O, Spring, Wherefore Art Thou?

"Spring comes as a long awaited friend that rejuvenates your soul with her very presence." (unknown)

I remember very little about the play Romeo and Juliet, but one thing I do remember, and I think just about anyone can quote, are the famous lines that Juliet chanted.
 O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

That's kind of how I'm feeling about the word "Spring" this year. It's like the long awaited return of a dear friend or lover. It just can't get here soon enough. 
Everyone has different expectations of the reunion of the long awaited "Spring", as well. Some rejoice at just celebrating the official date (March 21st) that rings in Spring. Others relate it to vacation time (Spring break). Some anticipate the change in weather - probably shouldn't hold our breath on that. 
For me, this is Spring:
  • New life - My neice is expecting her first child in about 6 weeks. This will be my first "grand-neice"(yep, it's a girl.) Tomorrow I am going to attend her baby shower. What a wonderful celebration of life during the Spring season! 
  • Colorful flora - I love flowers and being out in the garden! And I love color! I am daily anticipating the thawing of the soil, so flowers can begin to "Spring up" everywhere! http://patternoflife.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/sta70343.jpg
  • Nature coming alive - For the past week, I have heard the birds singing again. And just the other day, a robin spent hours right out in front of my window, feeding, sitting, and just enjoying the beginning of Spring! (Also, I love robin eggs in a nest.)   http://www.ruralramblings.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/02-09-10_robin.jpgrobin's eggs in a nest
  • Longer days, more sunshine - Already, I am seeing the difference in the days. We are on daylight savings time, so it doesn't get dark until around 7:30-8:00. And, even though there still are some cold, overcast, gloomy days, there seem to be a few more sunny days, too!                                                            
  • Celebrating Easter Of course, one thing we can count on every year, as Spring approaches, is the Easter season! This is one of my favorite seasons! (I'll be sharing more on this subject next week.)
 Wishing you a blessed Spring.

This Sunday is Palm Sunday, a time to remember and worship the King of Kings!


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Missional Women


  1. I am awaiting spring too. The birds are welcome messengers. We have a cardinal that sings from the top of a tree on sunny days--even when it is cold. I am still looking for a robin.


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