New Blog Name Contest and Giveaway.

 Well, I've been thinking about all the stuff I write about on my blog. Originally, I wanted this to be a place to encourage other women to live for the Lord and talk about how God has worked in my own life. I also have been keeping track of the many "gifts" God has blessed me with each week, through Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare. Recently, though, I find myself adding other side posts that have very little to do with any of those subjects. I have an array of interests, but have specifically been posting on my love of tea things, my interest in gardening and flowers, and also my fascination with Pinterest and Polyvore, by sharing the many creative ideas found there.
(Our soon-to-be lake cottage)
Even more recently, my husband and I are planning, God willing, on moving out of our large home and into a small, lakefront cottage very soon. We are at that age, where we are anticipating the days of becoming empty-nesters and retirees. We've dreamed of living on a lake for a few years, and have had a few fortunate events that helped us to make that dream a reality. The cottage is a bit outdated and has very little landscaping and literally no flowers! So I'll be working on new ideas and I know I'll be wanting to share the progress of the changes to our new cottage.

The thing is, it seems like I'm shifting gears a little bit, but I don't want to forget about my original desire to have a blog in the first place. That is why, I've decided that the best thing to do is to keep my original blog "Christ in the Clouds," where I'll continue to share my list of God's gifts and blessings, as well as encourage other women, and start a "home and garden, lake cottage, tea lover, empty-nester" blog. I know, I should probably start at least a couple more blogs, but I just don't have the time to keep that many going. I hope having 2 blogs won't be too much for me! I am currently posting about 3-5 times per week. That is plenty for me. By dividing them up, I hope to post about 2-3 posts in each blog a week, at the most. I don't want blogging to take over my life, like I've heard has happened to some bloggers.

Anyways, I'm having some trouble coming up with just the right name for my new blog-page. I was hoping that some of my bloggy-friends out there, might offer some suggestions. Like I said, this blog is going to be geared more towards the following:
  •  sharing my love of tea
  •  lake cottage living
  •  cottage decorating
  •  being creative with clothing ensemble combinations
  •  gardening and landscaping ideas
  • life as an empty-nester
Any ideas will be considered up till Thursday, May 3rd.
  • I also know that it usually helps to have a gift/prize for the person who's blogname I decide to use.  My friend Malorie, makes some pretty cute homemade greeting cards and tags (3-D, embossed).
  • The winner of the blog name contest will receive 6 homemade cards and envelopes made by Malorie. If you have a sweet tooth, you'll love these cupcake and ice-cream shaped cards, with different cute sayings on the inside of each card.

So PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, leave a suggestion or comment, as well as a link back to your blog-page or email address.  I will keep you all posted on my final decision and the winner that is chosen. I am excited to hear all the cute and creative ideas you all come up with!!
Linking up at these blog parties:

Boogieboard Cottage

Good Life Wednesdays

A Delightsome Life


Poofy Cheeks


  1. Hum. I took forever to come up with the name of my blog and then it just hit me. I don't know. I think of the empty nest idea ( flown the coop, spreading my wings)but, then in a few years that won't apply. Then your interest are centered around the home and cottage living. So maybe something with that as a title (lakeside dream, lakeside cottage dream). It is a challenge to come up with a name. There are a lot of cute ones too. Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Sherry! It is difficult to decide. I like your ideas, especially the 'lakeside dream'. I think anything with the name lake in it would be very appropriate.

  3. Ann's precious life - cherish every moment all days

    ...dreams about empty nest, cottage,tea and happy gardening

    My english is poos - sorry :-)


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