First Snow, Followed by Tornados

Last week we had our first snowfall! I am not a fan of the stuff! But, ready or not, it's here! After it stopped, though, the sun came out and the snow glistened on top of the fallen leaves. It was SO pretty!

We just had a light layer, and by noon it was all melted.

The lake was clear and sparkled, as it met the shoreline. Yellow leaves were salted with snow.

Icicles formed streaks of frozen rays on the patio.

A lonesome leaf is surrounded by our first powder.

The warmth of the sun soon melted the snow below.

Less than a week later we were bombarded by rain, wind, hail, and TORNADOES!
Sunday morning: We debated whether or not to go to church. The  weather was predicted to get nasty sometime in the afternoon.The sky was gray and nasty-looking. We went....only to have such a downpour of hail, mid-service, that we were sure the roof would collapse. Pastor cut his sermon short, so we could get home, if things got worse.

At home, the wind picked up drastically...we brought in anything not anchored down on our property. The news channel is on. My phone beeps loudly, a text from the local weather service announcing a tornado watch! (I have an automatic text alert on my phone)

We watch the T.V., and keep an eye out the windows. I start to panic. This is the first time we have had a tornado alert at our new house on the lake. We have no basement or lower level where we can go for safely if we are hit directly by a tornado.

The hubs grabs my hands to calm me. We pray for safety and protection. We still watch and wait. A few phone calls, one from my mom. Another from a neighbor , who is currently in Florida. The sky looks extremely menacing. Then a gust of wind blows with vengeance, bending the trees almost to breaking. I jump, run into the living room, grabbing my two dogs, yelling for my hubby to follow. I run into the bathroom, the only interior room in the house. He follows, but keeps looking out the window. Debris is flying in all directions. We pray with radio and flashlights in hand....and wait what feels like an eternity. Soon (maybe 5 minutes), the wind seems to calm a bit. We go to see what the sky looks like. It isn't as dark and eerie. The worst seems to be past us.

The news indicates that the storm is headed more eastward, now. The sun is actually shining. Over the lake....a double rainbow shines. The weather reporter states that many have seen rainbows in their areas....

In awe and thankfulness, I pause and take in the beauty. I praise God that He spared us any injury or major damage to our home. (Only a piece of privacy fencing pulled up).

Today, the news of how much damage this stormfront has done starts trickling in....facebook posts, news reports....and I am crushed. 

Early findings show at least 10 Indiana tornadoes: INDIANAPOLIS (AP) 

In Kokomo (about 1 hr. north of Indianapolis; 
One and a half hours drive south of where I live.)
High winds that eyewitnesses say were caused by a tornado left large swaths of the Kokomo in shambles, flipping cars, downing power lines and turning homes and businesses into ruble.

Reports of a tornado in Howard County started coming in just after 3 p.m. near Russiaville. High winds slammed into Kokomo shortly after that, with a short bout of hail raining on the city.

The destruction prompted the city to declare a state of emergency around 5:30 p.m., banning vehicle and pedestrian traffic throughout the city until 6 a.m. Monday.

'It's all gone': Midwest communities weigh costs of deadly tornadoes...

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

An overturned car rests in a pile of rubble about a mile northeast of Washington, Illinois, on November 17. Washington is in central Illinois, east of Peoria.
A stuffed animal lies in the road in Brookport, Illinois, on November 17.
An elderly woman is escorted through tornado debris in Brookport, Illinois, on November 17.
The roof of a building sits in the middle of the road in Kokomo, Indiana, on November 17.
Ray Baughman embraces family shortly after his home was destroyed by a tornado south of Peoria in Pekin, Illinois, on November 17.
A firefighter, in lower center of photo, peers down into the home of a colleague whose home was destroyed when a tornado swept through Washington, Illinois, on November 17. Lord, how do we deal with such destruction? How do we respond to Your power to protect some, while others lose everything they own?
 The Bible proclaims that Jesus Christ holds all of nature together (Colossians 1:16-17).
We can understand why natural disasters occur. What we do not understand is why God allows them to occur.
For one thing, such events shake our confidence in this life and force us to think about eternity.
Natural disasters cause millions of people to reevaluate their priorities in life. Hundreds of millions of dollars in aid is sent to help the people who are suffering. Christian ministries have the opportunity to help, minister, counsel, pray, and lead people to saving faith in Christ! God can, and does, bring great good out of terrible tragedies (Romans 8:28).

