His Mercies Are New Every Morning

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” 

Lamentations 3:22-24

As I contemplate another week of my life, I am so thankful for all of God's mercies, which are truly new every morning!! I also look over my past week and know that, even though it was a rough start, as I got back into the routine of daily life (following our vacation), I can see all the blessings He has bestowed upon my life. Sharing those blessings, once again.

Linking over at "Multitudes on Mondays", as I  Dare to Share the blessings of the Lord!

1,796 - Cooler fall weather (even though I'm not ready for summer to end, yet.)

1,797 - Getting some cute nautical decor for my house. (I plan on sharing them soon on my other blog, "Cairn Cottage).

1,798 - Getting back out on the water (boating and fishing). It has been several weeks, since we were out.

1,799 - An eerie, dark sky - then came the rains.

1,800 - Seeing my good friend, Marg. It had been a few weeks. (Even though my "Bless Our Schools" meeting wasn't too successful, yet I know some of my Facebook friends were praying.)

1,801 - Meeting some other Christian moms at a "Moms In Prayer' meeting.

1,803 - Beautiful sunrise mornings

1,804 - Remembering that His mercies are truly new every morning! Thank You, Jesus!!

1,802 - Getting tickets to see Building 429 in concert, here in my hometown on October 23rd!

Have a blessed week!


  1. Glad you're starting to get back into the swing of things following your vacation. It is always quite a transition, isn't it? That's a beautiful picture of the sunset (?) over your lake! God is a wonderful artist!

    Blessings, Joan

    1. It's actually a sunrise, but it is on our lake. I don't get to see the sunrise on the lake too often, but when I do, it is gorgeous!! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I'm happy to "meet" you here from the Unite link up!


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