Let Go, Let God! {Random Journal Day}

Seems like lately it's either a physical struggle
                     an emotional struggle
                                            or  a relational struggle...
We've all had days,
                                 sometimes months
that we just seem to struggle with one thing or another.

I know struggles are supposed to strengthen us...
                                                       bring us closer to God.

So often, though, we fight and struggle even more to be free of these struggles...what a crazy cycle of actions and reactions.

That's why I'm sharing this entry from my journal today.{for Random Journal Day blog hop} It describes how I've been struggling and trying not to fight against that struggle, but instead, seek God daily.
Thursday, November 16th, 2012:
O.K., Lord, take these anxious feelings away from me! My emotions are on edge this morning, as I got 2 phone calls from my mom, saying my brother(in the hospital) isn't doing well. Been also feeling anxious about Tyler(my son). I just want peace and no more drama. Still wishing we could get away for a few days, but can't afford it right now. Been trying to listen to what the Lord's trying to tell me...all week a theme has been coming up in my devotions:
Let Go - Don't hang on to the yucky stuff  in life: worry, resentment, frustration, negativity

Let God - Fill me, instead, with good stuff: Joy, gratitude, love, peace.

Lord, it seems like I'm struggling with having a positive outlook, lately. My passion for life is barely flickering, some days. Help me to find that passion again, for You and for my life! Amen
 "There are times in life when you finally have to surrender your own wants and perceived needs to the loving direction of God. When you let go of your expectations or your need to control a situation, you will receive more good than you could ever imagine. Then, let God guide the outcome of any situation. " (source)

Music is one of my favorite ways to seek God's presence in my life. This Audrey Assad song has really touched my heart during this time of struggle...

"Carry Me" by Audrey Assad:
Pain is a forest we all get lost in
Between the branches hope can be so hard to see
And in the darkness we've all got questions
We're all just trying to make sense out of suffering but

You say I am blessed because of this
So, I choose to believe
As I carry this cross, You'll carry me
Help me believe it

Fear is a current we all get caught in
And in its motion faith can be so hard to find
And we all falter 'cause we're all broken
We're all just trying to turn the shadows into light but

You get glory in the midst of this
And You're walking with me

And you say I am blessed because of this
So, I choose to believe
As I carry this cross, You'll carry me

And I know Your promises are faithful
And God, I've seen Your goodness in my life
And oh, I've found Your mercy is a river
Your love is an ocean wide

You say I am blessed because of this
You get glory in the midst of this
And You're walking with me

And You say I am blessed because of this
So, I choose to believe

As I carry this cross, as I carry this cross
'Cause as I carry this cross, You'll carry me

You'll carry me, God
You'll carry me
And Your love is an ocean wide
I also desire to make this post an opportunity to give the Lord thanks for all He continues to bless me with, in spite of (hopefully, as I learn from) these struggles in my life....sharing the gifts He has bestowed upon me every new day through the Joy Dare.

3 gifts of traditions:
1,115 - A new tradition with my hubby and son...to just take off in the car and end up where we end up on Thanksgiving weekend!
1,116 - Having a meal together with my siblings and parents.
1,117 - Attending church together on Sunday mornings, followed by eating out for lunch.

3 gifts family:
1,118 - Spending a few hours with my son and hubby at Lake Michigan on Thanksgiving Day.
1,119 -Talking and laughing at the table, after our family meal together.
1,120 - Trusting that the Lord watches over family members who can't be with us at the family Thanksgiving meal.

A gift grateful:
1,121 - Oh! How can I list only one thing that I'm grateful for? Today, it most definitely is God's presence in my life, through the Holy Spirit!

3 gifts only in Christ:
1,122 - Forgiveness of sins through the blood He spilled for me!
1,123 - Hope for eternity with Him someday in paradise!
1,124 - The power of His great love!!!

3 gifts humble:
1,125 - Becoming less, so He becomes more!
1,126  - Giving my time, energy, and heart to serving my family and those who are in need.
1,127 - In prayer, on bended knee, seeking God's will in all things.

3 gifts ugly-beautiful:
1,128 - Looking to God for hope and healing, especially when loved ones are suffering.
1,129 - Seeking the Lord's will, when things don't make sense in this world and in our lives.
1,130 - When the waves of life splash on us, knowing Christ carries us through.

3 gifts preparing:
1,131 - Preparing my heart to receive great things that the Lord is going to do in my life and the lives of those I love.
1,132 - Preparing food for family time together.
1,133 - Preparing for the cold, winter weather that will soon be here.
When you are in troubled and worried and sick at heart 
and your plans are upset and your world falls apart,
 remember God's ready and waiting to share 
The burden you find much too heavy to bear. 
So with faith, Let Go and Let GOD lead your way 
into a brighter and less troubled day!
When the cares of my heart are many,
    your consolations cheer my soul.
Psalm 94:19


  1. Boy, I could so relate! And sometimes - it's all three put together, isn't it. I was so blessed yesterday listening to a sermon on 2 Kings and Hezekiah. Pastor Joe Focht reminded us the key is CLEAVING to God and NOT letting go. Not easy, but OH, so vital. Praying for us both to keep on hanging on. :) Blessings. :)

    1. Oh, yes, Kaye. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming. Sometimes I feel like I'm hanging onto God by just a few fingers, but I always remember to not ever let go of Him in my life. Thanks for your heart and prayers!

  2. Wonderful list...so grateful for how He does carry us, and our burdens...Nice to meet you, Ann...linked up behind you at GDWJ :)

  3. Hi Ann, so glad to see you on Winsome Wednesday bloghop again. And I love your pics. Recently my hubby bought me a great camera and seeing everything differently through the lens.
    Look forward to seeing you there again next week
    God bless

  4. Very encouraging reminder :) thanks for stopping by my blog!


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