A New Challenge!

"We never cease working on the the habit of good food, good exercise, good time management. Why is every lessen the habit of our grateful thanks to a good God?"

"And I can sense it in the dark places that we never stop fighting: Focusing on intentional thanks — forces those fears to slink in the face of His Grace.......driving out my habits of discontent and driving in my habit of thanks – eucharisteo. I’m hammering in nails to pound out nails, ugly nails that Satan has pierced through the world, my heart."

Once again, Ann Voskamp has challenged me to go above and beyond my comfort zone! Listing a whole 1000 gifts in one year! Wow! I broke it down, so that it didn't seem so intimidating and came up with about 20 graces per week. I can do that, right?! There's only one way to find out.....make a hearty attempt. Last year I made it to 353, though I can't count those in the new year. So, I'm really gonna have to step it up! Ann also has an encouraging prompter for the month of January.....January's Joy Dare. Check it out!

If you have been wanting to start your own list of the Lord's graces or if you have been and also would like to try the new challenge, go to "The 1 Habit Your Year Can't Do Without"

Counting my blessings and taking the Joy Dare(listing a few prompters here!)
3 things about yourself that you are grateful for:
363.    A strong, resolved belief in God
364.  That God made me a creative person
365.   A sensitive heart
A gift inside, outside, on a plate: (photos)
366.    Instant heat: on a cold morning!
367.  The warmth of the sun.
368.  Warm wholegrain cranapple muffin
Something you’re reading, making, seeing:
369.  The study book “Experiencing God”
370.  A slideshow I created about being married 25 years to my hubby.
371.  A movie called,  “What If”. (Very inspiring Christian movie about following God’s call in your life.)
Three graces from people you love:
372.  My patient hubby, who’s willing to pose with me, so that I can get the right photos for my slideshow.
373.  A heart-to-heart talk with my son about life
374.  A phone call from my sister


  1. We have so much to be thankful for and counting His blessings is a good way to take note. We often miss the little things and with this prompt we are finding them again.

  2. I am so glad that you posted this! I am going to connect up and start this callenge. I purchased her book way back when it came out but I have not yet read it. Books are wonderful on an iPad, but you don't see them and you forget them. Thanks!

  3. Those heart-to-hearts with our sons are indeed blessings:) What a joy it is seeking the blessings in the day!

  4. Our cups overflow with blessings, don't they?! I haven't made a list of 1000 blessings on my blog, but I do keep a small blackboard in my kitchen where I write down blessings each day -- it has been a great way to focus on God's goodness!

  5. Thank you all for your uplifting comments! I am truly amazed how writing down the blessings in my life has changed my attitude and outlook. Even when times are tough, I feel a strength and joy that I wouldn't feel otherwise. It's definitely the work of the Holy Spirit at work!

  6. I just love this...
    Thanks for your kind comment at my place Ann.


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