My heart aches and I pray for those who have lost their homes, businesses, and family members.
"Oh, Lord! Have mercy and show them your love. Provide for them what they need. Bring those who don't know you to a saving knowdege and desire to follow You the rest of their lives! Amen."
In the midst of destruction and devastation, many were able to view a sign of the promise, made by God to all of His children.
Corn husks fly through the air as Eric Crawford checks his mail after the storm passed in rural Orchard Farm, Missouri, on November 17.
"What The Rainbow Says" 
No doubt we live in a world of great wickedness, violence, evil and those that hate God, the principles in the Bible and all those that are bold and wise enough to believe it and live by it's precepts. 
That Rainbow, God said, "My Bow."  Every Rainbow, the miraculous display of color and beauty belongs to God.  It is a heavenly reminder when he looks down and sees the wickedness... He promised Noah that he would not do what he did again with water.
The Rainbow is a reminder to us, There is still time for someone to get on the boat before the fire of judgement comes.  JESUS is the Boat for this generation.  We get on that boat through the DOOR that is Jesus. 
That Rainbow should not only make us thankful for Grace, but motivate us to live a godly and holy life.  Peter gave us a grave warning, the very same God that destroyed the unrighteous with water is going to destroy the same kind with fire.

What does the Rainbow mean?

Rejoice, Repent, and live a righteous faith filled life.
11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.
14 So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. 15 Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. 16 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.
17 Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. 18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. 
2 Peter 3:11-18

Continuing to give thanks, listing the many gifts from the Lord all week long...  Linking over at  "Multitude on Mondays". 
1,533 - First snow
1,534 - The warm sun on a cold day.
1,535 - Feeling a love and closeness to my husband and son that can only be topped by a close relationship with Jesus!
1,536 - That God is in control, even though we may not understand why He allows certain things to happen. 
1,537 - Safety and protection of my family through the storm.
1,538 - Rainbow, after the rain.
1,539 - The meaning behind the rainbow.
1,540 - God leading me to re-write this post a couple of times, as I felt led to talk about this current event.

(All photos from Kokomo Tribune at  //


  1. Dear Ann
    This devastation leaves one speechless! I am thankful that you are okay. It is in times like these that we should stand together and share as far as we can with those who have lost everything. The snow on the yellow leaves tells another story; one of humble beauty.
    Blessings XX

    1. So very true, Mia! In fact, I'm sure our church will be sending money, needed items, and even volunteers down to help out these families in the days and weeks to come. I've thought about going down myself, since I live so close. The snow the week before was so drastically different. How things can change so quickly!

  2. I am glad to see you and yours are all well. Whether Indiana or the Philippines it is sobering to remember how fragile our lives are!

    1. Yes, Helene, we are so thankful for His protection. And we realize His great power more than ever!

  3. The earth trembles and shakes, and the wind blows with a vengence, and we question how this can be with so much pain and destruction. It is not of God, but our Enemy knows his time is short and is violently attacking our earth. (Part of Adam's curse) Through it all, many suffer, and yet we must hold on to our faith and realize that our feet can be planted firmly on the Rock Jesus Christ. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos and story how you made it through the storm with us here at "Tell Me a Story.. I know it was a frightening time.

    1. Since the fall of man, we have suffered many of the consequences of sin! So grateful we Him to lean on and put our trust in! Thanks for hosting your link-up, Hazel! Blessings to your, my friend!

  4. The weather as of late has been unreal in so many places. I was reminded of the verse, "Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom." May we realize that each day counts. Grateful that you & yours were safe! Visiting from Tell Me A Story this morning.

    1. So true, jviola79! And what a perfect verse to remind us of this! We are definitely in the end of days, before Christ's return!

  5. I'm so glad you are safe, Ann! Thank you for sharing your experience through the storm. Praying now for the families who are displaced and who have lost loved ones due to the storms...

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment, Joan. They will truly need lots of prayers through the difficult days ahead. I'm praying that we aren't thrown a snowstorm or anymore harsh weather for a long time, so that those without homes can have a warm place to go. Have a sweet week, my friend!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh Ann, what a powerful post. It starts out so soft and gentle with an early snowfall {and I am like you, not a big fan of snow even though it can be pretty!} and then such a terrible storm and such horrendous destruction, loss and pain. I am so sorry for all affected in your home state. But then the rainbow. HIS rainbow. GOD's PROMISE...praying for all who were in harm's way. Thank you for your words and poignant photos -- especially the doll baby pic. Blessings to all...Sheila at Longings End

    1. Thanks for stopping by Sheila and for your many prayers. Those pictures touched my heart deeply, as well!

  8. Oh tornadoes are terrifying. Praising God you are okay and praying for you and all effected!!

    1. I struggle a little with fear of tornadoes, even though I am reminded that God is in control. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Only He is the One we can trust when weather or war strikes in an area. Around the world so often, especially now, there's always something happening. Again, HE is the One we can trust. And we'll live with Him forever, as opposed to living here for only a stretch of time . not more than a few dozen years. He is all we can count on. Thank you for sharing the photos [I've seen some on TV/news], and sharing the situation you walked into, and sharing the Word. Very happy you came out significantly OK.

    1. Amen! Thanks, Caryjo for stopping in and taking time to comment!


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