They that Wait Upon the Lord. . .

Have you ever run and not gotten tired? Maybe some dedicated athletes can relate to that, but personally, I have never enjoyed running. I just get out of breath and wear out after just a few minutes into a light jog! I'd rather walk, thank you very much!  But, this verse says with God as our strength, we will run (the race of life) and not grow weary!! Life can be tiring at times, with all the stress, health issues, pressures of work and family, and even resisting all the temptations of this world!

Friend, if you are feeling weak and think you can't go on anymore, turn to the Lord - read His Word - go to Him in prayer. Seek Him and you will find Him, for He says, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

Isaiah 40:31 has been my all-time favorite verse since I can least since my teen years, when I dedicated my life to Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I love the imagery of an eagle soaring high in the sky, the wind keeping him high above the trees. With the strong wind holding him up, he can relax and enjoy the view below. No need to strain and work his wings. I see God, as being the "wind" holding me up when I can't hold myself up anymore!! What a relief, knowing that He is my strength!!

I wanted to share a short paragraph on the subject of the week from the blog hop (JamWithMe Thursdays) which is actually being held over at My Home Sweet Home blog. This week we are asked to share a " A heart healing moment." That is actually a hard one for me to pin down just one moment of God's healing, there are sooooo many!! But, I guess if I just had one to share, it would be the emotional healing of the loss of a child. Even though he was a step-child, James spent many weekends, holidays, and vacations with us and eventually lived with us through his high school years. God chose to take him early, at the tender age of 18. My relationship with him had been bittersweet for many years prior to the car accident that took him from us. For many years guilt and sorrow plagued me and even kept me from freely enjoy raising my own biological son. But, one day, as I was going to Him in prayer and wanting peace, God spoke to me and told me that it was o.k. and that He knew my heart. I felt immediate peace about what I couldn't change...God had healed my heart!

 May you find strength and healing this week in the power of Jesus Christ!!!!
Linking over at these great blog-hops:


  1. Bless you for this beautiful post, touched my heart.

    1. Thanks, Denise. Reading Isaiah 40:31 always has that effect on me! Wishing you a great weekend!

  2. I am so thankful for HIS wings...wings that not only carry us when we are weak, but wings that shelter us and hold us tight all along our journey...even through the valley of grief and heartache.

    Beautiful words about our beautiful, faithful God.

    Happy Weekend, Ann~

    1. Oh, Stacy, what a great description! During grief and heartache, I need His wings the most!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. thank you for this beautiful sharing of God's healing. the verse you shared is one i often quote since i am 53 years old and claiming renewed strength all the time!

    1. Scripture, especially our favorites, never seem to get old or dull for us to read!! Blessings to you, friend!

  4. Hi Ann - great post and very encouraging. One would not think going to the word, God's word, would make any difference but it is so profound that when we do just that, He starts a work deep within us and it starts to change our hearts, our perspective, our mind sets. Thanks for linking up sweet lady.
    God bless

    1. You are so right on how it makes all the difference! So glad you stopped by, Tracy!

  5. There are so many people who need to read this...only God can provide the healing we need from hurt, shame, and guilt. It is when we come to Him in prayer and spend time reading the Bible that God works in our hearts. Thank you so much for sharing this post!


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