Meet Mariamu


I watched a documentary on the TV show "20/20" last night about a brave young Tanzanian woman who not only has had to survive the judgement of her community because of something she can't help, but suffered the consequences of a satanic ritual observed by the people.. Read about Mariamu here

This story made me cry. Not only to learn about the suffering that goes on daily in Africa, but also to see this Christian woman, who is such an inspiration of courage and strength!!  I feel a sting of guilt, as I think about the many times I have complained about the little, petty things in my life that were a bother to me. Mariamu suffered the pain of losing both her arms, and her ability to feed or clothe herself, her toddler son, or even hug him. She literally depended on her mother to take care of her. But, instead of complaining, she lived each day praising God and waiting for Him to use her. Her strength and courage led her to come to the U.S., receive new arms, and help to change the laws of her country. She continues to use her challenges to help others, even today!!

                                                                                             Source: via Ann on Pinterest

Our Lord desires that we be strong and courageous in following Him. In the book of Joshua, God encouraged the Israelites to be "strong and courageous, because (He) will lead (His) people" and to "be careful to obey the law.....meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it."  Why does he want us to do this? Because, "then you will be prosperous and successful."(Joshua 1:8)

I'm doubtful that Mariamu felt prosperous when she first lost her arms. But if asked today, she most likely will have a different response. Often success or prosperity doesn't come till much later in life, and then it may be something much different than financial or monetary. I remember at the end of the show, she said that what she was the most happy about was that once again she could put her arms around her son when he went to hug her. To her, that was success!!!

Swahili Time

I am once again reminded that I have SO much to be grateful for!!!!

I continue to sing His praises through the Joy Dare!

3 gifts from the past – that help you trust the future.
500. Reading in the O.T. how God supplied the needs of the Israelites while they wondered in the desert.
501. When the Lord protected me from past near accidents.
502. Trusting God to hear my prayers...answering according to His will.

A gift dull, a gift shimmering, a gift cleaned.
    503.  Dull – winter landscape before spring comes.

    504.  Shimmering – A favorite lip gloss  
    505.  Cleaned - my car

3 gifts at 3 p.m.
     506.  Going to the park to enjoy the warm weather (70 degrees)

    507. A peaceful moment by the lake.

    508. Ripples of water around a dead tree.

     3 gifts green  
    509. Moss covering the ground!!!(Spring is coming!!)

510. Frog from my pond(somewhat green)

511. Fresh Kiwi

3 gifts wore
512. A bracelet that was a gift from my husband
513. A new top
514. New socks

3 gifts hard to give thanks for
515. Serious illness
516. A wayward child
517. Seeing when children in the world are suffering greatly.

linking over at these blog hops:


  1. A beautiful story...

    1. I agree Debbie! It's one of those sad-happy stories!!

  2. First like your clouds...when I was little, I had clouds painted on my bedroom walls. I loved it!

    Second, powerful post and one that keeps my thinking in-check. Thanks for sharing this story. I love posts that tell me a little something on a topic in which I don't know much about, like Marimu!

    1. Glad you like the clouds! There's just something about clouds that draw me in, lately. Also glad you enjoyed the story. It really touched my heart!! God is so amazing, to show Himself though this gal's life!!

  3. Praise God that Mariamu was rescued from the horror of that torture! We have so to be thankful for, and above all else, the love of our Savior is the best of blessings!

    1. So true!! I keep thinking how blessed I am and even in tough times and situations, He loves us and cares for us!!! Good to hear from you again, Joan!! Have a great week.

  4. beautiful story of God's redemption--He is using this woman's story to touch others, people she doesn't even know about. liked your picture of spring coming and fresh kiwi! blessings to you!

    1. Yes, it is such a wonderful me hope! Thanks for checking out my post! I love the green color for March!! Reminds me of new life!!

  5. I saw this story as well...I was so brokenhearted for her. It was good to see how God used journalism to provide for her so she could do what she missed most - to hug her son. God is good!

    1. Yes He is, Sharon!! Thanks for stopping by! Many blessings to you, as well!!

  6. Thank you for sharing Miriamu's story and the plight of other Africans who have albinism. May GOD hold them in His Mighty Arms.


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