Spiritual Fervor

Romans 12:11
 We go through our daily routines, 
but something is missing.

Maybe during a crisis or a major life change....
           or simply spending less and less time on spiritual pursuits.
...these can cause us to enter a time in life 
                        when there's just no enthusiasm or spark.

Have you ever been there before? I have!!
There are days when it is difficult to find the drive and zest, even when I know I have the greatest reason to be zealous.

Lacking zeal or losing spiritual fervor is something that the believer needs to be aware of as he/she progresses in one's spiritual life.  As we grow in our knowledge of Biblical truths and the things of God it becomes quite familiar and the wonder of first discovery can diminish over the years. It is here that spiritual boredom can set in. 

Zeal is a fruit of deeply abiding in the One Who is Life! It is different than mere excitement, which happens mostly outwardly and at the surface. To live with zest is not because of exciting circumstances or promising prospects. In fact, our circumstances should not change how fervent we are. (If we did that, we would surely be downcast and discouraged 90% of the time.) We live with zest because no one is more alive than God is alive!“Zeal” is a word that means “haste, earnestness, diligence, striving after anything.” So, we should not be lacking in zeal (NIV) nor should we lack diligence.

When Paul admonished the Roman believers to keep their “spiritual fervor,” the word he uses literally means “to bring to a boil.” Our spirit is to “boil over” as we serve the Lord, or to use a popular phrase, to be “on fire for the Lord." I love reading all the different Bible translations of this verse, and words used in place of fervent. Here are a few:

  ...quick in spirit, 
...on fire in the Spirit, 
Use your energy to serve the Lord, 
...with a heart full of devotion.
...being enthusiastic in spirit, 
...serving the Lord with all your heart.
Never let the fire in your heart go out. Keep it alive. 
...be ardent in spirit,
 keep yourselves fueled and aflame. 
Be alert servants of the Master, 
Be thoroughly warm-hearted,
view all translations HERE

The fact that these are instructions given to believers leads us to the conclusion that we are personally responsible for the level of our own spiritual fervor.  We are to be active, not passive, in maintaining our zeal and passion for God.

Genuine spiritual fervor begins and ends with is a desire to KNOW God. intimately on a personal level.  Which is more important in your life right now? Knowing more about God? Knowing more about how to serve Him better? Growing the church? Or just knowing Him? Here's a quote that was said years ago:
"Whether I am more or less learned signifies nothing. Whether I execute the work that I deem useful is comparatively unimportant. But beware, my soul, of lukewarmness" - William Wilberforce (member of the British parliament in the 1700's). - source

Let me challenge you to take the following steps in keeping your spiritual zeal and fervor at the boiling point:
  1. Maintain meaningful daily time in the Word and prayer.  There can be no overstating how important this is.  I don’t know of any passionate followers of Christ who are not disciplined in their devotional habits.
  2. Get plenty of rest and exercise.  Our bodies and our spirits are connected, so that what affects one affects the other.  If I’m physically drained it can affect my spiritual vitality.
  3. Forgive others who have hurt or disappointed you.  The Bible talks about a root of bitterness that grows up and defiles us. This so easily extinguishes the Spirit’s fire in our lives.
  4. Schedule times for prayer, solitude and fasting.  Jesus did this because He knew how draining ministry to others can be, as well as the need to break the grip of satanic attacks.
  5. Feed your spiritual life with godly books and music.  Sometimes our spiritual fervor wanes because we are so absorbed in the things of the world that our spirits are starving for the things of God.  Read biographies of the great men and women of the faith who kept their hearts white hot for God.
  6. Repent of and confess any known sin.  Not much explanation needed here; sin will drain your spiritual energy.
  7. Spend time with “on-fire” believers.  When I’m around people who are zealous for God it rubs off on me.  We need to do this for one another.
  8. Show it in your face!  I’m not talking about faking it.  But if I am responsible for the level of spiritual fervor in my life, then I must display it in my countenance.  I think of Stephen whose face, even in the midst of severe persecution, glowed with a passion for the glory of God (Acts 6:15).
Negligence in serving God diminishes spiritual fervor. Romans 12:11 should motivate us to not be caught sleeping our way into God’s Kingdom. There’s the assignment of sharing the gospel to carry out. 

