Facebook. Like I had mentioned, even when smaller setbacks happen, I tend to overreact. A few days ago, Facebook decided (for unknown reasons) to freeze my accounts (both my personal and blogger accounts) temporarily. They suspect someone else is trying to use them (in their words). I'm not sure if I will be able to retrieve my accounts, which will be so sad, as I have posted so much on them over years. Gladly I have most, if not all of the pictures and videos saved on my computer/external memory. (By the way, if you have had this happen to you, let me know what you did to get your account back up. I don't really want to start over with a new Facebook page and am not sure if I will stop using Facebook altogether, if I can't retrieve my accounts) If you want to get in contact with me you may either post a comment(which I may not check every day), or send me an email at my hotmail address: apop12341@hotmail.com

Thanks to all of you who chose to read this post all the way through!! Bless you!! 

Have a blessed week!


  1. Ann, my heart feels so sad for you. Truly, I think there is no greater pain than the pain that we bear for our children. I am putting Tyler on my prayer list right now. We both know that the Lord loves him even more than you do, and that the Lord desires for him to find a relationship with Him. We will pray for this, and for him to begin to make good choices in his life.

    I will also pray for you, as I know how much you're suffering over this. May God comfort you and make His presence especially known to you.


    (I trust that your surgery went well last week...)

    1. Thanks so much for your prayers, Sharon! *And yes, surgery went well. Unfortunately, I'm still seeing a doctor for some of the issues I was hoping that the surgery would take care of. We are trying some other options at this time.

  2. We have a lot in common. More women experience these same feelings but are to scared to be honest about them. It is a brave step you have taken. I will pray for you. I had my account hacked. If you use the cell phone method, you can usually unfreeze it. I will have to look for the directions. I will send them to you if I find them.

    1. I have met several moms that have expressed these feelings, Mary. It is somewhat encouraging to know that I'm not alone in this and that it is a normal response. I appreciate you trying to find the directions for me. I hope I am able to retrieve my account!

  3. It is difficult to place our children on the alter and tell God, I give up, here he is, send your Holy Spirit to get his attention and melt and mold the hostility and anger that he is feeling into a small ball of a teachable spirit. May God send others from the harvest field to touch his life, because as a mother - - it is often difficult for a child to listen to her. Mother please realize and understand that God is your comfort and your peace. Thank you for sharing your heart felt post with us here at “Tell Me a Story.” http://letmetelluastory.blogspot.com/

    1. Yes, Hazel, it has been difficult, but it's all I can do. I've tried to lean towards God for comfort, but to be perfectly honest, comfort doesn't always come. I know He's here for me, but don't always feel His presence. Thanks for stopping by and for sharing a comment of comfort, as well!

  4. Ann, I understand some of what you're feeling. No one can ever say, "I know what you're going through." Because no one ever really does. Except God. I have a child who is not walking with the Lord, going her own way and it breaks my heart. But I continue to pray and I know that it breaks God's even more. Thanks for stopping by and visiting. I'll keep you and yours in my prayers.

    1. Thanks for your prayers, Mary. They are so greatly appreciated! Blessings!

  5. It is very hard to wait for our prayers for our kids to be answered. I try to remember that God knows what it is like to have children (us) and have them disappoint or live through difficult circumstances. I try to follow His example of patience and truthful love.

    1. Yes, Constance, thinking about my own sin and how I've disappointed God makes me wonder sometimes how He puts up with me...I know He loves me so much, but I definitely don't deserve His love. Thanks for sharing.

  6. FYI, I read it all the way through and empathized with you and will pray for you and your son right this minute!


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