Abba, Father

  Song by Hillsong - Abba Father
Play and read below....
If you are blessed to have a godly, loving relationship with your earthly father, you will understand the kind of relationship you can have with your heavenly Father. If you weren't so fortunate, you can still learn how wonderful this kind of relationship is!
"Have you not just called to me: 'My Father, my friend from my youth...." (Jeremiah 3:4) 

Most people would say that I look and act a lot like my dad. We definitely got along well, as I grew up in a household of 6. The four of us kids (2 boys and 2 girls) all have unique and different personalities. Growing up, my two older brothers were pretty close, as were my younger sister and I. But as we grew and became more independent, we realized we really weren't that much alike at all. It was somewhere during my middle school years, that I started to enjoy doing things with my dad. We discovered that we both enjoyed playing tennis and would go out to the courts, just the two of us, to hit the ball around. My dad also taught me the art of sailing. My parents owned a lake cottage and every summer we all went out and enjoyed swimming, fishing, and boating. My dad liked taking each kid on a ride in his sailboat, but because I took a special interest, he taught me how to steer the boat on the lake by myself. Pretty soon, it became "our" thing to do together. 
 Me and dad setting on the side of his sailboat.(about 1980)

I loved my dad dearly. When I went off to college, I missed him the most. And when I got married, I was so glad that I had him to walk me down the isle.

It was about 12 years ago when my dad started showing signs of dementia. He would forget important things, like turning off the water and not putting things in the right place. A few years later he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. I started to slowly lose the dad I knew, but never stopped loving him. He passed away in 2004. I miss him so much, but cherish the memories of all the good times we had together. I know I will see him again someday, along with my heavenly Father!

I also realize that the close, loving relationship I had with my dad is what I cherish the most in my relationship with Jesus. He is my "Abba" Father, my Comforter, my Helper, and my biggest Supporter. I know I can come to Him in times of sorrow, loss, and anger, as well as in times of joy, peace, and happiness. I walk with Him, talk with Him, and listen to Him. He sits with me, watches over me as I sleep, walks beside me, and when I need it the most, He carries me. Just like my earthly father, I also have grown up with and learned the love of my Heavenly Father.  I also carry the name, "child of God" and "joint-heir of Christ". Oh, how wonderful!! I am His and He is mine!!

If you have never come to have such a relationship with Jesus, ask Him today to show you how to come to know Him as your "Abba Father." He is always here, waiting with open arms!!

"For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of son-ship. And by him we cry, 'Abba, Father.'" (Romans 8:15)

"Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, 'Abba, Father.'" (Galatians 4:6)
"You are my hiding place; You protect me from trouble. You surround me with joyful shouts of deliverance. Selah." Psalm 32:7

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  1. Ann, Thanks for your testimony. I pray that God will use you and your blog to bring people into a relationship (or deeper relationship) with Him. You are an inspiration. Thank you.
    Blessings, Beth

    1. Thanks, Beth! My prayer is the same, that others will be encouraged and draw close to the Lord!!

  2. What an amazing and delightful role model you had for a father. How fortunate for you, and how much fuller your life was with him, much like how you invited us to see how wonderful our relationships can be with Him.

    1. I realize that many women either had no relationship or a very flawed relationship with their fathers. That's what is so wonderful about knowing Jesus as our "Abba Father". He can fill that gap and loves us as His own daughters!

  3. I am so thankful for my Heavenly Father! I know He is with me wherever I go and through every hour of the day. He is always reliable, always trustworthy and always loving! I'm blessed to be a daughter of the King!

    1. Amen, Joan! It is truly a blessing to have Him in our lives!

  4. I am so thankful to have had a wonderful relationship with my earthly father. I believe that has helped me to have a right perspective of a relationship with my Heavenly Father. And there are times when I feel the need to crawl in His lap and have His loving arms comfort me.

    I also rejoice in the fact that someday I will be reunited with my Dad.


  5. This is lovely, Ann. Love the quote from Ann Voskamp about finding contentment in the clouds, and the photos and pictures in this post enhance your words so well... showing us how to have this 'Daddy' relationship with our Father God.

  6. I didn't have a great relationship with my earthly father unlike you did with yours. And I agree that it is so crucial to our view of our heavenly Father. I didn't realize that I was putting on God the negative characteristics of my earthly father until about 10 years ago. It has been so healing to challenge my thinking. Now I envision my heavenly Father as the dad I always wanted. It has helped me so much spiritually. Great topic and post, Ann!


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