Waiting For God

Oh, my!! I can't believe it's Wednesday, already! Where is this week going?!  It was another rough week for me. Haven't been feeling up to par and lots of struggles to hurdle! This verse has been put on my heart the past few days. I really struggled with being grateful, but prayed for God to help me see the blessings, in spite of the pain.  This is what He persuaded me to write:
But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord,
    I wait for God my Savior;
    my God will hear me.
Micah 7:7
In this verse the Prophet, Micah, shows that the only remedy for the godly in desperate evils, is to flee to God for help.

He resolved to look alone to the Lord, 
and put his trust in Him; 
look up to the Lord in prayer
use a humble freedom with Him, 
place a holy confidence in Him, 
expect all good things from Him, 
and wait for them;
Look to Christ in the exercise of faith, which is, in New Testament language, a looking to Jesus;

...and that for all things; 
  • when in darkness, for light
  • when weak, for strength
  • when sick, for healing
  • when hungry, for food
  • when disconsolate, for comfort
  • in short, for all supplies of grace here,
  • and for eternal glory and happiness hereafter; 
and though He is in heaven, and not to be seen with our bodily eyes, yet He is held forth in the word of the Gospel,
I will wait for the God of my salvation;
who is the author both of temporal, and of spiritual, and eternal salvation; 
  • for the light of His countenance, when He hides himself; 
  • for the performance of promises He has made;
  • for answers of prayer put up to Him; 
  • for discoveries of pardoning grace, having sinned against Him; 
  • for help and assistance in all times of need; 
  • for the salvation of the Lord, 
  • for an application of it, 
  • for the joys and comforts of it; and 
  • for Christ the Saviour, His coming in the flesh,
Waiting for God's timing isn't easy. I must remember, God has an ear to hear when His people cry; and sooner or later it appears that He does hear, by giving an answer of peace unto them, which issues in their salvation they have been praying, looking, and waiting for. 
 "My God will receive my prayer.''

Counting my gifts:
3 Gifts Hanging Down
883. A picture that hangs in our living room that says, "God Bless our Home", a reminder of God's providence!
884. God hanging His protection over my son, in spite of his unwise decisions.
885. Hanging out with my son's girlfriend, just us girls! She is such a blessing to me!!
3 Gifts Learned
886. "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:29
887. Learning to trust God, even when I don't understand why or where He's leading me.
888. Learning to love those who abuse, use, and disrespect you!
3 Gifts Musical
889. The music of Casting Crowns...to give me hope.
890. Singing along with the radio in my car.
891. My son's love for music and that he still likes playing acoustic guitar and slower songs.

A Gift in Light, Dark, Shadow
892. The early morning light, telling me it is a new day.
893. To bend in prayer at the foot of my son's bed, before dawn.
894. Peace, through the shadow of trials and hardships in this life.
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
3 Gifts in waiting for God
895. To be able to experience answers to prayer.
896. To grow closer to God.
897. To find hope, when there seems to be no hope.


  1. Casting Crowns is one of my favorite bands too - "Praise You in this Storm" is one of my all-time best loved songs. You and your hubby look so in love in your photo! :) I also love your photos of the creek and covered bridge - water soothes my soul like nothing else here on earth! Wishing you a happier week and easier time to come!

    Melissa @ This Glorious Day

    1. Thanks, so much Melissa! What would we do without the encouragement of our sisters in Christ? The photos were from last weekend, when my hubby took me out to dinner and we walked through this park, with the creek and bridges. It was just a few hours, but so relaxing! I am so glad you stopped by. Blessings to you, too!!

  2. Sometimes it can be hard in our circumstance to feel grateful or blessed especially when life is difficult. Somehow God breaks through that feeling with a little reminder that he is there and when we see his face it becomes a little easier to be thankful. God Bless

    1. So well said!!! It takes more effort on some days than others. It does help to remember that God is in control and He truly wants the best for me. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Linking up from SDG and WFW - gorgeous pictures and precious thoughts. Waiting on Him today!
    Hugs from VA,

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Susan. I'm glad this post encouraged you to keep waiting on Him! Blessings to you!

  4. Great post. I just started my gratitude list last week and almost to 50. My goal is to still reach 1000 by end of year.

    Your list is encouraging!


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