Christ is looking for those who will take an unwavering stand against evil. “Be strong in the Lord and … His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” (Ephesians 6:10-11 NIV). That challenge is severely tested as forces work to bring the Church in line with worldly values. “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities; … powers; … rulers of the darkness of this world; (and) …spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12 KJV). - source

Spiritually born-again, Spirit-filled believers have received power as God’s spirit has come upon them. God calls his people to minister in demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s power and Christ’s love and compassion; and to confidently walk in Christ’s authority, never being intimidated or fearing anything or anyone except God. God further calls upon his people to fearlessly make known the gospel; and to refuse a weak, watered-down, compromising version of Christianity that’s no match for a harsh, lost world. 

Zeal can wane and fervor will often diminish, but we must again recall the words of Scripture. In prayerful obedience to God’s command let us be refreshed in our call to serve the Lord in whatever capacity He has called us to serve. Take steps today, as I am, to rekindle the flame of your devotion to Christ.

Continuing to give thanks, listing the many gifts from the Lord! Linking over at  "Multitude on Mondays".
1,594 -safe travels to and from work all week....icy roads!

1,595 - Not having to go into work early today, because of the bad weather.
1,596 - Celebrated my 27th wedding anniversary with my hubby! To see a music slideshow I made of us, you can go to my Facebook page...where I posted it on my wall...called "Our Love Story"
1,597 -  Not having to go back into work for my evening shift, after working all day!
1,598 - After feeling ill, and praying for a quick healing of my stomach issues, feeling 90% better for a road trip.
1,599 - Spending the day with my hubby, who took the day off work.

1,600 - Being able to visit our son.
1,601 - Once again, spending an evening talking with our son about spiritual things....even though no changes in his life...we continue to pray.
1,602 - Safe travels home, as we had another ice storm.
1,603 - A trustworthy car and many hot cups of coffee/tea!
1,604 - God's beauty in scenery on the trip home.
 (Another photo I took, adding Picasa special effects.)

Linking over to these blog hops:


  1. Snow makes me smile - and I am smiling at yours! I've been asking God to set a fire in me - oh, how I want that spark and zest. He and I are spending time together, working on it - and your post - it encourages me to keep reaching!

    1. Yes, I love the soft beauty of freshly fallen snow, too! So glad to be an encouragement to you! May God bless you richly in your desire and commitment by spending time in communion with Him!!

  2. A very inspiring post! Yes, I want to be *on fire* for the Lord, too! Loved the very practical advice that you gave.


    (Over here from Soli Deo Gloria...)

    1. Thanks, Sharon! That "fire" is quite contagious, isn't it!? Hope the advice was helpful...May God bless you, also!

  3. Yes, prayerful obedience! The 8 steps you outlined for spiritual zeal are good advice. I enjoyed this post. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. So glad you stopped by, Carol! Have a blessed week!

  4. I can feel your fervor through the computer screen...and it's catching! I want to kindle the flame of my devotion to Christ! Each day, to become more and more on fire for Him is awesome! It is natural to have ebbs and flows, but making a conscious effort to stay connected and continually deepen our relationship with Him so crucial! Thanks for sharing this enthusiastic post!

    Blessings, Joan

    1. So glad you stopped by, Joan! Also, glad you caught some of the "fire"....the work of the Holy Spirit! Praying the rest of your week is full of fervor for the Lord!!

  5. Your list is practical and will keep us "boiling."


    1. Oh, I hope so, Glenda!! Blessings to you, sister!! :)

  6. "Christ in the Clouds" has been included in the Sites To See for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.


  7. Thank you for sharing your lovely story with us here at "Tell Me a Story." I love your photos too! I was reminded of the scripture "To stir up the Gift that is within you." When life gets boring and stale, it is time to stir up the gift! I have been there, and am stiring like mad! :-)

  8. I agree, it is all up to us to keep fanning the flame of God's love in our hearts. It is something we must do other wise we could get carried by the many distractions of this world. Thanks a lot for sharing, do have a super blessed day!

  9. Abiding in His Love keeps the fire burning! Thank You!


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