One More Week!!!


One more week till it's March!
I am so glad that February is a short month!
It would be so much more difficult for me to get through this cold, dreary month if it were any longer than it is!
It also has been a week of many challenges. (Didn't I just say that last week, too?)
We have been helping our son look for a job and housing, as he wants to move out on his own. But we haven't had much success with either, so far. 
Then, on Tuesday he got laid off of his current job. (There was word that they could be laying workers off, but we didn't think it would be this soon.) So, we now need put the job search in full speed.  The weather has been cold, dreary, with icy roads. So, going out is also a challenge. I haven't posted on my blog all week, as I'm struggling to be motivated and write. 
Today, I've decided to take a break from writing on my series, "Ten Ways to Love" and I'm trying to be positive about the weather and circumstances. So, here are some things I'm thankful for -

#1 - There's only one more week till it's March. That means spring is officially just one month away!

#2 - I get to spend a little time with my son before he gets a job and moves, since he currently is living at home.

#3 -

I'm also sharing some photos of
some views out my window.
 People - Sledding. . .
 Skating. . .
 Ice fishing . . .

 And my favorite place to be right now. . .inside the house. . . at my computer, with a cup of 
hot tea. Ahhhh :)
 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ." 
(Ephesians 1:3)

I also am linking over to the 
and continuing my never-ending list.

 Why I love my husband:

He installed our new window blinds for me the day we got them, even though he was tired from working all day.
Because he works days and I work evenings(part-time), he tries to make it home before I have to go in, just to see me and say "hello and goodbye" in person.
He likes to hold my hand during the church service on Sunday mornings.
 He's patient and understanding when I'm moody and not feeling well, due to my monthly female issues.
 He doesn't complain when I ask him to fold/put away his own clothes, after I wash and dry them.

Also linking over to these blog hops:


  1. Oh my goodness, Ann. Ice cycles, ice skating, sledding - man that looks cold! I went running for lunch along the marina and it was sunny with a nice breeze. I can't even imagine what I'd be doing if I were in your town. Well, yes, I do...I'd be staying inside! :) Thanks for linking up and I love seeing your never-ending list growing.

    1. Wish I were go out for a run with a warm breeze! I'm definitely looking forward to spring! Thanks for hosting your blog link-up and for stopping by!


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