"My Soul Thirsts for You"


The weather in the Midwest, as in many parts of the country, has been very hot (averaging 100 degrees) for the past couple of weeks. Today it's supposed to get up to 104 degrees. We've not had a good rain in at least that long. I literally am living off of my two favorite things in this hot weather ~ raspberry iced tea and ice cream (specifically: Drumsticks). I don't know if I could make it without them....well, I probably could, but it sure helps to have them around! 

In all honesty, though, we're in a bad way! Everything is dried up and accidental fires are getting more prevalent. Many areas have burn bans and even fireworks over the fourth of July were banned. 

This all reminds me of a verse I read today from the Psalms:

Source: google.com via Ann on Pinterest

O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in your sanctuary and gazed upon your power and glory. Psalm 63:1-2

Have you ever been so thirsty and dry that you literally are parched and weary? The photo above reminds me of how life would be if we didn't have Jesus to go to. What a horrible feeling to be dry, parched, desolate.  Oh, how we all thirst for our Lord!

Thank goodness, He's always here for us! All we have to do is go to Him in humble prayer!
Source: flickr.com via Ann on Pinterest

I love this song that is so perfect during this time of hot, dry weather.....He is the Well of Living Water!!!

The Well, by Casting Crowns

For all you Coca Cola lovers!!
Source: google.com via Ann on Pinterest

I love this!!!!

Linking up at these blog hops:

 Beholding Glory


  1. I love that in scripture He is referred to as Living Water. Not only does He refresh and nourish, but He is Alive. Fantastic reminder especially during this hot hot weather.

    1. Amen, Wendy! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment for me!! Blessings to you!

  2. Yum - you mentioned Drumsticks! I haven't had one in years but remember absolutely loving them! Also love your post - yes Jesus is the only one who can truly quench our "thirst"! Thank you for visiting www.thisgloriousday.com and leaving a comment - your blog is great!

    1. Oh, you'll have to to the freezer section of the grocery store and get a box of them...I can't eat just one!! I have also joined you blogpage! I'm so glad you stopped by and like my blog, as well!

  3. Hi Ann--very fitting to have this post when so many of us are suffering from the heat. And it's a good analogy to see that dry, parched ground and realize that's how our souls look when we don't have time with the Lord. I also like the Coke graphic...and very fitting for what you've written. Thanks for sharing on Bless and Be Blessed at Bible Love Notes. I'm praying you have a wonderful week! Gail

    1. I thought it was quite appropriate, too, Gail. Thanks for stopping in and leaving your comment. Thanks for your prayers, too. You also are in my thoughts and prayers, as you continue to spend time overseas. Blessings!!

  4. You must live near me. It's been hotter than I ever remember it being. My husband when outside to read his Bible this morning and said the heat has broken and, although still humid, is comfortable. So thankful God is always ready to give my parched soul refreshment when I ask!

  5. Maybe, Pamela. But I think half the country has been under a heat wave. We actually got a few sprinkles of rain this morning, which temporarily cooled things down. But, we're back into the upper 90's. :( Yes! God is very refreshing!!

  6. Hi Ann,
    Coming over from Beholding Glory. Nice to meet you! Sorry to hear about the horrible heat. I'm in So. Calif. and this summer so far has been the coolest summer in years! I know your words will minister to many that are facing the heat and fires. May we all draw closer to the Lord through whatever parched time is set before us.

    1. Hi, Jolene! Nice to meet you, too! I'm so glad you stopped in to read my blog post! Boy, I'm wishing I could visit you in So. Cal.! Even though, the high temps and humidity has broke today, we still need rain, BADLY!! Amen to drawing closer to the Lord!! There's no better time than now!


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