Are you Living an Ordinary or Extraordinary Life?

"We are all enamored by those who accomplish extraordinary feats… Superman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman and Batman and the ticket stubs prove it. Of the 25 top grossing films of all time, 17 fall into this category.
We must ask why? Because we were meant for more, and we know it."

 "Does your faith reflect the same audacity and power found in these stories? God loves to do the impossible, and He wants to use ordinary people willing to focus their prayers and attention on Him and His promises, not their circumstances. Don't settle for ordinary. Give up on complacency. Begin living the life of audacious faith God has created and saved you for. When you do, dreams are realized. Lives are transformed. The world is changed. And the impossible happens."

"All of us were meant for more, extraordinarily created and intended for a life that is anything but ordinary. Here is a book that that I found online, called "Extraordinary".  I haven't read it(yet), but this book looks like it is worth reading.

This song touched my heart, too, So many people are settling for an "ordinary" life. But we know deep down, we do want more. We were made for more, through Christ!!!

As you begin another week, consider if you are living each day, each activity in your life, as a possible way to show God to others, either through words or actions. Are you ready to live every day like it is not just ordinary? We were made for the extraordinary!!!

As I write down the many blessings (Joy Dare) that God has shown me, may you be encouraged to do the same in your  own life!!!!

3 gifts that were “Plan B’s”
480.  Going to the library, instead of the coffee shop for wifi.
481. Reading a new book, instead of writing today.
482. Instead of chicken, we had shrimp with our stir-fry for dinner.

A gift at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
483. Honey Nut Cheerios :)
484. Strawberry banana yogurt- double :)
485. Family together

3 gifts white
486. Freshly cleaned sheets
487. Easter Lily
488. Freshly fallen snow

 3 gifts that changed today
489. The weather-from overcast and windy to pure sun!
490. Our driveway - an in ground basketball pole and hoop that fell down!(It was old and rusty)
491. My blog header - changed from winter to spring look.

A gift of tin, of glass, of wood.
492. Tin: An old cross

493. Glass: Statue of Jesus, taken up to heaven

494. Wood: My Easter Egg Tree

3 gifts before 11 a.m.
495. A text message from a friend
496. Waking up to the smell of fresh brewed coffee
497. Time in prayer and reading of the Word.

3 gifts seen as reflections
498. Reflecting on how the celebration of Christ's birth at Christmas leads us now through His life, and to the upcoming time of His death and resurrection(Easter).
499. My garden pond...reflecting on what is looked like last year...looking forward to spring and seeing it again reflecting it's beauty.

500. On a cold winter afternoon, seeing the sun's reflection on my camera, as my hubby and I take a walk.

I'm halfway to 1,000 gifts!!!!! :)

Linking up at these blog hops:


  1. Thank you for visiting Mercy Saved Me!! Love this post. It reminded me of John 10:10 "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Too many of my days have I allowed the thief to rob me of that life that Christ has for me!!

    1. That is such a great verse, Piper!! Satan is always looking for ways to take our joy away! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!! God Bless you!

  2. I had never really thought of it like that...we are attracted to the superhero concept because we were made to live an extraordinary life! That gives me a lot to think about today! I love it. We aren't to simple muddle through life letting the chips fall where they may. We are to life a life rich with God's love and get out there and made a difference for Him!

    Blessings, Joan

    P.S. I LOVE your new blog header!!

    1. Glad you enjoyed my post, Joan! I LOVE my new header too! I really get into being creative and decorating my blog... :-) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Thanks for sharing this post on Bless a Blogger, Ann. I especially like your words "we were meant for more, and we know it." Isn't it wonderful that even our longing for more is a sign that God created us for something better than the fallen world in which we live!
    I'm praying for you today as I stop by, asking God to bless you and your writing ministry. May this week be a week where you see the extraordinary ways He is using you. Bless you! Gail

    1. Thanks, Gail! I always look forward to checking out your blog hop and hearing your comments. I have been checking out other posts,linked up there, too! So encouraging!!


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