Springing into Fashion

Well, I've been really enjoying reading some fashion blogs lately. Not that I am any kind of a fashion expert...actually it's the very opposite. I'm always looking for ideas as to what styles work, what don't work, and learn ways to put ensembles of things that I like together to make a nice outfit. I have just recently started using Polyvore, which I really like. If you like, you can check out some ensembles I have already created...HERE.  I also like using my camera to take photos of my favorite pieces. There have been a few different blogs where the blogger has modeled her outfits and that really appeals to me. The only thing is, I currently don't feel real comfortable doing that, as I am a little overweight. I am on a weight-loss program, so I thought that it might motivate me to take some pictures of me now, and eventually I'll be able to share my befores and afters. So, here I am, (in all my plumpness) in a couple spring outfits. All you fashion models have encouraged me greatly, as I hope to soon model my favorite outfits comfortably.
 This outfit is for a little bit cooler morning with my military style jacket from Target for around $25 I've had for a couple of years, the hat is also from Target. The tan stretch jeans are from Goodwill. The Camo bag is from Walmart. Shoes are Sketchers that I have also had for several years.
Here, I changed out my top and purse. The top is a stretch knit in military green, also from Target (about $14). The purse was a Goodwill find, as well.
Under the green shirt, I wore one of my favorite T-shirts, from the "Life is Good" store. They have the cutest printed apparel items and accessories and are best known for their optimistic quotes and designs that include a multitude of hobbies and interests. The necklace is from Forever 21 (for $5).

I really don't like looking at pictures of myself, but that does encourage me to work hard at losing those 30-40 pounds!!

Linking over to:
Fashion Friday (Musings of a Housewife)


  1. Hi Ann! Thanks for linking up, and I think it's great that you're taking the photos as you take the weight loss journey. That military jacket is adorable.


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