Learn to Love These Days

I have been listening to a lot of Mandisa lately. I really love her album, "What if we were real" (I am excited to hopefully be seeing her in concert at the end of June.) This song "These Days" reminds me that I need to appreciate even "in the middle of the crazy, God is so amazing."  This song reminds me that I can "learn to love these days."

Sharing the blessings God has bestowed upon me as I take part in the Joy Dare.
(For this post, I found so much to share in pictures and music, so I hope you will take/have the time to enjoy them all.)

3 gifts you gave today.
755. Words of encouragement for my son, who wasn't feeling good.
756. A smile for people I came in contact with.
757. Time to be in communion with God; in worship and praise, prayer, and reading His Word.
3 gifts orange
758. Beautiful sunsets


759. One of the colors in a new lily, blooming in my garden.
760. Drinking Orange Crush soda from a bottle.

 3 gifts funny
761. Watching a funny sitcom T.V. show.
762. Reading the comic strip, "Zits". Makes me laugh every time.
763. (not funny haha, but funny coincidence-or really just God's timing) My friend and I were in town and came upon an art festival going on and had time to stop and enjoy the artwork of many creative people. It's funny how God puts certain events in our paths.

3 gifts from today’s conversations
764. Talking to my son's girlfriend about relationships.
765. Went with my mom to her doctor's appt. and had a very pleasant and informative conversation with the lady doctor.
766.Talking with friends, hearing and sharing prayer requests, and praying for each other.

3 gifts found in Christ
767."Firm, through the fiercest drought and storm."
768. "This gift of love and righteousness."
769."No guilt of life; no fear in death."
(lyrics to "In Christ Alone.")

A gift of peace, of hope, of love
770.Peace - Feeling that our house and moving situation is in God's hands and that we have to rest in that alone!
771.Hope - Hopeful that my son and his girlfriend are learning a lot about relationships through our pastor's sermons at church.
772.Love - The awesome love I have for my hubby (I set this monkey near his sink in the bathroom and he's kept it there ever since, so he gets to remember my love every day.)

3 gifts “ugly-beautiful”
773. Having digestive issues...I think I'm gluten intolerant and every once in a while, I'll get flair-ups.(Beautiful because I LOVE bread, but ugly because eating too much makes my stomach hurt!)
774. I was watching the evening news and there are so many teens that have died in car accidents(some seniors, about to graduate). I am so thankful that God spared my son during those turbulent years and that He still protects him now.
775. Spending time with my extended family. It's not been the smoothest of relationships, but I am still thankful for them.
   Linking over at these blog parties:
 Grace Cafe' (Reflections of His Grace)


  1. Listening to Mandisa's song as I read...it's new to me; glad to be introduced to it. Your pictures are great, your gifts are inspirational, your heart makes me smile. God is good. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Lisa. I love to make people smile. And absolutely, God is so good! Thanks for stopping in and have a blessed week.

  2. Love that beautiful sunset!! They alway amaze me at how beautiful they are. Thanks for stopping by, Laura

    1. Thank you for dropping by and leaving your sweet comment! I love sunsets, too...especially when on the beach!! Have an awesome week!

  3. These pictures are so great. Thanks for sharing what you are thankful for! Helps with the Monday-blues :) Have a wonderful day, Patty from www.fanta4two.com

    1. Oh, I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit here, Patty. Hoping you week just gets brighter and brighter!!

  4. Perfect pics and I love that you mentioned comic strips. I just got lost in the comics with my nine-year-old last week.

    1. I literally would NOT have survived through parenting a teen boy without reading "Zits". I really believe they followed my son around and wrote about him!! :) I good laugh is great medicine (and it costs nothing).

  5. So much to be thankful for, and when I read what others are thankful for, I am reminded of these blessings too. God is so good to us. He gives us so many sweet blessings I take for granted.Cartoons, orange crush, the grubby hands of a child holding out to me a freshly picked bouquet of dandelions...

    Beautiful songs, encouraging post.Thank-you.

    1. It's the amazing 'little things' in life that we often miss. God's goodness can be seen around every bend! Thank you for stopping by and commenting, Kathy!!

  6. Sweet post. Thanks for reminding me to stay focused on the positives.

    1. So glad you stopped by, Lyli!! Blessing to you, my sister in Christ!

  7. This is one of my favorite songs. What a blessing to find it on here at the beginning of my day. In Christ Alone will be echoing in my ears as I write at Panera. My husband will be writing, too. God will be our strength!

  8. It's one I love hearing, too, Pamela! Music like that is like salve to my soul!! I pray God has blessed your day immensely!! Thanks for dropping by, looking and listening!!


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