Vacation Isn't Reality

Have you ever noticed that vacations are awesome, but ultimately they aren't reality?  Especially when they are over a week long. My hubby and I just returned from 2 weeks visiting the coast of Maine and it was INCREDIBLE!! Unfortunately, tomorrow, life goes back to how it was. Not that I don't love and appreciate my life, but after spending 2 weeks relaxing and taking in God's beautiful creation, I realize it is so much more attractive to me than being here! 

Guess that's why they call it actually vacate yourself from reality. The ups and downs of daily life. Already, I'm feeling the sting of reality. My son, making promises, then letting me down. The thought of having to plan some outpatient surgery in the next couple of weeks. Facing daily tasks...already I've done 3 loads of laundry from the trip and now am looking at a sink-ful of dishes that need to be done....these things were not on my list of activities, while on vacation. (We did do laundry once, out of a need for clean clothes). My hubby and I both agree with each other that we both just want to get in the car and head back to Maine! We did come home a few days to recupe. before Monday morning, but I'm not sure how much it has prepared us for it.

This evening, I listened to a song by Building 429, called "Press On". It's in times like this that I'm reminded that I need to just press on for Him. Times are tough, things get us down, but God will always give us the strength to do what we must do.

Thankfully, I took LOTS of pictures and videos of our time in Maine. I've reviewed most of them and am planning on making a short video for Youtube, once I get some time to edit them. Until then, here are some of my favorites. As I share them, I am reminded how blessed I truly am. God is so good!!!

Linking over at "Multitudes on Mondays", as I  Dare to Share the blessings of the Lord!

1,781 - Even though it may not be reality, a restful and fun vacation!
1,782 - The beauty, inspiration, and symbolism in lighthouses. God even speaks about this in the Bible.
1,783 - Proverbs 18:10 - The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.
          - John 12:46 - I am Light that has come into the world so that all who believe in me won’t have to stay any longer in the dark.
1,784 - Getting to watch the sunrise in the first place it is seen in the U.S. (on my birthday, to boot!)

1,785 - Getting blue skies and beautiful weather, for all but 1 day of our trip.

1,786 - Getting back to the basics by camping in a cabin. We had no t.v., my laptop stopped working, and for a few days, we had no cell phone service available.
1,787 - Getting to sail on a real Schooner ship! (and even getting to help hoist the sails!)
1,788 - Being with the love of my life on some fun and romantic stops along the during the sunset on the schooner ship or at the top of Cadillac Mountain.

1,789 - The different landscapes of land and water at Acadia National Park. 
1,790 - Enjoying a carriage ride around Acadia National Park. The sound of horses trotting, as they pulled us along.
1,791 - Yummy seafood!
1,792 - Good eyes that are able to see all of the great beauty of God's creation!

1,793 - Good health and a strong body to hike the cliffs and shores! (And for God's protection from any serious injury. I fell a couple of times, but only ended up with skinned knees and elbows.)
1,794 - Finally, fitting in a stop at Niagara Falls...not planned for our trip beforehand. (Love these little unexpected surprises!) Notice the rainbow to the right of us.

1,795 - My big news!!
As  I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things, I realized that I had missed something very big while I was gone.

I had mentioned (before going on vacation) that I would have a surprise to share. Well, it's a bit late(as I had internet issues while on vacation), but I still wanted to share it. I was a contributor, (not once, but twice) for the blog site "Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood" Jen Ferguson, writer for the site, asked if she could repost my post from August 12th, called "Straight From My Heart: Hurt, Heartbreak, Disappointment." (Posted on Sept. 10) I also had written a second part to this series on the subject of "Expectations" (posted on Sept 12). You can find them both at Jen's website. Please, stop on over and check them out!!

You can find those posts by clicking below:
Part 1
Part 2

Have a blessed week!


  1. Hi Ann!

    I'm so glad you had such a great vacation! Your pictures are beautiful! Oh...and just to let you know, reality is highly overrated! LOL

    It's always difficult to get back into the "normal" swing of things following a vacation. But, vacations are so important. They give us a bit of reprieve from the day to day stresses that we often encounter. I think during that time, God refills our cups with patience, strength, endurance and peace so we can more easily handle things going on in our realities.

    Thanks for sharing your pics and thoughts this morning!

    Blessings, Joan

    1. I agree, Joan! If I could, I would definitely choose most days to escape reality and live each day, traveling and taking in God's beauty on a relaxing ocean shore. Of course, eventually, our day to day issues would follow us, wherever we are. It was so nice to get away from it all, even for a few short weeks. God bless!

  2. Maine...where my husband and I honeymooned 22 years ago and had hoped to return in 10. That has not happened...YET! Your pictures draw me to a favorite part of this country for I shared it with my love.
    Those moments away from our routine are times we all need, but you are is not the reality of the everyday. But it can be the reality of a moment and we often need more of those moments. At least once in a while.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  3. Even if coming home is reality, it was good that you could take that wonderful vacation. Your photos are awesome. Thank you for sharing your lovely post with us here at “Tell Me a Story.”

  4. Beautiful pictures!!!
    How i long to vacate from my reality. Lots. And lots.

    I realized a couple of vacations ago that the best thing about them was I could forget. I could put all the "junk" of everyday life out of my mind. Even if I was vacating with those that cause the "junk" in my life. I can vacation with folks that literally make me crazy with their drama in my real life... I don't know how this works because I have yet to understand how one (or two) people make me crazy--just being in their presence makes my mind spin out of control, monopolizes my emotions and engulfs all of the parts of me that make me me. In short, I cease to be. Vacating this is so good. But, alas I am here in reality with you. Although, I am allowing God to drive me through the drama, raise me above the crazy and escort me to safe places. I pray you find a serene reality this week xo

  5. I always miss vacation as soon as we get in the car to leave. On the way home, I try to think of what beach my husband could work near. Hasn't happened yet.
    Beautiful pictures!


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