Trust. . .With All Your Heart!

Hello everyone! I'm a little behind schedule this week. Been quite a busy one, so far! Next week may also be a little hectic. Our home inspection is set. Then we will have the house appraisal. So keep us in your prayers. Little by little, we're getting there! :)

Hope you are all enjoying your day! Came across this photo/verse and it just really stuck with me, so I kinda made it my verse for the week.
Source: via Ann on Pinterest

"Trust  in the Lord with ALL YOUR HEART."
What does that really mean to you?
  • Giving every situation over to Him
  • Taking our hands totally off
  • Do not rely on our own strength
  • Giving both physically and mentally to the will of the Spirit
  • Confident expectation of something= having hope.
  •  Confidence in the certainty of God's control of the future
  • Not holding onto one specific situation or taking back the control you've given to God.
 "Lean not on your own understanding."
How do we do this?
  • Not seeking to figure the problem out logically
  • It doesn't mean that you don't use the brain that God gave you to make good decisions.
  •   If you know that God has given directions for how to act and your brain tells you that it would be easier or safer to do things a different way, then you trust in God and do things His way instead of what your natural mind is urging you to do.

“In all your ways acknowledge him,”
  •   This is to fear GOD (acknowledge His power, but not fear his judgement), in all we do. 
  • When you get your eyes off God and on the problem, it will get bigger and bigger.
If you do all the above. . . .
"HE shall direct your paths."
  • When you feel lost or don't know which way to go, He will guide you.
I never want to stop writing down the many blessings God has bestowed upon me! So, I'm continuing in the Joy Dare.
3 gifts that made you laugh
734. My dogs, being silly and running around the yard.
735. A fun couple of days with my friend, Malorie (we were trying to include the ducks in the background)
736. My couples Bible study group; especially Wes and Julie, Rick and Lynn!! They are a hoot!!

3 gifts found in community
737. An evening out for dinner with our couples Bible study group.
738. Time spent with my mentor, Marg.
739. Ladies Bible study (I love those ladies)

A gift in a plate, a pot, a package
740. Plate - Eating out and trying new kinds of food (Japanese) - sushi and pickled ginger.
741. Pot - Cream of Potato soup; after getting dental work done, it's the only thing that tastes good.
742. Package - New package of peppermint gum.

3 gifts hard giving thanks for
743. Extra work needed to be done on my teeth.
744. Break-ups (for son and his girlfriend.)
745. Surprising news from our realtor (not the good kind, either).

3 gifts found in church
746. Funny skit put on by the drama team.
747. Great sermon
748. Family, sitting beside me.

3 gifts in today’s work
749. Packing boxes and listening to Christian music.
750. Clean closets
751. Clean bathroom (Ughhh!!)

A gift at 8 AM, 12 PM, and 8 PM
752. Writing in my blog.
753. Relaxing at my favorite coffee shop.
754. Watching a movie with my hubby, son, and his girlfriend.(yes, they're back together)

                                          Linking over at these blog parties:


  1. Great post Ann!! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Toni. I'm so glad you stopped by!! Blessings to you, my friend!

  2. Thanks for stopping by and linking up with me Ann. I love your post,Prov 3 is one of my fav verses...I've been following it and leaning on it for a long time. I've had to release a lot of things to God that I didn't understand, that I still have trouble understanding, but He knows much more than I do so I will keep leaning on His understanding.

    1. Amen, Salina! God is so good to us, if we only learn to lean on Him! Thank you for your words of encouragement!

  3. Great thoughts and such a neat Scripture photo, Ann. I especially like the line about not trying to figure things out logically...some things in life just aren't logical, are they? Thanks for linking up to Bless and Be Blessed. I pray your week of moving and settling will be blessed.

    1. Thanks Gail. Waiting on God is a big part of my life, right now. It may be several weeks till everything is completed. I also pray for you and your hubby, as you travel and settle into your temporary new home. I also am praying for your healing, as you had mentioned in your recent post, after taking a fall. God bless you immensely!

  4. That passage is such a comfort! It's hard to let go and lean on Him, but worth it!

    Thanks for sharing,
    Mary Beth

    1. Oh, so true!! Nothing good is ever easy, is it? But I'm glad to be in agreement with you that it is TOTALLY worth it. Have a blessed weekend!

  5. Thank you. And ... I like the picture from you and your friend.

  6. Speaking of running behind schedule, I'm just getting around to visiting. I love that verse and the photo is beautiful. Looking forward to hearing more about your move.


  7. lovely post. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop Hugs and wishes for a beautiful week ahead.


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