What Is A Titus 2 Woman?

It’s interesting how God leads a person to certain verses in the Bible. For the past week I have been searching for verses that inspire me or that I can apply to my life to help me in my personal walk with the Lord. Have you ever done that? I mean, just felt the need for something to just pop out and touch your heart? You may search and search through verse after verse, but each time the Scripture, though filled with God’s very breathe, doesn’t leave an impression. It can be a little disappointing.

Then I started thinking about the activities that have been filling my life lately. I have a friend who is dealing with an unhappy marriage and I've been encouraging a very young couple I know who are dating and their relationship has recently gone though some very rough bumps. I also recently became friends with a seasoned wife and mother at my church, who has encouraged me in my walk with the Lord. These got me thinking about relationships. The next thing I knew, I was reading Titus, a tiny New Testament letter written by Paul to Titus, one of his converts. It is packed with advice about a person’s character, relationships, and how we should interact with other Christians. Chapter 2, verses 3-5 really struck me pretty hard. 

Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

These verses speak about women, in particular, and how we should be an example to each other. The more I read up on these verses, the more I have felt like God was speaking to me. They not only speak about what women in the church need to be doing, but also what a Christian woman’s character and behavior should be. I have gathered some information about the “Titus 2 woman” and what kind of person she is, so that I can apply each of those characteristics to my own life. At first, reading the description of her looked pretty simple, but when I dug deeper, I realized that it’s not as simple as I had thought. It takes effort and intentionality to walk this path.

Two Key Principles of the Reverent Woman:
  1. The reverent woman fears God, walking by faith, in obedience to God’s Truth, the Bible. A mature woman possesses a “God consciousness” that influences her daily regimen. She evaluates every thought, action, and encounter by the standard of the Bible. Truth lights her path so that she can choose obedient behavior which is an outward expression of a heart that knows and communes with the Father. Truth is the starting point. Obedience in response to God’s Word is faith in action. God’s Word is the source of truth and power.
  2. Reverent women maintain passion for God through the disciplines of godliness. Mature women in Christ do not become conformed to His image by accident. They are intentional about time with God in prayer and in the Word. They protect that time. God deserves first place in our hearts; He is our first love
Characteristics of a Titus 2 woman:
  • Holy behavior
  • Truthful
  • Sober
  • Teacher of good things
  • teaching young women
  • Loving husbands
  • Loving children
  • Discreet
  • Chaste (pure - virtuous – clean)
  • Keepers at home (homemaking)
  • Good
  • Obedient to their own husbands (not like a child or slave, but instead, choosing to not be rebellious or over-riding his leadership in the home)

It takes deliberate thought and effort on our part to seek God’s priorities.
·         The verses preceding Ephesians 5:15-16 also teach us many things about living the Christian life. A short list includes:
  • Be imitators of God
  • Walk in love
  • Be moral
  • Be pure
  • Let there be thanksgiving
  • Do not associate with the sons of disobedience
  • Walk as children of light
  • Discern what is pleasing to the Lord
  • Take no part in and expose unfruitful works of darkness

What do we need to do to become a Titus 2 woman?
  1. Develop the disciplines of godliness (II Peter 1:3-8) He has given us his very great and precious promises through our knowledge of Him. Build your relationship with God through reading the Word.
  2. Protect your time with God (Ephesians 5:15-17) When we don’t keep our priorities in line with scripture we rob God of His best use of time in our lives. It takes deliberate thought and effort on our part to seek God’s priorities.
  3. Demonstrate that God is your first love every day. Put Him first in everything.
  4. Have godly examples. (Women who have had a great spiritual impact on your life?)
  5. “Be reverent in behavior.”( Feeling or showing deep and solemn respect)
  6. Surround yourself with friends who encourage you in the path of wisdom
After reading these descriptions, I know I have a long ways to go to be a strong Titus 2 woman! It has encouraged me to work more diligently at drawing closer in my relationships with God, with other godly women, and with my husband. And I hope that through my growth, I can be a shining example, through Him alone, to others who seek good, solid relationships in their own lives. Have you ever thought about becoming a Titus 2 woman? It's not easy, but it's definitely worth it! It changes relationships in ways you never thought were possible!

Prayer: Lord, guide me to be diligent and to seek to grow closer in my relationship to You, to godly women, and to my husband in the ways that you have shown me through Your Word. Help me remember to protect my time and priorities with You and to daily demonstrate my love and reverence for You.  Amen.

 So thankful today for His many blessings and my grace-filled days! 
352.  Walking on a cool, sunny winter afternoon
353.  Waking up with my hubby
354.  A homemade card from my son
355.  “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life.” (2 Peter 1:3)
356.  Enjoying being creative with my new blog page
357.  A new pet (hamster), that my son brought home from the pet store
358.  Watching the dogs discover the hamster in his hamster ball.
359.  The rushing wind outside my window…..reminds me of God’s breath.
360.  Freshly fallen snow in the morning.


 The Titus 2 Woman

The Titus 2 Homekeepers

Titus 2 Women

The Making of a Titus 2 Woman
A great Bible study on the subject!

At The Well

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