A Great Inheritance for the Meek

                                                                                                  Source: google.com via Ann on Pinterest

Bible Commentaries: meaning of this verse
Amplified: Blessed (happy, blithesome, joyous, spiritually prosperous—with life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favor and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions) are the meek (the mild, patient, long-suffering), for they shall inherit the earth! (Amplified Bible - Lockman)
KJV: Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
NLT: God blesses those who are gentle and lowly, for the whole earth will belong to them. (
New Living Translation - Tyndale House)
Philips: Happy are those who claim nothing, for the whole earth will belong to them! (
New Testament in Modern English)
 Meek doesn't mean weak
The slogan "strong enough to be gentle" comes close to defining true meekness that is best seen in Christ. When we are meek, we will bear insults without lashing out in resentment or retaliation. We'll thank God in every circumstance, while using every circumstance, good or bad, as an occasion to submit to Him. Meekness would be weakness if it meant yielding to sin. But because it stems from goodness and godliness, it is a great strength. Even now the meek soul gets the best out of life. 

The world does not think so. It thinks that the meek must be worsted because they will not stand upon their rights, nor wield the sword in self-defense, nor meet men on their own terms. But, as ever, Christ's words stand the test of experience. 

When wrong is done to a meek person, he is led by the grace of God to mourn over it, leaves God to vindicate and avenge, and prays for the speedy coming of the day when all wrongs shall be righted, and tears wiped. The meek man joins his prayers with those of Christ, the supreme Sufferer, that the Father would forgive those who do more evil than they know. With a calm and gentle answer he turns away wrath.
 The Heritage of the Earth
The meek find more pleasure in simple joys than wrong-doers in all their wealth. Pure hearts find wells of peace and bliss in common sights and sounds. There is no twinge of conscience or bitter memory of wrong-doing to jar on the sweet consent of holy song ever arising in nature. 

Do not be greatly concerned when wrong is done you. Possess your soul in patience. Hide under the wing of God. Do not let anything rob you of your power of being glad with children, birds, flowers, humble and innocent joys.

Without a doubt, the time is coming when the world itself will be conquered by the meekness and gentleness of Christ and His saints. The gentle dawn will master the blustering night; the soft-treading spring will quell the storms of winter.

"O meek and gentle Savior, give me Your Spirit, that I may be calm and strong in the endurance of wrong, and overcome evil with good."


What a great explanation of the meek and how they will inherit the earth!! There is great reward in living a meek and mild life! May you find joy and peace in Christ Jesus!!

Sharing the many blessings God has bestowed upon me! Continuing in the Joy Dare!

3 hard Eucharisteos 
629. Suffering (living with physical pain on and off in my life)
630, Having difficulty losing weight.
631, Struggling at times with motivation/energy to do what I need to do around the house. 

3 gifts woven together
632. Basket from Charleston, SC made by a Gullah woman.
633. Poem I read today: Woven on a heavenly loom
Woven together on a heavenly loom
I was formed by God whilst in my mother's womb.
Then the days of my life in His book were penned
even before I was born my life was planned.

Each chapter was scribed by a God of grace
Paragraphs written before life took place.
Ev'ry moment before it came to pass
God wrote them from the first day ‘til the last.   
634. My wicker chair and ottoman! Love to relax in it!

3 gifts inherited
635. My father’s old roll-top desk.
636. My grandmother’s old quilts
637. A great inheritance of earth now(Matt. 5:5) and heaven, when Christ returns!

A gift stacked, stashed, stilled
638.  Stacked – Boxes (reminding me that we will be moving soon)
639. Stashed - special cards and keepsakes to remind me of my loved ones.
640. Stilled - my heart (to listen to God speaking to me in His Word and in prayer)

3 gifts found in Christ
641. Salvation (Luke 15:24 because this son of mine was dead, and is alive again – he was lost and is found!)
642. Peace
643. Hope

3 gifts close
644. My family
645. My friends
646. My Lord and Savior


  1. This was a great post on meekness. I like the phrase "strong enough to be gentle." If only the world could see meekness as a quality to be sought after. I guess, it really does go against our human nature.

    1. Thanks, Shanda! It definitely isn't easy to live out the characteristics listed. It does have its rewards, though. Wishing you God's joy and blessings today!

  2. Love this! We are currently working through the Sermon on the Mount in our series at church and just discussed "Blessed are the meek" within the beatitudes. It was a great messages and very encouraging to embrace our meekness. Thanks for this reminder and glad I found you at SDG :-) Blessings my sister!

    1. God's got impeccable timing, when it comes to reminding us of what we are studying or reading about. So glad you found me, too. Thanks for leaving your comment!

  3. Strong enough to be gentle. Good words for meekness. I am seeking joy in the simple things. I long to be meek.

    1. Oh, I'm so glad this inspired you! God will reward you greatly, in your desire and efforts to live a life of meekness, my friend! Blessings to you, today!

  4. I like to think of meekness as one who relies on His strength. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Oh, so true, Barbie! We only find strength through Him! Blessings to you!

  5. My whole understanding of these verses changed when I learned that "meek" means "strength under control." You have echoed that understanding here. How great are these promises!
    Visiting from State of the Heart

    1. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your direct experience of meekness. It is unfortunate that so many Christ-followers misunderstand what meekness is. It truly blesses those who following it!


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