The Phases of a Mother's Life

It seems like just yesterday I was changing diapers, up for nighttime feedings, and rocking my son to sleep

Before I knew it, he was going off to school...first preschool, then kindergarten. Those were emotional times for this young mom.

Of course, when middle school and the teenage years hit, I wasn't as sad, as I was anxious and his emotions and unpredictable behaviors kicked in overdrive!

High school was more of a time of honing in on his interests, gifts, and talents. Encouraging more responsibility and preparing him to be an independent young man.

High school graduation was more of a relief...we got him through his basic schooling. Then it was time for seeking out a college and career path...
There were many side-tracks before making a decision about what he wanted to do with his life. Patience,  loving advice, and encouragement were top on my list. Sometimes, I wondered if he was ever going to make a decision about his future.

Moving out, getting his full independence from us, his parents was what I had anticipated for so long. But it surprised me how great an effect his absence had on me.(on us) 
Now, we are officially "empty-nesters". It sounded great to me at first, but there definitely have been some changes and adjustments that I have had to get used to... am still getting used to. 

Why, on some days, do I feel so old? Maybe it's because my baby is now 20, going on 21. Our oldest, in her 30s now, and has made me a grandma 3 times over, and her oldest is a teenager, now! (Unforturnately, we don't see them much.)
Maybe it's because, it seems like the days, months, years, just seem to spin out of control and are gone so quickly, now-a-days.

I know there are more phases yet to come in my life as a mother. But, I look back and see each phase I've gone through was unique, special, and  had a purpose. Some were more pleasant than others. Some years were a true test of my faith, patience, love, perseverance, and trust in the Lord. 


I spent many days and nights on my knees in prayer, pleading with God to guide and protect my children, my son especially, since he was with us from birth. 
Such an array of emotions and memories for this mother! What joys and sorrows...the phases of a mother's life! 
As Mother's Day approaches, I am reminded of each of these phases, thanking God for all He has provided! He has walked with me through each one of them and answered many of my prayers, some not how I would have chosen, but how He chose for me and my children. Thank you, Jesus!


  1. Hopefully by the time our children desire to leave home, we have build within them a solid foundation of God and His Love. Ours all made mistakes, so although I don't say expect it, if it happens be there to show him love regardless.
    It is always wise to continue your prayers for our children to have and use wisdom and old fashioned common sense.

    1. I agree! Prayer for our children continues, even today! The enemy is always prowling, ready to snatch them away with all the temptations this world offers. And I also have experienced raising a child who made some costly mistakes, but love conquers all! Our love for our children should reflect God's love for us all!

  2. This even made me emotional...looking at the life with your son! Oh how time flies & those moment we take for granted, become those we most cling to, later! Thanks for sharing these years in photos with us at UNITE! They bless me! ~ Jen

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting, Jen! I appreciate that you host your blog hop, where we can share with each other how God is UNITING us to Him and each other!

  3. I've recently had my firstborn get married and move to another state. What emotions...being a mother is wonderful, hard, blessed, incredible and difficult! But I wouldn't trade it for the world...thanks for reminding me of all of the phases. It brought a smile to my face!

    1. Absolutely, Becky! I feel the same way!!! I bet is was rough to have your oldest move away, even though you know God is watching over them. Thanks for stopping in and sharing here!

  4. Ann, I love how you have shared your journey as your children have grown. They do grow too quickly don't they? I remember fearing the day my oldest son would leave, and having a sense of relief too. We had some difficult years with him. But as Becky shared, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Such beautiful pictures you have included too! Thank you for stopping by my blog. Nice to *meet* you! Blessings.

    1. Oh, thank you, Beth! It's so nice to know other moms who can relate and understand! Wishing you a blessed week, as well!

  5. I loved your hairstyles through the years.


    1. LOL! I'm even more amazed at my son's different hairstyles. He recently shaved his head (for no apparent reason) but I don't have a picture of it to share. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. How wonderful to see how you and your family have grown and changed through all the seasons. Our kids are still so young, and I am trying desperately to not wish for these hard times to be over too quickly. You're right - each phase has a purpose, and some are harder than others. Whenever I'm struggling, I remember that soon they will grow out of it, and we will move on... and when we have happy, joy-filled moments, I hold onto those and try not to overlook them, because soon we'll have another trial.

    Beautiful post. Stopping by from Winsome Wednesday (I was a bit late to the party ;)).

  7. As I cuddle my toddler and wonder at the little kicks of my next little one on the way, it's so hard to imagine them all grown up, but I know it'll go fast! Thanks for the encouragement to treasure this time!

  8. Thanks for the reminder to treasure my little ones!


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