Some Exciting Things Happening, Lately!!

Hello, friends!!
I'm SO excited you are here today! There are so many things God is doing within my life and as a writer/wife/mother, serving the Lord, I'm bursting at the seems to tell you all about it...but I'm only able to share a little bit at this time. :(
So many new and fresh things are just in their infancy stages. Yet I can see how God has and will continue to use them to encourage others and allow me to answer my heartfelt calling from God.

First, I want to share a dream and a tug from God that I've had for several months. I have spent many hours in prayer, as to what He would have me do. Back when my son attended middle school, I attended a group called, "Moms In Touch". You may have heard of it. This international organization has been in existence many years, but have since my days of being involved, changed their name to "Moms In Prayer".  They mostly pray for some of our elementary, middle, and high school students, teachers, and leaders.  But I have felt the draw to also pray for our college students, professors, and young adult children, who also struggle with issues in their lives. We can't stop praying, once they graduate from high school. Anyways, to make a long story, longer...I have felt the tug to start a Moms In Prayer group in my area for not just our adult children, but those who are prodigals, that have wondered from the faith, also.

Then, last week I got this message on my Facebook page about an upcoming event...
Put on by none other than "Moms In Prayer" International. Once again, I felt the tug to take some kind of action. I gave the info. to my church leaders, but we have a very large church and they are so involved in the next few months in other activities, that it may not be something we do during our 3 services. That didn't stop me, though. I have set that day, Sunday, September 21 as an event on my Facebook page. I'm planning on spending time in prayer that day, probably with some sisters in Christ, as well as spend some time online, asking for specific prayer for our teachers, students, etc. If any of you would like to participate online with this event, feel free to go over to my page and join....

Bless Our Schools Sunday

 Along with this, I have felt that somehow, the Lord is wanting me to tie this in with my use of the internet/blogging. I will be sharing some more exciting news on this subject in the next 2 to 3 weeks. So keep checking back in here.

God is so good! I want to give Him all the glory for what He's doing and will be doing in future days!! 

I  continue to share  God's many blessing and gifts in my life at "Multitudes on Mondays", as I  Dare to Share.

1,765 - Enjoying reading some books I purchased recently, as well as a book that was a gift from my mom.

1,766 - Having another awesome time with our Ohio friends, who came to stay with us, while they visited their daughter, who attends college here.
1,767 - Enjoying God's beauty in the flora that adorns my yard!

1,768 - Visiting with our older neighbors, who don't get out very often...what lovely people!!
1,769 - Being reminded to make a joyful noise unto the Lord! ( a decorative rock in my garden area).
1,770 - Attending a church staff Bible study, where several members shared their recent mission trip encouraging!!
1,771 - The excitement of planning for a trip to the coast of Maine! (Several weeks to go.)

1,772 - Hearing from my son, who said we could come to visit him this coming weekend!! Yayyyy!!!

Have a blessed week!


  1. I'm so glad to be next to you at the Unite link up this week. I used to have a moms in touch group back in the day. Praying for our schools and being involved is so important!

    1. I agree, Elizabeth! It's through the prayers of all the moms and grandmothers out there that have saved so many lives and souls!

  2. This is a great idea, Ann! Prayer is so important for those of ANY age! Blessings, Joan

    1. Definitely! Thanks for being a willing participant in praying for our kids on "Bless Our Schools Sunday" Joan!! Have a blessed week!

  3. When our church had kids in school, we made a list of all their names so people could use it as a prayer list. I love your Moms in Prayer idea. Thank you for sharing your lovely exciting story with us here at “Tell Me a Story.” At:

    1. Thanks, Hazel! I know we have a responsibility, as parents and Christ followers, to pray for our children and the schools they attend. Thanks for hosting. Have a blessed week!

  4. "Christ in the Clouds" has been included in our A Sunday Drive. Be assured that we hope this helps to point even more visitors in your direction.


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