Foggy Days

Well, it’s been several days since I’ve posted something. I’ll have to admit, I’ve been in a bit of a mental fog lately. I think I’ve been on overload, thinking about a lot of issues in my life and trying to push myself too hard. I haven’t felt well the past few days, either. So I took a little break from writing, in hopes that I can clear my thoughts a little and take a little breather. I did want to post my weekly gratitude list, even though I'm a day late getting this posted, too!  I never want to take a break from being thankful!! It’s a daily part of my walk with God and it’s what guides my attitude for the rest of the day. Won’t you follow me as I continue to take the Joy Dare?
3 gifts found behind a door today
462. Walking in the restaurant and seeing my best friend, after many months apart. 
463. Shopping with my friend and walking into a new clothing store and liking everything they have on display.
464. Opening the door and finding a snow covered yard!

 3 ways you feel the love of God
465. Knowing that no matter how I’m feeling, that I am the focus of God’s attention.
 (Luke 12:7 - “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.”)
466. Each day I receive literally millions of love gifts from God. – Having daily food, shelter; When I snuggle into bed, hear a bird chirp, see a fluffy cloud.
467When I’ve let God down, I know He’s still here to lift me back up. He is still proud of me!
(Romans 8:35, 37-39 –“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”)

A gift in losing something, in finding something, in making something.
468. losing my internet connection for the afternoon.
469. Great finds at the local Goodwill store.
470. Dad's famous giant egg and cheese omelet!(Yum)

3 gifts in shadows
471. Trees casting shadows on the snow
472. The way the sun casts cloudy shadows before a storm.
473. Love to see this sign at the end of our city walkway - it's like a shadow of people running, walking, biking, and getting out any way they can.

3 gifts found in giving/serving
474. Getting letters and pictures from my sponsored Compassion child from Uganda. 
475. Just knowing that someone is encouraged, when I send a note/letter to them each month                       
476. Seeing how happy my family is when I serve as wife and mother.

3 gifts on paper
477. A note on the table to remind my son of a doctor’s appointment. (Being able to go get treated for medical issues)
478. My Bible that is almost always near me…being able to read a verse and find encouragement and learn what God desires for my life.
479. My journal; being able to read past things I’ve written and remember how God worked in difficult situations.

Hopefully, I will be feeling better and the fog will clear soon. Until then, I am praying that all who read this find that even when we aren't feeling the most productive, God is still with us, guiding our paths.

Linking over to these blogs:


  1. AW...sometimes just writing our joys and our thanks is really what God wants. For, that is taking no glory for ourselves and throwing it all back on him.

    1. So, true, Shanda! Already, I'm feeling better. I little time spent meditating on and praising God can be just as healing!!

  2. I appreciate your thankful heart.

    1. Thanks, Denise! It took me many months of practice and deliberately putting myself in a position of gratitude, but I think it's finally becoming a more natural part of my day!!(At least most days.)

  3. I know I like to have productive days, but sometimes I have to slow down and realize that an unproductive day can be a gift too, especially when I spend it relaxing or with loved ones.

    1. I agree, Laura! It's hard for me sometimes to accept that fact. I think sometimes I'm missing something or doing something wrong, if I'm not doing something. But even God took a break on the 7th day!! :)

  4. I hope you're feeling better soon! Thanks for sharing our list of things to be thankful for! Blessings!

    1. Thanks for stopping by again, Joan! Your presence always seems to make my day go better!!

  5. Thanks for stopping over at my blog! I joined yours as well. I've enjoyed reading through your posts! Wouldn't you know I was trying to find that picture with that same verse on it earlier for a post I was writing :) Guess I need to hop over to Pinterest!

    I think the Joy Dare is such a great way to count our blessings and remind us, when things aren't going so great, of ALL we have to be thankful for. Thanks for sharing yours.


  6. Hi Ann - one sentence caught me eye there "I never want to take a break from being thankful" Such truth there. Great post and thanks for linking up. I love seeing you there
    God bless

  7. Hi Ann,
    Coming over from Winsome Wednesdays. I appreciated reading your gratitude even when your flesh said otherwise.


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