A Trustworthy Saying

 Hard work in our society, isn't always rewarded.
The person who puts in all the overtime, works the double shift, or works him/herself to the bone is often considered greedy or a brown-nosier. And many times that is the case. If our focus of working hard isn't on pleasing God, then our work is truly in vain. But, when we strive and labor to put our hope in all we do in God, including our jobs, we will be greatly rewarded!
Here is another trustworthy saying (verse) that confirms this thought.

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters"  Colossians 3:23 (NIV)
Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable Labor Day weekend!

Linking over to these blog hops:
The Weekend Brew @ My Freshly Brewed Life


  1. AMEN!! My husband is a heavy worker ... church, homes, piano teaching/playing at various locations. Busy, busy man. But focusing on the Lord and how God draws him to the next opportunity to share his heart with/for the Lord.

    Good thinking, good sharing.

    1. What a wonderful man your husband sounds like! His heart is in the right place! Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Caryjo!

  2. Dear Ann
    So often people ride on the coattails of those who work hard. That happens often in my country where it is not easy to fire someone who doesn't bring his part due to politics. This is so sad.
    Blessings XX

    1. It sure is, Mia! Those who don't put their hope in God, and instead in men or even themselves alone, will be unhappy in the end! Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed weekend!

  3. Ann, I have a poster with that verse in my office. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or underappreciated, I look at it and gain strength. I work for the Lord, not for man!

    1. Amen, Alison! It is such an encouragement when we are feeling like people are letting us down, which they always will! Thanks for sharing.

  4. I knew I had to pull weeds this morning before the coming of the thunderstorm. Sweaty, buggy but pleased with the work - hurrah!
    Thanks for linking to Sunday Stillness.
    Janis www.janiscox.com

  5. There is always room for a quick testimony even in the work place. Work is something I have had to do out of necessity, but God is good.

  6. Hi Ann! Thanks for the good wishes, and I hope you had a great Labor Day celebration :)

  7. It was a great weekend! Thank you! And thank you for visiting Inking the Heart. I appreciate your comment! Blessings to you as you pour your heart out in working for the Lord! Love, Rachael


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