It's Christmastime Again!

It seems like every year, Christmas gets here way too fast. One minute, we are planning the Thanksgiving meal and the next minute, the decorations are going up. Every year, I tell myself that I'm gonna be more prepared for the Christmas season, so I can truly enjoy it's full meaning.  
Time just seems to speed up during the month of December. This year, our family is enjoying the holiday in our new home on a lake. I wasn't sure how I would adjust to celebrating the birth of Christ in our new, much smaller home. It's an older house and, even though we have already done some remodeling, it still needs some TLC before we have it completed to our liking. 

I'm reminded of how Jesus and his parents celebrated his birth in a unfamiliar town, in a very primitive surrounding. Yet, they found so much joy and gratitude for God's leading them there and His protection. Others came to celebrate the event, as well. But nobody seemed upset or dissatisfied with where they had to go to see the Christ-child. 
This year, it seems like things are simpler. A smaller tree; less room for decorations; and even less gift-giving....yet more time with my family; more peaceful evenings; more time with friends, too. 

When we recently put up the tree and lights, my son came into our house and his first response was, this house is so warm and cozy. Wow!!! That's exactly what we all needed...a more warm and cozy surrounding, where we can truly turn our minds and hearts to that quiet, peaceful evening many years ago, when our Savior was born. Nobody was rushing around to get things done. There weren't panicked people, working overtime to be able to buy everything they wanted. The women weren't in a frenzy, baking all kinds of food to stuff everyone's faces with. Instead...
Kings and shepherds worshipped...
Angels sang glorious songs...
A mother and father rested and rejoiced...

A child slept.

As you celebrate the Christmas Season, remember to sit down, rest, meditate on the Word of God, and concentrate on all He has done for each of us! No big Christmas party is required. Actually, I encourage you to find a "warm and cozy" place, where you can rest in His presence and remember that day 2,000 years ago....the peace, the joy, the love.....

Sharing the gifts He has bestowed upon me every new day through the Joy Dare.

A gift handmade, held, happy
1,134 - handmade: A Christmas light, made with a glass block.(I'll post a photo of it in my next blog post.)
1,135 - held: A baby girl, the daughter of the mom I write to at our local Christian childcare center.
1,136 - happy: When my hubby and I show support and understanding for each other, we both feel so happy in our relationship!

3 gifts with family:
1,137 - Family discussions (most of the time they go well; sometimes they can get heated, though.)
1,138 - Eating at a new Asian Restaurant together.
1,139 - Cutting the Christmas tree together.

3 gifts red:
1,140 - Red bows, tied to my porch lights, blowing in the wind.
1,141 - My red(and black) checked flannel warm and comfortable, when it's cold outside.
1,142 -All the beautiful red Poinsettias on display at the floral department at the grocery store.

3 gifts astonishing:
1,143 - 65 degrees on December 3rd.
1,144 - God's patience with me, as I often don't learn from my mistakes/sin and keep doing things I know I shouldn't.
1,145 - It amazes me that Jesus Christ, the very One Who created me and knit me together in my mother's womb, descended from His Throne to take MY punishment so that I could be given His righteousness and a place in Heaven.

December Gifts:
3 gifts white:
1,146 - New, white socks, worn the first time.
1,147 - My white, velor electric blanket....Oh, so warm!
1,148 - Freshly fallen snow, the first snowfall of the season, here in my little Indiana town.

3 gifts bright:
1,149 -The full moon, glowing brightly, as I drive home from work in the nighttime.
1,150 - Outdoor Christmas lights, sparkling brightly, as we drive through town.
1,151 - New LED lights for my Christmas tree.

3 gifts shining:
1,152 - The star shining at the top of our Christmas tree.
1,153 - An ornament the says "Shine on me".
1,154 - Candles, burning when the lights are the room a glow.

 3 gifts silver
1,155 - silver tinsel, shining in the candlelight!
1,156 - My silver wedding band, displaying the eternal love my husband and I have for each other.
1,157 -The silvery-gray hair on my hubby's head...reminds me that we have been together all these years and I still love him so much!

3 gifts sweet
1,158 - Homemade pumpkin roll with cream cheese filling.
1,159 - My sweet friends, who show kindness and constantly show they care about me.
1,160 - My sweet hubby, who surprised me with clean dishes, when I got home from work one day.

3 gifts from your Savior

1,161 - The eternal Son of God, as He prepared to leave heaven and “the bosom of the Father”(John 1:18)
1,162 - Christ descended to Earth to become also “the Son of man,” (our Savior) with “nowhere to lay His head” (Matthew 8:20).
1,163 - "Jesus Christ first took up residence on Earth in his mother Mary’s womb, then in a manger. Then in a house in Bethlehem, followed by somewhere in Egypt until the death of King Herod who had tried to kill Him. His dwelling place then was in the home of His foster father, Joseph of Nazaeth, in a despised village. Eventually His “residence” was on the cross on which His enemies could impale Him. And finally, for three days in a borrowed tomb."(Source)

A gift hung, hummed, heard

1,164 - hung: Stockings hung, not by a fireplace(our new house has none), but on a shelf, this year.
1,165 - hummed: Christmas songs. (At a Christmas luncheon, we played "Guess the Christmas song" game)
1,166 - heard: My son, commenting on how cozy and homey our new home is this Christmas season.

3 gifts ugly beautiful
1,167 - Cold, wet, dreary weather lately....glad it wasn't snow.
1,168 - Not having my car for 3 days, as it gets fixed in the shop. Having to drive a rental.
1,169 - My new job; making mistakes, but having an kind and patient boss.


  1. What a beautiful heart you have!! I love this. Such truth. Just found your blog, now following you via GFC & excited to read more!


    1. Thanks, Erin, for stopping by and following my blog! Your kind words are so encouraging! I also stopped over at your blog, which is so full of life and joy! I am following you, too!


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