Hear My Cry, O God!

 It's been a very different(yes, I might even say, "difficult") weekend and now the week is turning out the same way. So I thought I would kind of mix things up a bit. I'm posting "Honey for the Heart" at the beginning of the week and my weekly "gratitude" post at the end of the week.

Welcome to
...where I share different verses from the Psalms every week!
 May you find truths about God, yourselves, and living life in the images and word pictures shared here! 
 "Hear my cry, O God!" 
....In terrible earnest, David shouted and lifted up his voice on high. Being in distress, this was vocally expressed with great fervency and importance.

Sometimes the pressures of life may make us want to run away and hide, that no matter how hard we pray, we feel our prayers are getting nowhere.

"Attend unto my prayer." 
We may ask, "give it Thy consideration, O God, and such an answer as Thy wisdom sees fit." The Lord at all times hears his people's cries, and is never forgetful of their prayers; whatever else fails to move him, praying breath is never spent in vain!".(Charles H. Spurgeon)

"my heart; it is overwhelmed"
"Drawn into a spiral of trouble, borne down by a tremendous sea of difficulty, crushed and broken; my heart is overwhelmed within me." Can you now get an idea of the extreme sorrow of the psalmist's spirit? "Yet," says he, "even then will I cry unto Thee." When we have exhausted every resource and we feel we are going under, but we can do nothing. (source)

It is hard to pray when the very heart is drowning, yet tribulation brings us to God, and brings God to us. Faith's greatest triumphs are achieved in her heaviest trials.

"Lead me to the rock that is higher than I."
David begins with prayers and tears, but ends with praise. Thus the soul, being lifted up to God, returns to the enjoyment of itself. There is a place for the child of God to live without worry and that is by going to the Rock. I love the visual of our God as the Rock! 

"There is a mine of meaning in this brief prayer. Along the iron-bound coast of the northern shores, lives are lost because the rocks are inaccessible to the shipwrecked mariner. A clergyman of one of the coast villages has With immense labour cut steps up from the beach to a large chamber, which he has excavated in the chalk cliff: here many mariners have been saved; they have climbed the rock, which had else been too high for them, and they have escaped. We have heard of late, however, that the steps have been worn away by the storms, and that poor sailors have perished miserably within sight of the refuge which they could not reach, for it was too high for them: it is therefore proposed to drive in iron stanchions, and to hang up chain ladders that shipwrecked mariners may reach the chambers in the rock. The illustration is self-interpreting. Our experience leads us to understand this verse right well, for the time was with us when we were in such amazement of soul by reason of sin, that although we knew the Lord Jesus to be a sure salvation for sinners, yet we could not come at him, by reason of our many doubts and forebodings."
I'm reminded how we are led to cry for grace upon grace, and to see how dependent we are for everything, not only for the Savior, but for the power to believe on Him.

No spot is too dreary, no condition too deplorable; whether it be the world's end or life's end, prayer is equally available. To pray in some circumstances needs resolve, and the Psalmist here expresses it, "I will cry." It was a wise resolution, for had he ceased to pray he would have become the victim of despair(as we all would become); there is an end to a man when he makes an end to prayer.

I found this song on Youtube and loved the music, put to the words in the Psalms... 

"Oh, masterpiece of faith, that from a broken spirit can present prevailing prayer!"
 ( C. H. Spurgeon.)

Praying that God will lead us to “that Rock that is higher than I.
Linking over to these blog hops:


  1. David did have times he was despondent and sad, but then he also encouraged himself by turning to the positive and praising God. I enjoyed your thoughts.
    Thank you for your entry at “Tell Me a Story.” I have been off line due to computer failure and virus problems, but my husband gave me a different computer so I am back on line – just lost a bunch of stuff including my e-mail addresses..
    Please return Monday around 5:00PM PST when the new week will be open for your story at: http://letmetelluastory.blogspot.com/

  2. Great post. Thank you so much for sharing.


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