A Beautiful Mess

How is it that I can be living in such beauty, yet feel so lost and alone? How can I look out my window and see a gorgeous sunrise almost every morning, find peace and quiet when sitting on my sun porch, 
and at the same time ache and hurt and feel sad? I walk from our breathtaking views of the lake into a messy living room and my outlook on life turns instantly from joy to downtrodden. 
Emotions can be so confusing sometimes. What I see with my eyes and hear with my ears can be so different from how I am feeling.

Aren't you glad that this isn't how God looks at each of us?....He sees such beauty, in each of us, in spite of the mess of our sinfulness and of the unwise choices we make. He takes all the ugliness we have, that is so evident every day of our lives, and turns it into something so beautiful. He sees the beauty He created in us, even though we know we have sinned and disappointed Him many times over.

I am so glad our Lord doesn't let emotions or circumstances affect how He looks at us! He not only forgives. He forgets our sin and ugliness that we so often can't seem to let go of. He wipes the slate clean!

I could learn a lot from looking at the ugly things in my life through color-tinted glasses. If I could see, instead of a messy room, an actual lakehouse of our own, where everything will find it's place, in time. If. instead of seeing my circumstances as negative and depressing, as I lately have, I could look at those things as opportunities to serve God. Oh, how my life would change! For some reason, that's not how I end up feeling, though. I take my eyes off of God for just a minute, and my mind wonders to the negative side of things. It's a constant battle of not letting our emotions and circumstances rule our outlook on life. 

I had been faithful for almost a year in writing down a gratitude list every week. Once we got busy with moving, I cut out writing things on my list, as well as staying up on my prayer life and I even spent less time in the Word. Of course, that's when things started to go downhill for me, emotionally. Not only did I strip those things out of my daily activities, but I began to get an attitude that I really didn't want to take the time to include them again in my life. I got stubborn and selfish in my thoughts. I wanted to feel good about life, but not put anything spiritually into it. I still struggle at times with trying to not let my stubbornness win over.  I am once again making an effort to make time for God and let Him work in my heart and my life each day. I am starting my gratitude list back up, too.

We really all are a "Beautiful Mess", aren't we? Truly, we're a work in progress. I am so thankful that God is so loving and forgiving!

I'm praying that throughout this week, you may see the beauty, in spite of the mess you may be seeing or experiencing.

Counting my gifts with the September Joy Dare:
3 gifts summer:
916. late evening sunsets
917. Fishing at dawn/sunset.
918. Fresh pan-fried bluegill!

3 gifts cut
919. A freshly cut lawn.
920. Fresh, cut-up vegetables from the garden.
921. Cutting up old cardboard moving boxes and putting things in their places.

3 gifts yellow
922. fresh corn on the cob
923. Yellow mum in full bloom
924. The sun's reflection on the water, as it rises in the sky.

A gift cool, warm, sun-soaked
925. Cool - the air after a rain storm.
926. Warm - the sun, shining through my porch windows.
927. Sun-soaked - early picked vegetables, ripening in the sun.

 Linking over at these blog parties:


  1. I clicked over from Multitude Mondays, Good to meet you! Yes, I too have gone through periods of skipping the gratitude, or skipping the Word, and prayer...except for the little kid talking to my Father all the time prayers of my day (a constant stream of babble). But God is gracious isn't he? Even letting us feel how much we need him by losing it for a time. Your list and pictures are gorgeous!

    1. Thanks for stopping over and commenting! I am so thankful for God's graciousness! So glad you enjoyed my post!

  2. Thank you for reminding us....bless you as you unpack and get settled. Praying you take time off to reflect in the memories of some of the goodies you unpack and smile.

    1. Thanks, Noeline! As the week goes on, I am feeling less stressed and can relax a little more. Memories are great!

  3. I know we all have been there many times. I find myself in that situation. I think the most important thing is to keep God in your heart at all times and try not to be too rough on yourself. We all need to have better habits and have better outlooks, but I am very thankful that God loves us anyway and is merciful and gracious. And when we remember during our day, do give thanks and praise Him. I love your wonderful post and your gorgeous pictures. Try to have some fun unpacking all those boxes. Put on a little inspiring music and get to it. Dance and sing and praise God!!

  4. Amen. Amazing how differently everything looks when we see with grateful eyes.

  5. You are not alone in this! I have been where you are more times than I care to admit! You ate so right...it is a constant battle. But, it is a battle we can win with God's help! Focus is definitely the key! Blessings, Ann!

    In Him, Joan

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, Joan. My focus is improving each day, thanks to His love and persistence! You are a blessing, as well!

  6. What gorgeous photos! Wow, love the sunset over the lake. Moving is hard. But just give it to the Lord, crank up that praise music and dance in the midst of the mess :)

  7. Yes, we are a beautiful mess, and loved so deeply and completely! Stopping in from Grace Cafe,


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