Life is Precious

She had been put on bedrest till her due date.

               The doctor said, no stress, till baby comes.
                         But on this special day, he gave special permission. 
                                    Her day . . . their day!
The joy on her face. . .
                            The excitement in her voice. . .
                                             The energy in her walk. . .

It was a day to celebrate the joy of life. . .
                          A day to show our support 
                                                    and love to the momma-to-be.
 And to this little one. . .  
I'm going to be a great aunt. once again, but she will be the first on my side of the family.
To rejoice in new life!  
 Pink was the color of the day!  
In the decorations, the cake, the presents!
 Already, preparations were being made for this little girl!                                This little life, not yet born, but forthcoming. 
Already, she's a precious life, to her parents and family,
                To extended friends and loved ones. 

Most importantly, to her Creator.
              To all, she is a princess. .
                   To the King, she is a member of His Royal family! 

     Already, she has a name. . .                  Cards were presented, with congratulations and love.
 Gifts were opened.Sweet, girl-y things were shared. 
The waiting is almost over. The anticipation has been intense at times, especially lately.  
 Only 7 weeks to go (or maybe sooner) and another little life will enter the world!

                                        Then we will say . . . 
Oh, how precious life is.
                  Even before she leaves the safe and comfortable womb,
                                   she is adored, embraced, and loved! 

 That is how our Lord sees each of us. . .

                  We are all precious to Him!!! 
                                  Thanks be to God, our Lord and Saviour!!! 

Giving thanks today, as I continue to count my blessings, and joining others at  "Multitude on Mondays"

1,273 - New life, soon to enter the world.
1,274 - My hubby, slowly overcoming a bad cold.
1,275 - Knowing my son will be coming home for Easter to visit.
1,276 - Melting snow
1,277 - Snacking on jelly beans
1,278 - My new look on both of my blogs (New headings and backgrounds).
1,279 - Being in awe and rejoicing, as I remember what Easter is about.


  1. Dear Ann
    What a blessing it is to be expecting parents! I pray that everything will go fine with the rest of your pregnancy and that your big day will be easy!
    Blessings to you and your little princess

    1. Actually, it's my niece who's expecting, but it truly is a blessing, Mia! Thanks for your prayers and wishes!

  2. What a beautiful shower and kind doctor to grant permission to celebrate! Those cupcakes look yummy, too.

    May the Lord grant your niece and Ellie protection and health for the remainder of the pregnancy. May Ellie's birth be at just the right time and free of complications. May her life be accompanied by the joy and love her birth brings.

    You linked up ahead of me at Jen's SDG sisterhood today. I'm glad I stopped by.

    1. It was a wonderful day of celebration. Thanks for stopping in and leaving your beautiful comments! Blessings to you, also!

  3. How wonderful! I am praying that your niece and little Ms. Ellie will have peace during the final stages of pregnancy. Praying for a most beautiful birth experience.

    1. Thanks, Barbie! Your thoughts and prayers are so appreciated! May you have a blessed and joyful Easter!

  4. What a fun post! And what a wonderful thing to be thankful for. I'm going to be a first time grandma in July....My youngest and he is 36. I've waited and prayed for a long time. So I rejoice with you and pray for that new little life coming.
    God bless.
    Here from Ann's.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment! Being a grandma is amazing! I have 3 step-grandkids, as well! I pray all goes well with the little one on it's way into your family, too! I stopped out to read your blog and started following. Have a beautiful Easter1

  5. Ann,

    Congratulations on being an auntie for this new little Ellie! The party looked like a sweet celebration. I smiled as I scrolled the photos.

    Thanks for stopping by my post "Underneath the Mom Hat...It Stirs" this week. Happy Easter, friend!

    Jennifer Dougan

  6. What joy awaiting! so much anticipating in God bringing a new little one into the world!


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